Statewide Reach for Local Impact


Engaging visuals to assist speech and language students reach their goals and have them articulating clearer in the classroom. The goal is for speech and language students to increase their percent accuracy in producing speech sounds or providing the meanings for various affixes.

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Engaging Speech Sound and Language Visuals

grant photo
Maniscalco Elementary School 
Exceptional Child Ed 
Brittany Colarusso 
Students Impacted:
Pre K - 5 
August 27, 2024

0% Funded



Only $671.92 Needed



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Engaging visuals to assist speech and language students reach their goals and have them articulating clearer in the classroom. The goal is for speech and language students to increase their percent accuracy in producing speech sounds or providing the meanings for various affixes. 



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

This grant is for speech and language materials for students to use with the speech therapist to make them more invested in mastering their goals. The visual cards can be used on the slant board for students to look at while producing their speech sounds as well as hidden around the room or in sensory bins.

Engaging and Educational Visuals: Features vivid and engaging illustrations that not only capture the user’s interest but also visually reinforce correct speech production techniques.

Targeted Speech Intervention: Tailored specifically for individuals who exhibit lateralized speech patterns and other speech error patterns such as fronting and backing.

Essential tool for speech-language pathologists dedicated to treating and monitoring progress for /ɹ/.

Prefix, suffix and base cards meticulously crafted with spacing on the front to facilitate easy manipulation and arrangement, allowing students to physically build and understand multisyllabic words.

The slant stand allows for holding two cards for discrimination or combining two sounds. The mirror allows for visual feedback while the white board can be used to pair letters with sounds or literacy work.

The counter clickers allow the students to take ownership and track their own correct speech productions.

These materials will be used with speech and language students throughout all grade levels to work on mastering their speech and language goals. The materials will be permanently integrated into speech and language therapy sessions. Students will benefit academically because the materials will help them reach their goals faster in the hopes that they will be dismissed from speech and language therapy and spend more time in their classroom setting. These items will not only be used with speech and language students this year but for future school years as well!  


Benefits to my students

The expected outcome is that students will be more engaged in therapy allowing them to master their speech and language goals faster.

Students will be monitored through therapist data collection. Each student has a different baseline, but this grant would provide students with materials to hopefully increase their baseline by at least 15%. 


Budget Narrative

1 @ $50 R Coarticulation
1 @ $50 Prevocalic and Vocalic R
1 @ $34.99 Prefixes, Suffixes and Bases
1 @ $228 Minimal Pairs Bundle - 6 Box Set
1 @ $32.99 Slant Stand
1 @ $50 Lateralization
1 @ $199.99 Facilitative Contexts /ɹ/ Inventory & Therapy Bundle
1 @ $8.99 My Speech Counter Clicker - Set of 4
Shipping $16.96
Total $671.92 



# Item Cost
1 1 @ $50 R Coarticulation $50.00
2 1 @ $50 Prevocalic and Vocalic R $50.00
3 1 @ $34.99 Prefixes, Suffixes and Bases $34.99
4 1 @ $228 Minimal Pairs Bundle - 6 Box Set $228.00
5 1 @ $32.99 Slant Stand $32.99
6 1 @ $50 Lateralization $50.00
7 1 @ $199.99 Facilitative Contexts /ɹ/ Inventory & Therapy Bundle $199.99
8 1 @ $8.99 My Speech Counter Clicker - Set of 4 $8.99
9 Shipping $16.96
  Total: $671.92

0% Funded



Only $671.92 Needed



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