Statewide Reach for Local Impact


All students have science as a part of their daily schedule. However, most Immokalee high School students lack the exposure to what a career as a scientist would really entail. Through this grant, the students will spend a day looking through the eyes of a marine biologist. Moreover, they will apply concepts pertinent to their current biology curriculum, exploring them first-hand. Finally, the students will learn about their native Florida eco-system. This will be an extraordinary opportunity for our students to connect with nature and experience southwest Florida in a way few from our area have been able to, through the eyes of a marine scientist.

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Hands-On Learning: Empowering Tomorrow’s Medical Professionals Through Field-Based Biological Experiences

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Immokalee High 
Naysha Vega Almodovar 
Students Impacted:
August 27, 2024

0% Funded



Only $1,040.00 Needed



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All students have science as a part of their daily schedule. However, most Immokalee high School students lack the exposure to what a career as a scientist would really entail. Through this grant, the students will spend a day looking through the eyes of a marine biologist. Moreover, they will apply concepts pertinent to their current biology curriculum, exploring them first-hand. Finally, the students will learn about their native Florida eco-system. This will be an extraordinary opportunity for our students to connect with nature and experience southwest Florida in a way few from our area have been able to, through the eyes of a marine scientist. 



School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Students will work alongside Rookery Bay scientists during a seining activity on Tiger Tail Beach on Marco Island. The scientists and students will be using the seine to study marine creatures in the area. Throughout the activity, students will be discussing the current health of our southwest Florida marine environment and their personal impact. Moreover, students will learn about specific organisms, the organisms’ unique life cycle, how each organisms plays a key role in its environment, and how the ecosystem functions as a whole.
Following the activity, students will travel to Rookery Bay Nature Center, where they will further discuss what they have learned. The scientists will utilize various educational tools at the nature center to help students further explore concepts they have learned and deepen their understanding of the seine activity.
Finally, students will have a Q and A with the scientists to learn what a career as a marine biologist is all about! 


Benefits to my students

Studies show that hands-on learning, through experiences such as field trips, offer students a chance to engage with science concepts in a real and tangible way. By allowing students to observe, touch, and explore this unique ecosystem, it will help deepen the students’ understanding of abstract ideas they are taught in the classroom.
The students will be able to make real-world connections, which will increase their engagement in science. Furthermore, the students will be able to collaborate with scientists and become exposed to new career opportunities. This could spark their interest in a potential career path or future studies. 


Budget Narrative

The budgeted items will include the capacity for 25 students to complete the seine activity and explore Rookery Bay Nature Center. It will also include food and water for the students, as this will be an all-day activity, most likely taking place on a non-school day, so the busses will be available for the entire day. 



# Item Cost
1 Admission to Rookery Bay Facility ($8 each) 25 students and 5 chaperones per CCPS water ratio $240.00
2 Seine activity on Tiger Tail Beach with Marine Biologist $150.00
3 Lunch, water and snacks $300.00
4 Bus transportation for day (on Saturday) $350.00
  Total: $1,040.00

0% Funded



Only $1,040.00 Needed



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