Statewide Reach for Local Impact


To empower non- English Language learners, low-income families or students who did not attend a formal Pre-K program before entering Kinder, with apple technology to help them close that academic gap and support them to learn, create, and define their own academic success' with the help of an I-pad.

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I learn, You learn, WE all Learn with I-Pads

grant photo
Pelican Marsh Elementary 
Language Arts 
Michelle Nash 
Kinder Team: Frost, Klein, Kragt, Palmieri and Turner 
Students Impacted:
August 28, 2024

0% Funded



Only $1,952.00 Needed



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To empower non- English Language learners, low-income families or students who did not attend a formal Pre-K program before entering Kinder, with apple technology to help them close that academic gap and support them to learn, create, and define their own academic success' with the help of an I-pad.  



Electronics - Personal computers/tablets/iPads, headphones, charging cables, computer mice, etc. 


What will be done with my students

An I-pad loaded with academic apps will be sent home with students in Kindergarten who may meet one of the following needs: parents who do not speak English at home, are low income families who are at risk, or students who did not attend a formal pre-k program and their kinder readiness puts them at risk for failure due to low background knowledge and school readiness. Parents would sign a checkout form, like a library book, each week. 


Benefits to my students

Research tells us that these three types of identified children come from families who have been unable to support their kinder student in a manner that will help them make academic gains and find success. Use of the I-Pad alleviates the financial burden because is will be loaned out and can be reused. It will be loaded with only academic apps that will guide the families to know exactly which programs will help their child find growth and success: academically, without the need for them to explain anything because the programs were created just for academic growth and success. Use of this Technology will help close the academic gap between themselves and their peers. 


Budget Narrative

Five Apple 10.9" I-pads will be purchased. Apple care will also be purchased for three of them (due to grant caps). As a team we will use them to support students who meet one of the three identified gaps. Thank you for your support 



# Item Cost
1 Apple 10.9" IPad with wifi $349.00
2 2 year apple care $69.00
3 Apple 10.9" IPad with wifi $349.00
4 2 year apple care $69.00
5 Apple 10.9" IPad with wifi $349.00
6 2 year apple care $69.00
7 Apple 10.9" IPad with wifi $349.00
8 Apple 10.9" IPad with wifi $349.00
  Total: $1,952.00

0% Funded



Only $1,952.00 Needed



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