Statewide Reach for Local Impact


My goal is to help my students who are young adults with cognitive disabilities, that need to constantly be moving, to have a place to move and do their work simultaneously through a stationary bike with a desk.

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Healthy living for young adults with cognitive disabilities

Naples High 
Special Needs Students 
Natalie White 
Students Impacted:
August 30, 2024

0% Funded



Only $600.00 Needed



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My goal is to help my students who are young adults with cognitive disabilities, that need to constantly be moving, to have a place to move and do their work simultaneously through a stationary bike with a desk. 



Class Furniture - Carpets, choral risers, transitional seating/desks, etc. 


What will be done with my students

My students would be able to use the stationary bike with a desk whenever they have the need to move and it's interfering with their school work, or if they would like to move and just want to ride the bike. Often times, some of my students need to be walking or moving and then they fall behind on their work. I would like to provide them with the opportunity to ride a bike and get their movement in while still being able to work on what they need to because there will be a desk attached. I would implement the bike into our day as soon as I get the bike and we will use it all year long as much as we need to throughout the day. 


Benefits to my students

The main benefit to my students would be the fact that they can get their movement time in while also getting an education. They won't fall behind in their school work because they can hop on the bike and still pay attention or do the work assigned to them. An added benefit is that riding the bike teaches and promotes a healthy life style that would be beneficial to any student that gets on the bike. All of my students would be welcome to get on the bike at any point in the day.  


Budget Narrative

The 600.00 would cover the cost of the bike, plus the taxes, and shipping. 



# Item Cost
1 Stationary Bike with Desk $600.00
  Total: $600.00

0% Funded



Only $600.00 Needed



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