Statewide Reach for Local Impact


My goal is provide struggling readers with fun and engaging reading instruction that addresses all learning styles. I want the instruction to incorporate an array of effective instructional activities and sufficient practice to ensure students develop automaticity so that words and word parts become consolidated in memory and my students can recognize words instantly and automatically.

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Multi-Sensory Reading

Sabal Palm Elementary 
Language Arts 
Alane Liming 
Students Impacted:
Pre K - 5 
August 30, 2024

0% Funded



Only $330.00 Needed



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My goal is provide struggling readers with fun and engaging reading instruction that addresses all learning styles. I want the instruction to incorporate an array of effective instructional activities and sufficient practice to ensure students develop automaticity so that words and word parts become consolidated in memory and my students can recognize words instantly and automatically.  



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

My students will engage in reading instruction that includes explicit and systematic letter/sound instruction. We will work with sight words on a daily basis, using multi-sensory activities to develop orthographic mapping. Some examples of these activities would include daily phonemic awareness activities, writing in age-appropriate journals, manipulating magnetic letters, tracing letters in sand and foam. I also need chart paper and instructional posters so the students will have visual aids to help them remember concepts taught.  


Benefits to my students

By developing orthographic mapping abilities in my students, it will empower my students to be able to read grade level text, spending less time on decoding text and more time understanding and comprehending the message of the text.  


Budget Narrative

These instructional materials will be purchased from Amazon and Pioneer Valley Learning.  



# Item Cost
1 colored lined paper $20.00
2 4 primary concepts sand boxes $120.00
3 abc wall poster $10.00
4 grade-appropriate journals $100.00
5 2 magnetic letters kits $70.00
6 shaving foam $10.00
  Total: $330.00

0% Funded



Only $330.00 Needed



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