Statewide Reach for Local Impact


Students will be introduced to a pioneer of the “Rock and Roll” movement of the 1950’s. My long-term goal is to introduce a new pioneer of “Rock and Roll” each school year. By the end of the project this year, students will be familiar with the history of the selected musician. They will appreciate that person’s contributions to rock music and other genres. Students will also be exposed to instruments that are physically and aurally similar to instruments used by the selected musician/band. The final lesson of this project allows students to perform a simplified arrangement of one of the musician’s popular songs on the instrument “replicas.”

The musician I have chosen for the 2024-2025 school year will be Buddy Holly. Buddy Holly was included in the first group of inductees to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. He was the first rock performer to utilize and standardize the instrumentation of a lead guitar, rhythm guitar, bass guitar and percussion for rock bands of the 1950’s. Holly was also one of the first performers to experiment with double-tracking/overdubbing. He was a significant contributor to the creation of “popular” music by bridging the gap between blues, country and rock. Additionally, Holly has cemented his place of importance in music history by influencing many subsequent musicians. These include: The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Eddie Van Halen, Eric Clapton, Keith Richards, Pete Townshend, Bruce Springsteen, Elvis Costello and many others.

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Everyday is a Holly-Day!

Vineyards Elementary 
Evan Ziegler 
Wende Malik 
Students Impacted:
August 30, 2024

0% Funded



Only $1,208.66 Needed



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Students will be introduced to a pioneer of the “Rock and Roll” movement of the 1950’s. My long-term goal is to introduce a new pioneer of “Rock and Roll” each school year. By the end of the project this year, students will be familiar with the history of the selected musician. They will appreciate that person’s contributions to rock music and other genres. Students will also be exposed to instruments that are physically and aurally similar to instruments used by the selected musician/band. The final lesson of this project allows students to perform a simplified arrangement of one of the musician’s popular songs on the instrument “replicas.”

The musician I have chosen for the 2024-2025 school year will be Buddy Holly. Buddy Holly was included in the first group of inductees to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. He was the first rock performer to utilize and standardize the instrumentation of a lead guitar, rhythm guitar, bass guitar and percussion for rock bands of the 1950’s. Holly was also one of the first performers to experiment with double-tracking/overdubbing. He was a significant contributor to the creation of “popular” music by bridging the gap between blues, country and rock. Additionally, Holly has cemented his place of importance in music history by influencing many subsequent musicians. These include: The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Eddie Van Halen, Eric Clapton, Keith Richards, Pete Townshend, Bruce Springsteen, Elvis Costello and many others. 



Other -  


What will be done with my students

Standards for 5th grade music that will be taught by implementing this project:

MU.5.C.1.1-Discuss and apply listening strategies to support appreciation of musical works.
MU.5.C.1.2-Hypothesize and discuss, using correct music vocabulary, the composer's intent for a specific musical work.
MU.5.C.1.3-Identify, aurally, selected instruments of the band and orchestra.
MU.5.C.2.1-Define criteria, using correct music vocabulary, to critique one's own and others performance.
MU.5.C.2.2-Describe changes, using correct music vocabulary, in one's own and/or others performance over time.
MU.5.C.3.1-Develop criteria to evaluate an exemplary musical work from a specific period or genre.

MU.5.S.1.1-Improvise rhythmic and melodic phrases to create simple variations on familiar melodies.
MU.5.S.1.4-Sing or play simple melodic patterns by ear with support from the teacher.
MU.5.S.2.1-Use expressive elements and knowledge of musical structure to aid in sequencing and memorization and to internalize details of rehearsals and performance.
MU.5.S.2.2-Apply performance techniques to familiar music.
MU.5.S.3.1-Sing part songs in an appropriate range, using proper vocal technique and maintaining pitch.
MU.5.S.3.2-Play melodies and accompaniments, using proper instrumental technique, on pitched and unpitched instruments.

MU.5.O.1.1-Analyze, using correct music vocabulary, the use of musical elements in various styles of music as a foundation for understanding the creative process.

MU.5.H.2.1-Examine the contributions of musicians and composers for a specific historical period.
MU.5.H.2.2-Describe how technology has changed the way audiences experience music.

MU.5.F.1.1-Create a performance, using visual, kinesthetic, digital, and/or acoustic means to manipulate musical elements.
MU.5.F.2.1-Describe jobs associated with various types of concert venues and performing arts centers.
MU.5.F.2.2-Explain why live performances are important to the career of the artist and the success of performance venues.

Lesson 1
Overview of the history of Rock and Blues in the United States.
Modeled reading of “Buddy: The Story of Buddy Holly”

Lesson 2
Definitions of concepts and vocabulary words: melody, harmony, chord, blues, improvisation, rhythm guitar, lead guitar, bass guitar, drum set, double-tracking, etc.

Lesson 3
Building and identifying major chords (triads)
Shared reading of “Buddy Holly Biography for Curious Kids”
Chapter 1: Early Years: Childhood and Musical Beginnings

Lesson 4
Understanding the 3 primary chords: I, IV, V7
Shared reading of “Buddy Holly Biography for Curious Kids”
Chapter 2: Forming the Crickets: Rise to Fame

Lesson 5
Learning the basic twelve bar blues progression.
Independent reading of “Buddy Holly Biography for Curious Kids”
Chapter 3: “That’ll Be the Day”: Hit Songs and Success

Lesson 6
Introducing the Pentatonic Scale
Shared reading of “Buddy Holly Biography for Curious Kids”
Chapter 4: Touring and Collaborations: The Big Bopper and Ritchie Valens

Improvising over a blues progression using the A minor pentatonic scale
Shared reading of “Buddy Holly Biography for Curious Kids”
Chapter 5: Marriage and Personal Life

Lesson 8
Focus on Buddy Holly and his contributions to Rock and Roll
Independent reading of “Buddy Holly Biography for Curious Kids”
Chapter 6: Changing the Music Industry: Buddy Holly’s Innovative Sound

Lesson 9
Reflection/Listening/analysis of one Buddy Holly performance. “Peggy Sue” as performed on the Ed Sullivan Show.
Shared reading of “Buddy Holly Biography for Curious Kids”
Chapter 7: “The Day the Music Died”: Tragic Plane Crash

Lesson 10
Learning three chords on the rhythm guitar to “Peggy Sue” . The A, D, and E chords
Shared reading of “Buddy Holly Biography for Curious Kids”
Chapter 8: Legacy and Influence: Buddy Holly’s Impact on Music

Lesson 11
Learning an improvised solo on the lead guitar to “Peggy Sue” using the A minor pentatonic
Shared reading of “Buddy Holly Biography for Curious Kids”
Chapter 9: Posthumous Releases and Tributes

Lesson 12
Learning the bass guitar line to “Peggy Sue”
Modeled reading of “Buddy Holly Biography for Curious Kids”
Chapter 10: Remembering Buddy Holly: Celebrating His Life and Music

Lesson 13
Learning the drum accompaniment to “Peggy Sue”
Teacher-Led discussion: If Buddy Holly were still alive in 2024 how would he continue to be innovative?

Lesson 14
Student performances of “Peggy Sue”


Benefits to my students

The musical benefits include expanded knowledge of the history of rock music in America. This project also provides a new approach to reinforce musical concepts such as melody, harmony, rhythm, pitch, improvisation, and small ensemble performances. Additionally, the improvisational aspect of this project allows students to be creative without the fear of making a mistake, this may have the potential to improve self-esteem and confidence in many of the children.
In addition to the intrinsic musical value of this project, the lessons will also benefit our students by improving and/or reinforcing their literacy skills. Improving the Vineyards Elementary learning gains, as measured by the FAST Assessment PM3, is also referenced in our School Improvement Plan. Time will be allocated during lessons for modeled reading, shared reading, and independent reading using the books purchased.


Budget Narrative

Every item listed in the budget is non-consumable and can be re-used for future iterations of this project. The instruments used are as follows: Grote Jazz Electric Guitar Hollow Body (Similar to Niki Sullivan’s guitar), Ashthorpe 5-piece Junior Drum Set (Similar to Jerry Allison’s drum set), Best Choice Full Size Beginner Electric Guitar (Similar to Buddy Holly’s Fender Stratocaster), and a Glarry Full Size Beginner Electric Bass Guitar ( Similar to Joe B. Maudlin’s Fender Precision Bass).
The drumsticks and mouse pads will allow an entire class to practice and learn percussion parts simultaneously. The mouse pads will be used on tables to simulate the bounce of a drum head while also helping to control the noise level of 25-28 5th graders playing together. Although my largest class has 26 students, it is more cost effective to purchase a bulk pack of 36 drumsticks and two 17 packs of mouse pads. The books, “Buddy: The Story of Buddy Holly” and “Buddy Holly Biography for Curious Kids” will be used to add the literacy component to the project. The books will be added to my music library and reused when I circle back to Buddy Holly as the highlighted musician, approximately every 5 years. I decided to purchase a class set of 28 of the “Buddy Holly Biography for Curious Kids” to accommodate any new students that transfer to Vineyards Elementary later in the year. Additionally, I have had as many as 28 students in a class, so the extra books would also accommodate larger classes in the future.



# Item Cost
1 Electric Guitar (rhythm) $209.00
2 Drum Set $199.99
3 Electric Guitar (Lead) $159.99
4 Bass Guitar $89.99
5 Buddy Holly Biography for Curious Kids- 28 copies at $11.95 each $334.60
6 Buddy: The Story of Buddy Holly $12.74
7 1 pack of 36 pairs of drumsticks $42.99
8 2 packs of 17 mousepads per pack $55.98
9 Shipping & Handling $36.98
10 Tax $66.40
  Total: $1,208.66

0% Funded



Only $1,208.66 Needed



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