Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The students will be able to set, strive for, and achieve individual quarterly science literacy goals which integrate reading, writing, and science that are aligned to the district learning goals/standards for 2nd grade. The science literacy standards are centered on the Florida Everglades, which is one of the most important ecosystems in the world. Students will read trade books, set reading goals, participate in class discussions, learn about the importance of the Florida Everglades and animals/habitats within it, respond with writing tasks, and learn cooperatively with their peers through science and literacy activities.

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Everglades Ambassadors

grant photo
Vineyards Elementary 
Language Arts 
Wende Malik 
Evan Ziegler 
Students Impacted:
August 31, 2024

0% Funded



Only $624.82 Needed



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The students will be able to set, strive for, and achieve individual quarterly science literacy goals which integrate reading, writing, and science that are aligned to the district learning goals/standards for 2nd grade. The science literacy standards are centered on the Florida Everglades, which is one of the most important ecosystems in the world. Students will read trade books, set reading goals, participate in class discussions, learn about the importance of the Florida Everglades and animals/habitats within it, respond with writing tasks, and learn cooperatively with their peers through science and literacy activities.  



Clothing/Backpacks - T-shirts/jerseys, concert performance shirts, backpacks, duffle bags, etc. 


What will be done with my students

All students will receive a white t-shirt with an umbrella and an armadillo on it to begin the year in order to enhance a sense of belonging and community. As students reach their individual goals and conference with the teacher, they will earn a new t-shirt in a new color with an added animal under the umbrella (see attached image). All of the animals on the t-shirts are found in the Everglades. The following is the progression of t-shirts as they reach their literacy goals: 1st-white (umbrella, armadillo), 2nd-gray (umbrella, armadillo, raccoon), 3rd-green (umbrella, armadillo, raccoon, wild boar), 4th-blue (umbrella, armadillo, raccoon, wild boar, deer), and the final 5th-black (umbrella, armadillo, raccoon, wild boar, deer, panther on the umbrella). The final t-shirt with the panther on the umbrella is a representation of the panther as an umbrella species. An umbrella species is a keystone species which indirectly protects many other species that make up the ecological community of its habitat. Each quarter of the school year, all students will conference with the teacher and set personal literacy/science learning goals based on the 2nd grade quarterly expectations. Students will work to achieve these goals and track their progress in their personal data binder. When students achieve their goals, they will earn the next color t-shirt which they can wear at school and/or home. Beyond setting individual literacy/science goals, students will also participate in science literacy lessons facilitated by the teacher. These lessons use trade books to integrate reading, writing, and science standards that are centered upon plants, animals, habitats and ecosystems within the Florida Everglades. These lessons are a part of the CCPS Science Curriculum. Students will read the books, participate in class discussions, work together to complete class charts, learn important science vocabulary, write summaries and responses, ask questions, research answers, and work cooperatively in group activities based on the books.  


Benefits to my students

Students will be able to set and work to achieve individual learning goals. They will be able to track their own progress in data binders. Students will be able to feel a sense of belonging as a community of learners focused on the Florida Everglades. Students will read books about the plants, animals, habitats and the significance of this very important ecosystem which is right in their own backyards. Students will feel a sense of pride and belonging as they earn a different color shirt. Students will learn and internalize facts about the Everglades and be ambassadors of information with their peers and families to spread awareness of this crucial ecosystem.  


Budget Narrative

First we will purchase 100 t-shirts in 5 different colors (white, gray, green, blue, and black). Then we will use the vinyl rolls and cutting mats to create different level stencils to apply to the different Everglades animals to that level shirt. The trade books "Lucy's Lost in the Everglades" will be purchased and used during the lessons by the teacher and students in literacy activities.  



# Item Cost
1 105 t-shirts @ $2.99ea (5 different colors, 100 for students, 5 for teacher) $313.95
2 12 rolls Vinyl transfers (2-six inch rolls @ $9.99ea, 10-ten inch rolls @ $17.99ea) $199.88
3 vinyl cutting mats (2 pack) $10.99
4 10-Lucy's Lost in the Everglades books by Deanna Charcalla @ $10.00 each $100.00
  Total: $624.82

0% Funded



Only $624.82 Needed



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