Statewide Reach for Local Impact


My goal for 5th grade students is to have my students feel secure in knowing that at any time, they will be able to have access to a fully charged computer, without the fear of not being able to complete class work due to a missing/broken computer charging cord.

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Charge On 5th Graders!

grant photo
Veterans Memorial Elementary 
Heather Van Osten 
Students Impacted:
September 1, 2024

0% Funded



Only $250.00 Needed



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My goal for 5th grade students is to have my students feel secure in knowing that at any time, they will be able to have access to a fully charged computer, without the fear of not being able to complete class work due to a missing/broken computer charging cord.  



Electronics - Personal computers/tablets/iPads, headphones, charging cables, computer mice, etc. 


What will be done with my students

If I receive this grant for 24 chargers, these chargers will be classroom based. I have a technology station in which to store chargers and their computers. Many times students come to school with their computer not charged and/or no charger for the computer. Much of all of the classes are computer based and to have a non-working computer is a detriment to every student's education. With these chargers, and the technology stations I received from a previous Champions for Learning grant, students will now feel confident knowing that they will always have access to the equipment to fully charge their computers and not have any interruptions to their classwork.  


Benefits to my students

There are many benefits to having the equipment that make it possible to have access to a charged computer. One benefit is that students will not have the stress of worrying about how to complete classwork because their computer is not charged, or because they forgot their charger at home. Two other benefits are that students can complete their work in a timely manner, and have a better chance at accurate completion. If a student has an uncharged computer, there is always the chance the computer could power down in the middle of completing an assignment/assessment. In that event, there is the possibility of that task not being saved and the student would have to redo the task. To redo the task, the student now has to have the extra time to do it, as well as the memory of previous answers and the written work to redo it. All of this is unnecessary if there are computer chargers to keep the computer in full working order.  


Budget Narrative

The budget of $245.00 is for a class set of 24 laptop chargers. This will be purchased on Amazon to take advantage of prices and free shipping.  



# Item Cost
1 24 chargers for HP laptop computers $250.00
  Total: $250.00

0% Funded



Only $250.00 Needed



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