Statewide Reach for Local Impact


Students will connect learning through hands-on field trips available in the Tampa Bay area.

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Destination Tampa Bay

grant photo
Graham Elementary School 
Nikki Schmidt 
Students Impacted:
September 3, 2024

0% Funded



Only $1,300.00 Needed



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Students will connect learning through hands-on field trips available in the Tampa Bay area. 



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What will be done with my students

Students will make learning connections across the curriculum as they travel to cultural destinations in the Tampa Bay area. The students will research online and create multimedia presentations for the destination field trip their class selects.
The destinations already requested include a trip to the Straz Center to attend a concert with the Florida Orchestra, a trip to an organic farm to learn about growing fresh, sustainable food, and a trip to a practice game for the New York Yankees baseball team. Additional trips will be selected by the students and proposed to our school field trip committee to consider for funding. Students will make gains in reading, writing, research, the Arts, physical education and health, and social emotional learning. 


Benefits to my students

Students who participate in Destination Tampa Bay will make gains across the curriculum as they get to know the Tampa Bay community. The anticipated outcomes include:
95% of students will make gains in literacy as evidenced by their writing and research portfolios.
100% of students will make gains in technology skills as evidenced through research and multimedia productions.
100% of students will make social emotional learning gains as evidenced in improved self-esteem from receiving positive recognition from peers.
98% of students will understand musical concepts connected to performance and the orchestra.
95% of students will improve their knowledge of growing healthy, sustainable food in their own back yard.


Budget Narrative

5 busses @ $200.00 = $1,000.00 (The grade levels are small enough for one bus for K and 1, and one bus for grade 2 and one bus for grade 3 and one bus for grade 4 and one bus for grade 5 or even a different combinations if they vote on the same destination field trip.)
Snacks and water @ various prices for 300 students = $300 (some destinations, like the organic garden, will provide a healthy snack for the students as part of entrance fee. Most important is providing a bottle of water for everyone.) 



# Item Cost
1 Transportation (approx. $200 per bus) $1,000.00
2 Snacks and water $300.00
  Total: $1,300.00

0% Funded



Only $1,300.00 Needed



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