Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The goal of this project is to increase student engagement and their understanding of anatomy concepts, as well as how those concepts relate to the human health.

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" Unlocking Anatomy: A Journey Through Dissection and Suture Technique"

Immokalee High 
Anita Munoz Trejo 
Students Impacted:
September 3, 2024

0% Funded



Only $1,189.80 Needed



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The goal of this project is to increase student engagement and their understanding of anatomy concepts, as well as how those concepts relate to the human health. 



Class Furniture - Carpets, choral risers, transitional seating/desks, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Students will use the purchased materials to complete lab activities. One activity will be a dissection of frogs and comparison of each structure to the appearance and function of human organs. Second, during the suture activity, students will practice preforming suturing on a realistic skin surface. The kits are reusable, so they can be used every year.  


Benefits to my students

Practicing dissection helps students learn about human anatomy by providing a direct, hands-on experience with the structures they're studying. It allows students to visualize anatomical structures, understand how organs function in relation to one another, and improve the retention of anatomical vocabulary and principles. The frog dissection lab activity will help link theoretical information to practical application, and help students learn on a deeper level.
During the suture activity, students will develop practical skills and deepen their understanding of the integumentary system. Students who are interested in a future medical career will be able to experience suturing and learn how it helps a patient. Moreover, this experience will reinforce anatomical knowledge and integrate that knowledge with practical skills. Therefore, the students’ learning will be reinforced through application and deepen their problem-solving and critical thinking skills.


Budget Narrative

The items purchased will be perishable chemicals/materials used to complete the lab activities. 



# Item Cost
1 6 Carolina Suture Practice Kits #567910 $909.30
2 8 Formalin Preserved Frogs #227480 $210.00
3 3 Boxes Latex-Free Gloves (various sizes) $70.50
  Total: $1,189.80

0% Funded



Only $1,189.80 Needed



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