Statewide Reach for Local Impact


We are currently expanding the enclosed area of our school playground with the goal to add more play space and room for gardening with these youngest children. Our goal with this grant is to create a Butterfly Garden using a portion of the playground space to give the children a closeup view of life cycles and a place to ponder and appreciate beauty while they are at recess every day.

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Pre-K and Early Elementary Butterfly Garden

Rhodora J. Donohue Academy 
Amy Gawron 
Mary Graboski, Jillian Smith 
Students Impacted:
Pre K - 5 
September 4, 2024

0% Funded



Only $2,000.00 Needed



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We are currently expanding the enclosed area of our school playground with the goal to add more play space and room for gardening with these youngest children. Our goal with this grant is to create a Butterfly Garden using a portion of the playground space to give the children a closeup view of life cycles and a place to ponder and appreciate beauty while they are at recess every day. 



School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc. 


What will be done with my students

During instruction time, the students will learn about the life cycles of butterflies. Using a virtual field trip provided by the Naples Botanical Gardens, as well as books and photos, they will learn about the common native butterflies of our area. They will work to help prepare the ground to receive the plants. They will differentiate between host plants where the butterflies will lay eggs and the nectar plants which will provide food for the butterflies. They will regularly assist in watering, weeding and pruning the plants. They will observe the garden daily.  


Benefits to my students

The children will be immersed in a beautiful environment and fully engage their senses of sight, smell, hearing and touch. They will experience wonder and awe while observing the life cycle of native butterflies. They will also learn responsibility for caring for nature and the value of diligence and patience.  


Budget Narrative

The funding will be used mostly to fill the new garden area with new soil, host plants, pollinator plants and trees. We would like to also add child size benches to encourage the children to spend time in the area while resting and observing.  



# Item Cost
1 Child size benches $600.00
2 Plants and trees $800.00
3 Soil $600.00
  Total: $2,000.00

0% Funded



Only $2,000.00 Needed



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