Statewide Reach for Local Impact


I am a Varying Exceptionalities (V.E.) ESE (Exceptional Student Education) teacher. The goal is to increase positive student behavior with my 5th and 4th grade ESE students by rewarding students with being able to shop at a "classroom store" and quarterly incentive celebrations. Students will earn points for positive behavior. They will be able to redeem their points for snacks, prizes, and incentives (like a pizza party). Last year, my students had a total of 51 behavior incidents recorded in Behavior Tracker on Edconnect. These behavior incidents are severe behaviors that are documented. I would like to increase positive student behavior with my students with disabilities so that students learn appropriate positive replacement behaviors. These replacement behaviors will decrease the minor behaviors that lead to severe behaviors. Less minor negative behaviors will reduce the more serious behavior incidents that are entered into Behavior Tracker.

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All That (Positive Behavior) and a Bag of Chips

grant photo
Thompson Elementary School 
Exceptional Child Ed 
Amy Jones 
Students Impacted:
September 16, 2024

0% Funded



Only $1,004.00 Needed



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I am a Varying Exceptionalities (V.E.) ESE (Exceptional Student Education) teacher. The goal is to increase positive student behavior with my 5th and 4th grade ESE students by rewarding students with being able to shop at a "classroom store" and quarterly incentive celebrations. Students will earn points for positive behavior. They will be able to redeem their points for snacks, prizes, and incentives (like a pizza party). Last year, my students had a total of 51 behavior incidents recorded in Behavior Tracker on Edconnect. These behavior incidents are severe behaviors that are documented. I would like to increase positive student behavior with my students with disabilities so that students learn appropriate positive replacement behaviors. These replacement behaviors will decrease the minor behaviors that lead to severe behaviors. Less minor negative behaviors will reduce the more serious behavior incidents that are entered into Behavior Tracker.  



Other -  


What will be done with my students

This project will benefit ESE students because students will earn daily points for positive behaviors during class time. Items will cost ten points. Incentive parties will cost a total of 80 points per quarter, but these points will be based off of points earned for the total quarter regardless if they were spent. Points will be recorded in a weekly booklet that keeps track of daily points earned. My school is does have a PBIS program. My students are highly motivated of being rewarded by something tangible and rewarded for frequently than the PBIS quarterly rewards. More on-task behavior promotes more focus on learning. Students will learn positive replacement behaviors. Who doesn't like getting a bonus or reward for their work? A bag of chips goes farther in elementary school that you would think! 


Benefits to my students

I expect positive ESE student behaviors will increase. Behaviors reported in Behavior Tracker will decrease. Last year my students had a total of 51 behavior incidents recorded in Behavior Tracker in Edconnect. This year I expect behaviors recorded in Behavior Tracker will decrease by 20 %. I will use data recorded for the 2024-2025 school in Behavior Tracker in May of 2025 to assess if the goal was met as compared to the data from the 2023-2024 school year. I also will have quarterly booklets that I created for this year track weekly behavior than can be used for data as well.  


Budget Narrative

Individual bags of chips 48 pack (Doritos) $18 x 10 = $180
Individual bags of chips 48 pack (Pringles) $18 x 10 = $180
Gatorade drink bottles 18 pack $15 x 10 = $150
Motts Fruit Snack 90 pack $12 x 4 = $48
Air Heads candy 90 pack $12 x 4 = $48
Prizes/ Toys $90
Plush key chain toy $30 x 3= 90
Tres Leches Cake Party incentive $20 x 4= $80
Pizza Party $8 per pizza x 10 = $80
$24 for paper plates= $24
$4 for paper napkins= $4 Total
Nacho party -$7 big bags of Tortilla Chips x 3 =$21
$ 9 can of Cheese sauce - $9
$ 3 jar of salsa x 3 = $9
Total $39
Ice Cream Party $20 x 3 for 18 bar pack = $60
Oreo Cookie Pack 48 per box $22 x 3 = $66 



# Item Cost
1 Indvidual bags of chips (Doritos) $180.00
2 Individual bags of chips (Pringles) $180.00
3 Gatorade drink bottles $120.00
4 Air Heads candy $33.00
5 Prizes/ toys $90.00
6 Motts Fruit Snack 90 pack $48.00
7 Tres Leches Cake Party (student request) incentive $80.00
8 Pizza Party Incentive $108.00
9 Nacho Party Incentive $39.00
10 Ice Cream Party Incentive (Ice Cream Bars) $60.00
11 Oreo Cookie Pack $66.00
  Total: $1,004.00

0% Funded



Only $1,004.00 Needed



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