Statewide Reach for Local Impact


Supplying our students with food in between the monthly Collier Harvest food drop off. This allows financially needy students to be able to supplement their family's food supply. Our hope is no student goes to bed hungry due to a lack of financial resources.

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Nutritional Assistance

Golden Gate Middle 
School-wide program 
Allison Mesa 
Amanda Schafer  
Students Impacted:
September 6, 2024

0% Funded



Only $2,000.00 Needed



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Supplying our students with food in between the monthly Collier Harvest food drop off. This allows financially needy students to be able to supplement their family's food supply. Our hope is no student goes to bed hungry due to a lack of financial resources.  



School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Our students will receive a monthly bag of food to bring home with them. The students and their families will get some extra support in between our current monthly food bag drop off. The school counselors will find the students who most need some food support and hand out the bags to them.  


Benefits to my students

Our students will receive supplemental food in between our monthly delivery from Collier Harvest. There is a huge need at Golden Gate Middle. As counselors and teachers, we have heard students say that they go to bed hungry due to their family not being able to afford food and not wanting to make their parent feel bad. Another reason they are unable to get food is a lack of transportation, they only walk or have bikes and work multiple jobs. This is a barrier that leaves them unable to get to a local food bank. Through this grant, it will allow our students to get bags of food twice a month to ensure they don't go to bed hungry. Although this benefits them at home, it also benefits them at school with their education. Students who are hungry cannot properly focus or learn, and so we hope to help the students in this way as well.  


Budget Narrative

All of these items will contribute to the project's implementation because they will be able to hold up well over a longer period of time and give the students a filling dinner. These items will be bagged and go directly to the student each month.  



# Item Cost
1 Rice $100.00
2 Beans $100.00
3 Canned Vegetables $300.00
4 Boxed pasta meals $300.00
5 Peanut Butter $100.00
6 Jelly $100.00
7 Bread $200.00
8 Bags $100.00
9 Canned Soups $300.00
10 Fruit $400.00
  Total: $2,000.00

0% Funded



Only $2,000.00 Needed



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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners