Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The goal is to prevent bullying by sending a visible message of building commUNITY through kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. Orange Day will be celebrated at Immokalee High School twice during the school year (once in the Fall and once in the Spring). Unity Day is an opportunity to not only wear and share orange, but to showcase orange in creative ways around the campus.
Why orange? Unity Day is celebrated in October, and orange is a color commonly identified with the month and the autumn season. It is also a color that is associated with safety and visibility. It is a color described as warm and inviting, and its vibrancy makes an impactful statement.

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ORANGE you glad we stand up to bullying?

grant photo
Immokalee High 
School-wide program 
Kathryn Doyle 
Students Impacted:
September 8, 2024

0% Funded



Only $963.00 Needed



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The goal is to prevent bullying by sending a visible message of building commUNITY through kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. Orange Day will be celebrated at Immokalee High School twice during the school year (once in the Fall and once in the Spring). Unity Day is an opportunity to not only wear and share orange, but to showcase orange in creative ways around the campus.
Why orange? Unity Day is celebrated in October, and orange is a color commonly identified with the month and the autumn season. It is also a color that is associated with safety and visibility. It is a color described as warm and inviting, and its vibrancy makes an impactful statement. 



Clothing/Backpacks - T-shirts/jerseys, concert performance shirts, backpacks, duffle bags, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Immokalee High School students will participate in Unity Day, started by PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center as the signature event of National
Bullying Prevention Month. Unity Day continues to grow every year as a tangible representation of the universal message that our society wants to promote kindness, acceptance and inclusion to prevent bullying. Students are asked to support the event by participating in the simple call to action—wear and share the color orange. All students in the Modified Curriculum Department (students with various disabilities) will be wearing orange Unity Day t-shirts. Several activities will be planned for the day. One idea is to design painted rocks with inspiring messages creating a visual which lasts all year. Another idea is to tie orange unity ribbons to lockers, fences, or walls to create another visual reminder. Another option is to spell out a powerful message by connecting orange ribbons. Students can also create a visual UNITY statement by writing a message on an ORANGE strip of paper. The paper links are then connected to create one long chain to visually represent uniting for a common cause. Students from the Modified Curriculum Department will pass out orange items and treats during lunch to all students who wear orange on Unity Day. Ideas include carrots, cheese-its, oranges, goldfish, cheeetos, Reeses, peanut butter crackers, or cookies. The MC students will also decorate with orange balloons. Lastly, anti-bullying videos will be shown on the Morning News during the month of October.  


Benefits to my students

This Unity Day event provides a catalyst for everyone to come together with a visual statement that our
actions matter not only on one day, but every day.
For too long, the response to bullying has been silence and those who were bullied felt that no one cared. The
simple act of wearing orange shows that students experiencing bullying are not alone. The goal of wearing and
sharing orange is to empower those who are bullied, and everyone around them, to speak up and reach out
with kindness, acceptance and inclusion. One student shared that he wished Unity Day could be every day. When asked why he replied: “So that every day everyone would be nicer to me and to each other.” Unity Day will raise awareness around our campus and help us to learn how to treat all people with kindness, respect and dignity.  


Budget Narrative

When bought in bulk, Unity Day shirts cost $12.00 each, plus shipping ($60 x 12 = 720 + approximately $30.00 shipping); 3 orange spools of ribbon from Amazon cost $9.99 each for 60 yards ($0.06/ft); 3 sets of orange permanent paint pens for rock painting, which are $10.99 for a set of 6 pens; Orange treats/snacks include carrots, cheese-its, oranges, goldfish, cheeetos, Reeses, peanut butter crackers, or cookies. 



# Item Cost
1 60 Unity Day Orange T-shirts from Pacer's National Bullying Prevention Center $750.00
2 Orange ribbon $30.00
3 Orange permanent paint pens $33.00
4 Orange snacks/treats $150.00
  Total: $963.00

0% Funded



Only $963.00 Needed



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