Statewide Reach for Local Impact


In our classrooms, we aim to foster a classroom environment that supports organization, focus, and active learning. Our goal is to equip our classroom with seat sacks to provide each of our 50 students with personalized storage for their materials. As we departmentalize our instruction, the seat sacks will play a crucial role in streamlining transitions between subjects and improving efficiency. This initiative is designed to minimize classroom clutter, reduce distractions, and enhance student engagement by creating a more structured and organized learning space that supports our departmentalized approach.

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Seat Sacks for Success

Pelican Marsh Elementary 
Language Arts 
Segal White 
Julie Bolock 
Students Impacted:
September 9, 2024
September 30, 2024

0% Funded



Only $478.00 Needed



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In our classrooms, we aim to foster a classroom environment that supports organization, focus, and active learning. Our goal is to equip our classroom with seat sacks to provide each of our 50 students with personalized storage for their materials. As we departmentalize our instruction, the seat sacks will play a crucial role in streamlining transitions between subjects and improving efficiency. This initiative is designed to minimize classroom clutter, reduce distractions, and enhance student engagement by creating a more structured and organized learning space that supports our departmentalized approach. 



Class Furniture - Carpets, choral risers, transitional seating/desks, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Upon receiving the seat sacks, each student will be assigned a dedicated pouch that attaches to the back of their chair. These seat sacks will be used to store essential materials such as notebooks, textbooks, and writing tools. This arrangement will allow students to keep their supplies organized and easily accessible without leaving their seats. The seat sacks will be introduced as part of our classroom routine, and students will be taught how to manage and maintain their storage area effectively. Regular checks and organizational tips will be incorporated into our classroom practices to ensure that the seat sacks are used to their full potential. 


Benefits to my students

The implementation of seat sacks will offer numerous benefits to our students at Pelican Marsh Elementary:

Enhanced Organization: Each student will have a designated space for their materials, reducing the amount of clutter and creating a more orderly classroom. This organization will help students focus better on their tasks and improve overall classroom efficiency.

Increased Focus: With their materials neatly stored and easily accessible, students will experience fewer interruptions and distractions. This will contribute to a more focused and engaged learning experience.

Encouraged Responsibility: By managing their own seat sacks, students will develop organizational skills and take ownership of their learning materials. This responsibility supports their growth as independent learners.

Flexible Learning Environment: The seat sacks will allow us to create a more flexible classroom layout, facilitating group work and collaborative activities without the need for students to frequently leave their seats.

Positive Classroom Atmosphere: The uniform appearance of the seat sacks will enhance the visual appeal of the classroom, contributing to a positive and inviting learning environment.

Overall, the seat sacks will significantly enhance the organization and engagement levels in our classroom, leading to a more effective and enjoyable learning experience for all 25 students. 


Budget Narrative

We are requesting $597.50 to purchase seat sacks for our classrooms. These seat sacks will enhance organization and accessibility, providing students with personal storage for their books and supplies. The cost breakdown is as follows:

Seat Sacks (50units at $298.75 per bundle-bundles include 25). Resubmitting request to include CCPS discount of $239/bundle

The seat sacks will improve classroom management and support a more efficient learning environment by keeping essential materials within easy reach. Thank you for considering our request. 



# Item Cost
1 Classroom Pack (25) 17 inch seat sacks (CCPS Pricing) $239.00
2 Classroom Pack (25) 17 inch seat sacks (CCPS Pricing) $239.00
  Total: $478.00

0% Funded



Only $478.00 Needed



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