Statewide Reach for Local Impact


My goal is to have my students create their own small ecosystems in recycled bottles. My students will grow plants, take care of them and record data on the conditions needed for them as well as how they interact with decomposers such as worms. My students will keep their ecosystem inside of an indoor greenhouse and collect data daily and at the end of the year produce a group presentation regarding everything they learned through the project and how it connects to content they learned throughout the school year.

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Growing Life in Reused Bottles

Golden Gate Middle 
Bruno Alvarez 
Students Impacted:
September 9, 2024

0% Funded



Only $1,895.00 Needed



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My goal is to have my students create their own small ecosystems in recycled bottles. My students will grow plants, take care of them and record data on the conditions needed for them as well as how they interact with decomposers such as worms. My students will keep their ecosystem inside of an indoor greenhouse and collect data daily and at the end of the year produce a group presentation regarding everything they learned through the project and how it connects to content they learned throughout the school year.  



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

My students will design and create their own ecosystems inside of Eco-columns using empty 2 liter bottles they are recycling from home. After students will preparing a small ecosystem using soil, rocks, sand, seeds, decomposers, and aquatic plants to create an ecosystem that has a terrestrial chamber, a water filtration chamber, and an aquatic chamber with an aquatic animal. This will be an ongoing project for the entire school year and will tie into various units of our Life Science Curriculum. This project will also help my students practice their data collecting and analysis skills as it will require them to collect data daily using different equipment.  


Benefits to my students

My students will learn valuable life skills as well academic ones, working together, taking care of plants, reusing what would most see as trash, collecting data and analyzing it. My students will have a place to keep their small ecosystems inside of the greenhouses while also understanding why they are used and why plants need water and sunlight. It will also help my students understand the importance of plants and decomposers as part of what keeps the our own ecosystem going. The project will culminate with students being able to enjoy some of the food they have grown and a presentation from each group with the data they collected and how it applies to what they learned throughout the school year.  


Budget Narrative

The budget will be used to purchase materials needed to make the eco-columns such as potting soil, sand, gravel, and screen door material as a filter. It will also be used to purchase three small indoor greenhouses with grow lights so that students will have a place to keep their Eco-columns and collect data from on a daily basis.  



# Item Cost
1 (3) Indoor Greenhouse $160.00
2 (3) Potting Soil Mix 50-Qt $54.00
3 (12) 0.5 cu. Ft. River Pebble $72.00
4 (6) 50 lb Play Sand $40.00
5 (2) Charcoal Screen Roll $26.00
6 (8) Grow Lights $250.00
7 (16) Herb Seeds $40.00
8 (1) Gambusia Fish Qt 50 $70.00
9 (1) Redworms Qt 75-100 $20.00
10 (8) Nitrate Test Strips $180.00
11 (6) Soil Testing Probes $180.00
12 (7) pH Probes $100.00
13 (2) Tank Filtration $110.00
14 (8) Fish Food $120.00
15 (15) Filters for Tank $75.00
16 (1) Pinto Beans $18.00
17 (2) 20 gallon fish tank $160.00
18 (10) Ammonia Test Strips $100.00
19 (12) Phosphate Test Strips $120.00
  Total: $1,895.00

0% Funded



Only $1,895.00 Needed



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