Statewide Reach for Local Impact


My goal is to take students from Lely Elementary to the Collier County Public School's STEAM Expo so they can experience all the fun STEAM activities offered at the Expo!

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Hello CCPS STEAM Expo!

Lely Elementary 
Stephanie Irish 
Students Impacted:
September 9, 2024

0% Funded



Only $1,100.00 Needed



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My goal is to take students from Lely Elementary to the Collier County Public School's STEAM Expo so they can experience all the fun STEAM activities offered at the Expo! 



Class Furniture - Carpets, choral risers, transitional seating/desks, etc. 


What will be done with my students

We will take a group of fourth and fifth graders to the STEAM Expo that our school district pus on each school year. Many of our students don't have cars or a way to get to the Expo. It's such a fun experience and I'd love the opportunity to take some of our students so they can experience the Expo first hand! There is always a great, engaging keynote speaker before the students are released into the Expo to participate in hands on activities. It's such an amazing day for students and I'd love to give our Lely students the opportunity to participate as well!
Students will also all receive a matching t-shirts for the event to show that they're representing Lely Elementary. We'll also stop for lunch, which is such a treat for our students! Many of them don't go out to eat at restaurants and getting to eat lunch with their teachers out at a restaurant is one of the many highlights of their day! 


Benefits to my students

I want my students to see all the different things STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Art and Music) can offer. I can't think of a better way to experience that, then to go to our district's STEAM Expo where hands on activities is what it's all about! 


Budget Narrative

Fourth and Fifth grade students from Lely Elementary will benefit from this project!  



# Item Cost
1 Bus $200.00
2 Matching T-shirts $400.00
3 Lunch for Students $500.00
  Total: $1,100.00

0% Funded



Only $1,100.00 Needed



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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners