Statewide Reach for Local Impact


To immerse students in learning opportunities outside of the classroom. Learning does not just take place in a classroom, but transfers out into the community. My goal is to engage my students with special needs in the community, as well as bring the community to them. These opportunities will allow them to practice many skills they will need for a successful life, learn social skills and better understand the community they live in. It will also allow the community to see my students as contributing members of society. Students will make real life connections between what is learned in the classroom and why those skills are needed in life.

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Skills for Success Throughout the Community

Sea Gate Elementary 
Special Needs Students 
Kristyn Stetson 
Students Impacted:
September 11, 2024

0% Funded



Only $600.00 Needed



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To immerse students in learning opportunities outside of the classroom. Learning does not just take place in a classroom, but transfers out into the community. My goal is to engage my students with special needs in the community, as well as bring the community to them. These opportunities will allow them to practice many skills they will need for a successful life, learn social skills and better understand the community they live in. It will also allow the community to see my students as contributing members of society. Students will make real life connections between what is learned in the classroom and why those skills are needed in life. 



Other -  


What will be done with my students

The local community provides very rich learning experiences for students. Experiences in the community will allow students to make connections outside of the classroom and see what sorts of careers use the skills they are learning at school. My students will get to visit places in the community to learn through authentic, hands on experiences. Some possible trips are an organic community garden, a community food pantry, the supermarket and other local nonprofits.  


Benefits to my students

The benefits to my students will be life changing. All of my students have intellectual disabilities and struggle with academic skills as well as social and communication skills. Life skills education and community-based learning are natural ways to encourage these skills in my students. Additionally, my students will gain a greater understanding about places they can go for leisure activities in the community. These opportunities will allow my students to learn skills that will set a strong foundation for them as they advance through school and eventually go through our transition programs and into the community as adults. Another big part of this learning is to help educate the community on acceptance of people with special needs and to help show our students in a positive light, so they feel that they belong wherever they go.  


Budget Narrative

The cost of a bus for two hours is $67.10. For eight community-based learning events the cost would be $536.80.
We are asking for $600, so there will be an additional $63 for unexpected expenses (like additional time for a bus due to traffic or activities).



# Item Cost
1 Buses $600.00
  Total: $600.00

0% Funded



Only $600.00 Needed



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