Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The goal of this project is to provide our English Language Learners that are either monolingual or have basic knowledge of English with the best support when they are completing activities on the Imagine Language & Literacy computer program. Students are tested three times during the year to measure growth. In between assessments, teachers are able to monitor their students' progress on lessons and can offer feedback or assign intervention activities if students are struggling in a specific area. Students that complete their required minutes per week show a significant increase in literacy skills which reflect on their state tests as well.

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Headphones for English Language Learners

grant photo
Buckhorn Elementary School 
English Language Arts 
Ada Tomasello 
Students Impacted:
September 13, 2024

0% Funded



Only $319.80 Needed



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The goal of this project is to provide our English Language Learners that are either monolingual or have basic knowledge of English with the best support when they are completing activities on the Imagine Language & Literacy computer program. Students are tested three times during the year to measure growth. In between assessments, teachers are able to monitor their students' progress on lessons and can offer feedback or assign intervention activities if students are struggling in a specific area. Students that complete their required minutes per week show a significant increase in literacy skills which reflect on their state tests as well. 



Electronics - Personal computers/tablets/iPads, headphones, charging cables, computer mice, etc. 


What will be done with my students

This program is designed to assist ELL students using native language supports while they are completing literacy activities. Students are expected to complete 20 minutes of Imagine Language & Literacy time every day or 100 minutes a week. Not only will our ELL students be able to focus better on their language activities using quality headphones, but they will also be able to practice their verbal skills with the microphone. Students will gain confidence in their communication skills promoting improved academic and social skills. 


Benefits to my students

The Imagine Language & Literacy program has helped students reach benchmarks and has greatly improved state test scores. Students will be able to focus better and longer if they have the appropriate headphones to complete their language and literacy assignments. On the 2023-2024 Florida Assessment State Test, 56% of Buckhorn's ELL students scored below grade level (Level 1 or 2) compared to 66.4% in Hillsborough County, and 62.8% in the state of Florida. This data shows that our ELL students need to improve their literacy skills and using Imagine Language & Literacy we expect students' literacy scores to increase by 15%, evidenced by pre and post testing. Teachers will be monitoring progress by tracking usage, analyzing student progress through completed lessons, providing support by assigning intervention lessons and measuring growth on diagnostic testing. 


Budget Narrative

20 pack of headsets is $319.80. There shouldn't be a cost for shipping through Amazon. 



# Item Cost
1 $319.80
  Total: $319.80

0% Funded



Only $319.80 Needed



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