Statewide Reach for Local Impact


I want to add iPads into our classroom to provide my students access to individualized learning activities based on our modified curriculum and online resources. We will use these every day in small groups and in one-on-one instruction so students can practice content they are learning in the classroom.

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Tablet Time

Sea Gate Elementary 
Special Needs Students 
Kristyn Stetson 
Megan Barr 
Students Impacted:
September 15, 2024

0% Funded



Only $2,000.00 Needed



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I want to add iPads into our classroom to provide my students access to individualized learning activities based on our modified curriculum and online resources. We will use these every day in small groups and in one-on-one instruction so students can practice content they are learning in the classroom.  



Electronics - Personal computers/tablets/iPads, headphones, charging cables, computer mice, etc. 


What will be done with my students

My students are on a modified curriculum developed by the district. This curriculum uses an online platform that supplements the direct instruction that I provide daily. Due to my students emerging fine & gross motor skills, as well as their differing academic abilities, they struggle to use a traditional laptop. iPads allow them the ability to independently access the programs that are used daily in our classroom, helping them gain confidence in their ability to learn and grow.  


Benefits to my students

These iPads will allow my students to access our curriculum and engage in learning at their individual level. The online resources we use allow my students to practice skills in a fun and engaging way. All my students have intellectual disabilities and struggle with academic, social and communication skills. These iPads will provide my students with a way to practice various skills in a fun and non-overwhelming way. They get to have fun practicing math, reading, fine motor skills, while developing independence. 


Budget Narrative

An Apple iPad 9th generation 256GB 10.2-inch costs $371 dollars (including taxes) at Target. I would like to purchase five iPads for my students to use during individual learning centers. The total cost of five iPads is $1855
Shockproof protective cases for each iPad costs $29 (including taxes) on Amazon. I would need to purchase five of these cases for a total of $145.



# Item Cost
1 Apple iPad 9th generation 256GB 10.2 inch $371.00
2 Apple iPad 9th generation 256GB 10.2 inch $371.00
3 Apple iPad 9th generation 256GB 10.2 inch $371.00
4 Apple iPad 9th generation 256GB 10.2 inch $371.00
5 Apple iPad 9th generation 256GB 10.2 inch $371.00
6 iPad shockproof protective case $29.00
7 iPad shockproof protective case $29.00
8 iPad shockproof protective case $29.00
9 iPad shockproof protective case $29.00
10 iPad shockproof protective case $29.00
  Total: $2,000.00

0% Funded



Only $2,000.00 Needed



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