Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The goal of this project is to give our students who are not native English speakers the ability to participate in class. They can use the electronic translators to understand what the teacher and their classmates are saying. They can then use the translator to communicate with everyone. They will feel less isolated and more involved in class. I will conduct a survey for the students who will be using the electronic translators before usage to find out how much they feel like part of the class and an active participant in their classroom.

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Communication is Vital to Belong

Gibsonton Elementary School 
Emily Feaster 
Students Impacted:
September 19, 2024

0% Funded



Only $399.96 Needed



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The goal of this project is to give our students who are not native English speakers the ability to participate in class. They can use the electronic translators to understand what the teacher and their classmates are saying. They can then use the translator to communicate with everyone. They will feel less isolated and more involved in class. I will conduct a survey for the students who will be using the electronic translators before usage to find out how much they feel like part of the class and an active participant in their classroom.  



Electronics - Personal computers/tablets/iPads, headphones, charging cables, computer mice, etc. 


What will be done with my students

The students will be using the electronic translators every day immediately once they are received. The students will use them the entire day while at school (class, music, art, PE, lunchroom, etc) to listen and speak to peers and adults. It benefits every student who will now be able to interact with their classmates who do not speak English. Students get frustrated sometimes when they want to communicate with their not native English-speaking peers but are unable to. It will greatly benefit the not native English speakers because they will be able to participate in class and listen to the instructions and lessons from the teachers. They can then answer back to the teachers and peers using the electronic translators. This will increase the academic preparedness for these students because they will be an active member of their own education since they will be taking an active role instead of a passive role. 


Benefits to my students

The students' enjoyment at school will increase because they will feel like they are now part of the class. Their academic achievement will also increase because they are now able to understand the directions and instruction from all of the teachers and adults at their school. These students' academic progress will be measured by their test scores in all academic areas. It is expected to increase them at least one and a half grade levels academically from test scores at the beginning of the school year. 


Budget Narrative

This item is through Amazon and is available through Amazon Prime so no shipping or handling. The total cost for 4 electronic translators is $399.96. 



# Item Cost
1 $399.96
  Total: $399.96

0% Funded



Only $399.96 Needed



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