Generation Genius learning*
- School:
- Lithia Springs Elementary School
- Subject:
- Mathematics
- Teacher:
- Lindsey Mack
- 106225
- Students Impacted:
- 55
- Grade:
- 4
- Date:
- January 10, 2025
0% Funded
Only $299.00 Needed
Generation Genius is an online program benefitting both math and science instruction. This program contains high interest videos and lesson supplements to help students understand content better. They also can "see" how concepts work when the videos are playing.
This subscription would be for one calendar year.
Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc.
What will be done with my students
Students will be watching high-interest videos in both math and science that will help them understand standard concepts in more detail. The science videos include a scientist who has the ability to show students each standard with items a classroom teacher may not be able to get their hands on. Students will be able to relate their learning back to the videos and we should see their test scores rise.
Benefits to my students
Students will have an increase in test scores - in classroom based assessments, district tests and state tests.
Budget Narrative
One year subscription for a classroom to both math and science - $299.
# | Item | Cost |
1 | Generation Genius math/science subscription | $299.00 |
Total: | $299.00 |
0% Funded
Only $299.00 Needed
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