Find It Fund It Florida - Hillsborough Education Foundation

To assist our Title 1 community of students to work through their feelings and problems using the positive outlet of art.

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Sketchbooks for Title 1 Students

grant photo
Muller Elementary School 
Gena Ezzi 
Students Impacted:
Grade Levels Impacted:
July 30, 2024


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Hillsborough Education Foundation - $170.00


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Project Goal

To assist our Title 1 community of students to work through their feelings and problems using the positive outlet of art.  



School supplies - Markers, paints, paper, crayons, clay, pencils, sharpies, modeling dough, etc. 


How Project Benefits Students

Many of my children at Muller Elementary struggle academically, emotionally and oftentimes Art is one of their only ways to be successful, integrate other subjects that they may be struggling in or help to guide them through those troublesome times. This project would assist these students in having their own personal success that they can keep track of and be proud of. This is a way for low-income students to help bridge the gap in struggling areas.  


Expected Outcome(s)

Last year, I applied for personal sketchbooks for each and every one of my students. The entire school was able to see the positive outcomes of the students having ownership and their ability to keep their sketchbooks throughout the year. It helped cut down on negative behaviors and emotional outbursts, students were taking more notes in class, labeling and writing about their drawings and finally starting to catch up with the fine motor skills they were so desperately behind in. By having a safe place for them to work week to week, it really was amazing to watch the growth occur in so many facets of their lives. At the end of the year, they were able to take their sketchbooks home. This year, I've had almost half of the students return, asking for more paper for their very well-loved sketchbooks and would like to be able to provide them with new ones. I would like to add on lightboards to assist those that are really behind in their fine motor development so that they can feel successful too.  


Detailed Cost Summary

2 Pocket Folders with 3 Prongs x 450 = $25x12 = $300** 70-80 each color**
Boise Paper X-9 Multi Use 3 Hole Punch = $59.69x2 = 119.38
How to Draw Books 5x$10 =$50.00 



# Item Description Total Cost
1 Sketchbooks (3 Prong Folders) $300.00
2 Case of Paper x 2 $120.00
3 How To Draw Books $50.00
  Total: $170.00


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Suncoast Credit Union