Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.
Hillsborough Education Foundation - $1,215.50
To fund CheetahFest supplies so that DW Waters students do not have to do excessive fundraising on top of their already substantial cost of purchasing scrubs, stethoscopes, and participating in HOSA. Total amount requested: $1215.50
School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc.
CheetahFest will enable our future healthcare heroes, DW Waters students, to develop their collaboration, planning, and research abilities and to strengthen their leadership capabilities through guiding and teaching Graham students about science and health via an all-day event. BC Graham students will be able to connect with Waters high school students to learn, have fun, and get excited about staying in school and graduating from high school.
I have provided a listing of the activity stations proposed by my students, along with the elementary school "learning goals" (standards) they correspond to.
Activity Stations:
Tie Dye and Face Paint: how colors mix
Make Slime: chemistry, chemical reactions
Relay Races, Tug of War, Dance Battle: physical activity is good for our heart health and mental health
Arts and Crafts: expressing ourselves and being proud of an accomplishment is good for our mental health
Reading: Life Science themed, has accompanying sea turtle craft after reading sea turtle book
2nd grade only: Biology, view slides through microscopes
Ambulance simulator, Anatomage tables: Explore health careers
Stickers, Tattoos, Face Paint, Candy Bags are just for fun :)
This project encompasses the areas of Career, Health/PE, Art, Character Development, and Science.
Elementary students in Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade from BC Graham Elementary (referred to as "kids") will walk to the Medical Academy at DW Waters to participate in a fun day of learning about health and science. Each class of kids will stay with their teacher and 2-3 DWW high school student "guides" throughout the day. The guides will escort the kids to each station and assist them with their craft, game, or activity. Assigned DWW student leaders will be at each station to further assist the students.
Our magnet high school focuses on students interested in pursuing medical careers. A big part of working in the medical field is developing empathy and caring about helping your community. Facilitating a project like this as teenagers will help put our 9th and 10th grade students on a path to becoming involved, community-minded, helpful adults. An outcome I have seen as my AVID class works to plan this event is increased engagement and buy-in to learning and high levels of collaboration, even among students who do not usually work in groups.
The qualifiable outcomes we hope for through this event:
1. Graham students will get excited about high school as a fun and interesting thing as opposed to "more school,"
2. Waters students will begin to transition to seeing themselves as capable and responsible adults and striving to have their choices and actions reflect those of adults rather than children (as the situation calls for).
3. A really fun day for the kids from Graham and the students from Waters, which improves outlook and attitudes for everyone heading into the last 9 weeks of the school year!
Measurable quantifiable outcomes:
50% Better attendance for Waters students due to the importance of their planning days
50% Fewer behavioral issues for Graham students if teachers choose to link participation in CheetahFest to good behavior (or decrease in bad behavior)
70% Better buy-in to projects with a medium-range goal (CheetahFest) compared to a long-range goal in AVID class (College, Career) based on participation and grades
40% improvement in feelings of self-worth as compared to surveys administered at the start of the year
Long-Range Outcome:
Influence more young POC to take on leadership roles within healthcare, education, and community (Waters is majority Hispanic and Black, Title 1 school)
Amazon CheetahFest wishlist:
CheetahFest will be held either March 11 or 12 (before break). Lots of moving parts with 2 schools!
Graham Student # (k-1-2): 75
Waters Student # (9-11): 90
Teachers: 6 Graham, 8 Waters
(Waters students may opt-out, but about 50 have already committed to participating)
Both schools are Title 1.
I wondered if HEF might be willing to donate t-shirts printed with the HEF logo for Graham kids and Waters students to wear during the event.
I have added everything to an Amazon list and along with my students have researched costs to the best of our ability. My students really want to be able to eat lunch with the little kids, but our school has only 1 lunch lady, so they want to have a pizza party for all the teachers, students, and kids.
If the cost is too great, the easiest way to reduce it would be to get rid of the pizza party. An additional $100 can be cut by eliminating their "CheetahFest Adventure Passports" (6 stamps, goldenrod paper) and the bulk of the rest of the cost is tie-dye supplies.
# | Item Description | Total Cost |
1 | White Socks 6/$14.95, 13 packs | $195.00 |
2 | Disposable kid gloves 3000/$24.99 | $25.00 |
3 | Rubberbands 600/$7.99 | $8.00 |
4 | Tie Dye bottles and dye 6/$12.42, 2 packs | $25.00 |
5 | Ziplock Quart Bags 100/$12.48 | $12.50 |
6 | Treat Bags Cheetah 50/$11.99, 2 packs | $24.00 |
7 | Cheetah Balloons 2/$7.99 | $8.00 |
8 | Cheetah Decor Set of 10/$9.99 | $10.00 |
9 | Clear PVA Glue 2 gal/$37.16 | $37.50 |
10 | Slime Activator Borax 1 gal/$38.99 | $39.00 |
11 | Popsicle Sticks 2000/$22.99 | $23.00 |
12 | 5.5 oz Clear Cups w/Lids 100/$14.99 | $30.00 |
13 | 1mm Rainbow Stretchy String $6.99 | $14.00 |
14 | Loom S Clip Connectors 200/$4.25 | $4.50 |
15 | Alphabet Beads White 1400/$9.99 | $10.00 |
16 | Alphabet Beads Black 810/$7.99 | $8.00 |
17 | White Paper Plates 200/$12.99 | $12.00 |
18 | Plastic Shopping Bag Cheetah 100/$21.99 | $22.00 |
19 | Cheetah Head Stamp 3/4" 1/$14.99, 6 | $90.00 |
20 | Cheetah Tattoos 60/$6.49, 3 packs | $19.50 |
21 | Candy for treat bags | $100.00 |
22 | Cheetos Puffs Single Serve 40/$22.43 | $22.50 |
23 | Cheetos Crunchy Single Serve 64/$38.36 | $38.50 |
24 | Cheetah Stickers sheets 90/$6.99 | $7.00 |
25 | Cheetah Stickers singles 50/$5.99 | $6.00 |
26 | Silicone Bracelets 120/$24.99 | $25.00 |
27 | Pizza Party 40 pizzas/$8 each + tip | $340.00 |
28 | Goldenrod Printer Paper 500/$10.13 | $10.50 |
29 | Facepaint w/Stencils Kit $20.99 | $21.00 |
30 | Facepaint Colors (4, $7 each) | $28.00 |
Total: | $1,215.50 |
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