Nassau Education Foundation

Exploration of advanced techniques in fused and kiln formed glass. Students will create pieces
that utilize fusing, slumping & casting Aesthetic concerns, technical skills, individual exploration, and experimentation will lead to a more personal and
deeper understanding of the creative qualities of fused glass.

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Fused/Slumped Glass

grant photo
W. Nassau County High 
April Eason 
Students Impacted:
March 31, 2016


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Nassau Education Foundation - $992.08


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Exploration of advanced techniques in fused and kiln formed glass. Students will create pieces
that utilize fusing, slumping & casting Aesthetic concerns, technical skills, individual exploration, and experimentation will lead to a more personal and
deeper understanding of the creative qualities of fused glass.  


What will be done with my students

Students will make projects using a variety
of techniques that emphasize experimentation and personal direction.
1. Demonstrate skills in the fundamentals of fusing, lamination, slumping and cold working
2. Participate in the entire process of designing and creating fused, slumped and cast glass
3. Demonstrate a foundation of knowledge regarding the terminology and techniques of fusing,
slumping, firing, glass types, and glass properties by successfully completing class
4. Demonstrate artistic design principles of developing an idea and producing a final product.
5. Demonstrate the expressive and creative qualities of glass through the application of
6. Analyze the historical and contemporary significance of glass as a utilitarian and expressive
7. Discuss and explain the effectiveness of their glass creations and those of others by
participating in class critique sessions.  


Benefits to my students

An introduction to the creative potential of fused glass. The primary concern is using glass for
creative expression while developing technical skills. Students will make projects using a variety
of techniques that emphasize experimentation and personal direction. Topics include the history
of glass, glass types, compatibility, fusing, cutting, and slumping. 


Budget Narrative

We need both clear and colored glass for the project. We are also in need of the tools to do the project with. 



# Item Cost
1 63114-1009- Glass Fusing Kit x3 $97.17
2 33594-1003- Clear Glass Refill 3" x2 $38.54
3 33594-1003- Clear Glass Refill 3" x2 $38.54
4 35109-1001- Glass Grinder $152.39
5 33594-1006-Clear Refill 6" x2 $97.50
6 34107-1003-Glass Slumping Int Kit x2 $540.76
7 61708-1001-Running Pliers x3 $27.18
  Total: $992.08


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Wells Fargo