ASD Safe Spaces

- School:
- Eagles Landing Middle
- Subject:
- Special Needs Students
- Teacher:
- Thomas D'Annunzio
- Phillip Seidenstucker, Tracy Cutolo
- Students Impacted:
- 50
- Grade:
- 6-8
- Date:
- February 6, 2018
Thank you to the following investors for funding this grant.
Lee Cohen - $100.00
Kylie Cohen Mitzvah Project - $50.00
Jen Szmiga - $100.00
Kim Fetterman - $180.00
Kristen Echevarria - $25.00
Kylie cohen - $51.43
J & R Fein - $200.00
David Klein - $500.00
The Greene Family - $100.00
The Rudermans - $136.00
Dr. Grasso - $50.00
ELMS - $50.00
Carolyn K. Thews - $50.00
David & Sharon Hessney - $18.00
heather goldstein - $100.00
Kylie Cohen - $25.00
Adrienne Cohen - $50.00
Justin Cohen - $100.00
Howard Cohen - $100.00
Eichmans - $100.00
Alexandra Ruderman - $100.00
Adam and Cindy Cohen - $36.00
Lori Eisenberg - $25.00
Thank you Kylie. You are Awesome!! Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah!! Love, Your Friend Shelly - $50.00
The Cuenot Family - $50.00
Anthony & Adam Rack - $500.00
Mitchell Katz - $100.00
Ryan Boylston - $200.00
Howard Cohen - $150.00
Harris Family - $50.00
Tara & Jarrod Patten - $50.00
Block Family - $50.00
Charities - $1,000.00
Michael Silverman - $200.00
VMP - $500.00
Scott Kennedy - $200.00
Ryan Grand - $200.00
Jordana - $200.00
Dianne Anderson - $100.00
Jordan & Kristin Litten - $100.00
Brandon Grzandziel - $200.00
Your Proud Family - $3,712.85
Students with autism face challenges that can go unnoticed to those around them. A
simple change in routine can ruin an entire day of learning for these students. At
Eagles Landing Middle School, our mission is to create safe, exciting, and productive
environments for these children. Currently, students are working to raise money to
enhance our Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) classrooms. These thoughtful students
have helped outline what we need in our classrooms to make school the best part of our
students’ day. Our goal with this project is to create safe spaces for our students to use
when they need a moment to work, relax or de-escalate.
What will be done with my students
The teachers and staff at Eagles Landing Middle School will be creating safe spaces for
our students who have Autism Spectrum Disorder. We are hoping to use state of the
art materials and technology to teach students not only at their level, but consistent with
district curriculum. We hope to achieve this by doing the following: Using the Sound
Sponge Quiet Room Dividers will create a safe space inside each of our ASD
classrooms for our students to work, relax, and de-escalate when they may be in crisis.
These sensory areas will be enhanced with modern ball-chairs which will allow the
students to relieve their stress by exercising with the chairs. Additionally, a crash pad
will be put into each room to allow the students to lay down to alleviate the stressors
that may arise during the course of the school day. We also desire to make other
sensory objects accessible the help meet the various needs of our ASD students. From
noise reduction headphones, to a light up DJ dance center, our students will be
provided with comforts that will greatly assist us in providing the most positive learning
environment for these special students.
This grant will afford us the opportunity to enhance our ASD classrooms for years to
come. The sensory objects and safe spaces outlined below will become permanent
fixtures at Eagles Landing Middle School. The creation/set-up of these sensory areas
for our students should take no more than two work days. These sensory objects will
allow students to become less distracted and more focused on curriculum.
Benefits to my students
The benefits of these items are tremendous. The Sound Sponge Quiet Room Dividers
and Modern Ball Chairs will help create an area of relaxation in the classroom to help
students focus on work and complete the Florida State Alternate Assessment (FSAA).
These dividers will also allow for limited distractions which increase feelings of safety
while a student may be escalated or in crisis. The crash pad will allow for a safe place
for students to lay down and take a moment to rest. Time for recreational activity is a
reward that the students look forward to all day and put in fantastic effort toward
earning. The Light up DJ Center will not only satisfy an insatiable desire to move, but it
can be used as a reward for good behavior and academic success. Furthermore, noise
can become a distraction and irritant for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, so the
noise reduction headphones will help alleviate stressors that can come with a busy
Budget Narrative
Sound Sponge Quiet Room Divider [4ft x10ft] [4ft x 6ft]: The Sound Sponge Quiet
Room Dividers will create a modern safe space in the Autism Spectrum Disorder
classrooms. These areas created will be used by the students to complete their work in
a safe and productive manner. These areas will also be used as testing centers for the
FSAA testing for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Extra Feet Support: The Extra Feet Support will be used to line the floors of the
modern safe spaces that we will be creating with the Sound Sponge Quiet Room
Dividers. These Extra Feet Supports will provide an additional comfort for our students
that will help them complete the day with the highest level of success.
Modern Ball Chair: The Modern Ball Chair will create a safe and productive work aid
that will allow students to bounce while working toward academic progress. The Modern
Ball Chair will go inside the Sound Sponge Quiet Areas. These chairs are also very
safe as they are complete with a locking mechanism that will keep them in place so the
students do not fall off.
Crash Pad [5ft x 5ft]: Many students with Autism Spectrum Disorder are not able to
make it through the entire day without taking multiple breaks. The Crash Pad will
provide a safe and comforting space for students to lay down during the day.
Music Light Show DJ: The Music Light Show DJ will create a safe way for the students
with ASD to move and burn extra energy. The lights and music will create an
entertaining, safe space that can be used as an incentive for the students that will boost
academic performance and modify detrimental behaviors.
Pin Art: Pin Art will allow students with ASD to alleviate stress and have fun all while in
the classroom.
Noise Reduction Earmuffs: ASD classrooms can become a loud place to work and
feel safe in. The Noise Reduction Earmuffs can help alleviate the stress that comes
from the noise that is produced in pursuit of academic and social success.
Wilbarger Thera-Pressure Brush: The Wilbarger Protocol (also referred to as
brushing therapy) is often a part of a sensory integration or sensory therapy
programming. It involves stimulation through brushing ones skin.
Theraputty: Theraputty has been a favorite of Occupational Therapists for years.
Children enjoy developing their fine motor skills working with different resistance levels.
This brightly colored, non-toxic, non-sticky putty is fun to mold and stretch, hide coins or
small toys in, and play hide and seek!
Liquid Timer: Students will instantly become visually engaged with the Liquid Color
Timer as two rows of soft circles float down to the bottom. Each row features
complimentary colors that fall for approximately one minute.
Squigglets Sensory Bracelets: Children love to wear them; once they put one on they
will not want to take it off! They work great for kids who often lose items. They also work
well as a wearable travel toy that will not be easily lost. Use it as a transition toy to ease
anxiety and provide a comforting distraction for special students.
Isoflex Ball: Children love to squeeze the multi-colored Isoflex ball. You can use it as a
stress ball, hand exercise ball, or classroom fidget.
Chair Back Organizer: Two large pockets make it easy to store special paper, a wiggle
cushion, or other larger items. Four additional small pockets are perfect for storing
pencils, pens, markers, highlighters, or small fidgets.
Fidget Set: Teachers have used fidgets for years to help restless students focus and
keep their hands occupied during instruction. We can also use them as a transition item to help students with routine changes. Keep them in your calming area to soothe or distract agitated students.
Seating Disc with Pump: This 13 inch, air-filled, seat disc has a unique dome-shaped top
that mimics an exercise ball. It is great to help kids sit and attend to classroom tasks!
# | Item | Cost |
1 | 6 Sound Sponge Quiet Room Divider [4ft x 10ft] | $3,599.94 |
2 | 6 Sound Sponge Quiet Room Divider [4ft x 6ft] | $2,579.94 |
3 | 6 Extra Feet Support | $269.94 |
4 | 6 Music Light Show DJ | $149.94 |
5 | 6 Crash Pad [5ft x 5ft] | $1,319.94 |
6 | 6 Modern Ball Chair | $899.94 |
7 | 6 Pin Art | $119.94 |
8 | 6 Noise Reduction Earmuffs | $113.94 |
9 | 6 Wilbarger Thera-Pressure Brush | $29.94 |
10 | 30 Theraputty | $146.70 |
11 | 6 Liquid Timer | $38.94 |
12 | 12 Squigglets Sensory Bracelets | $59.88 |
13 | 6 Isoflex Ball | $29.94 |
14 | 12 Chair Back Organizer | $179.88 |
15 | 6 Fidget Set | $263.94 |
16 | 6 Seating Disc w/ Pump | $156.54 |
Total: | $9,959.28 |
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