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Our team of 3rd grade teachers are seeking funding for exciting classroom transformations aimed at teaching 3rd grade Reading, Writing and Language Arts Florida BEST standards.

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Content Based Room Transformations to Heighten Engagement and Promote Mastery of Skills

grant photo
Spruce Creek Elementary School 
Language Arts 
Amy Woodard 
Beth Gass Joyce Swain and Lisset Simpson 
Students Impacted:
July 24, 2024


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Anonymous Family Foundation - $1,000.00


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Our team of 3rd grade teachers are seeking funding for exciting classroom transformations aimed at teaching 3rd grade Reading, Writing and Language Arts Florida BEST standards.  



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Our team will use the funds obtained in this grant to purchase supplies and materials needed to transform a regular classroom into exciting thematic learning environment with content based activities. We will store each room transformation in organized bins that can easily be shared between the teachers on our team, ensuring that each class gets to participate in the various content based room flips.

We hope to develop at least 4-5 sets of activities:

1- The "Book Tasting" Picnic
Kids will have a 'Picnic" where they sample various types of literature by different authors supplied by the media center. The intention is for the kids to discover and get hooked on a book series, an author or a genre in order to ignite a passion for independent reading.

2- ELA Boot Camp
This will be a review of the most challenging ELA reading comprehension standards in 3rd grade. Students will work on tasks with a partner or team to practice using context clues, finding the central idea, summarizing and identifying cause and effect relationships.

3- The Bat Cave
Students will enter a Bat Cave and explore various informational texts to complete tasks using the text. The activities will center on using text features, determining relevant details, authors claim and more.

4- "Starbooks" Café
Students will explore various literature and poetry to practice skills of determining meaning in figurative language, imagery and mood in stories and poetry.

5- Context Clue Hospital
Students will enter our classroom "Hospital" and do "surgery" to determine meanings of unfamiliar words using clues in the texts

6- Punctuationano's Italian Restaurant
Today's special is Grammar and Punctuation! Kids will use dry pasta to add punctuation to "dishes" and apply grammar rules when reading the menu.

Each of these 5-6 kits will be a 1 time activity (completed by a class in 1-2 days) that will be circulated throughout the 6 third grade classrooms at Spruce Creek Elementary, thus benefitting over 120 students. Also, these kits will be stored for repeated use in subsequent school years.



Benefits to my students

Transforming classrooms can greatly enhance the learning experience for students by heightening interest and engagement while giving hands on, real world based innovative practice with curriculum. Students will love collaborating with peers on various tasks designed to remediate and enrich the learning done in class. Each room transformation will have varied activities that appeal to different learning styles.

Each of our 120+ 3rd graders will get to participate in the spiral review of the learning standards that the must master by the end of 3rd grade.

The Florida BEST Learning standards that would be addressed through these activities are:

R.1.1 Explain how one or more characters develop throughout the plot in a literary text.
R.1.2 Explain a theme and how it develops, using details, in literary text.

R.1.3 Explain different characters’ perspectives in a literary text.

R.1.4 Identify types of poems: free verse, rhymed verse, haiku, and limerick.

R.2.1 Explain how text features contribute to meaning and identify the text structures of
chronology, comparison, and cause/effect in texts.

R.2.2 Identify the central idea and explain how relevant details support that idea in a text.

R.2.3 Explain the development of an author’s purpose in an informational text.

R.2.4 Identify an author’s claim and explain how an author uses evidence to support the claim.

R.3.1 Identify and explain metaphors, personification, and hyperbole in text(s).

R.3.2 Summarize a text to enhance comprehension:
a. Include plot and theme for a literary text;
b. Use the central idea and relevant details for an informational text.

R.3.3 Compare and contrast how two authors present information on the same topic or theme.

V.1.2 Identify and apply knowledge of Greek and Latin roots, base words, and affixes to
determine the meaning of unfamiliar words in grade-level content.

V.1.3 Use context clues, figurative language, word relationships, reference materials and/or
background knowledge to determine the meaning of multiple-meaning and unknown words and
phrases, appropriate to grade level.


Budget Narrative

Materials would be used to create innovative "room transformations" that will be shared across all of the 3rd grade classrooms in order to enhance student mastery of skills and heighten student engagement. 



# Item Cost
1 5-6 large storage bins $100.00
2 10-12 durable tableclothes $70.00
3 blacklight lamp and 20 mini flashlights $100.00
4 craft supplies, stickers, posterboard $100.00
5 Picnic decorations and supplies $100.00
6 Bat cave decorations and supplies $100.00
7 Boot camp decorations and supplies $100.00
8 Restaurant decorations and supplies $100.00
9 Picture Book Collection based on themes $200.00
10 Neon colored cardstock $30.00
  Total: $1,000.00


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

FUTURES Foundation for Volusia County Schools

Heart of Volusia, Inc.


Florida Health Care Plans & Florida Blue

Florida Power & Light Company

Rue & Ziffra

Latitude Margaritaville

Minto Communities

Paul & Dr. Rosaria Upchurch

Daytona International Speedway

Cobb Cole

Launch Credit Union

JPB Consulting Group