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My goal is to enhance the STEM education of K-5 students by acquiring two Dash robots. These robots will be integrated into a structured curriculum designed to foster interest in STEM subjects, develop critical thinking and coding skills, and provide hands-on, interactive learning experiences. Success will be measured through increased student engagement, improved coding proficiency, and positive feedback from both teachers and students.

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Dashing Over to Dash

grant photo
Freedom Elementary School 
Tracy Kruszeski 
Students Impacted:
Pre K - 5 
August 25, 2024


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


DUKE Energy - $540.00


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My goal is to enhance the STEM education of K-5 students by acquiring two Dash robots. These robots will be integrated into a structured curriculum designed to foster interest in STEM subjects, develop critical thinking and coding skills, and provide hands-on, interactive learning experiences. Success will be measured through increased student engagement, improved coding proficiency, and positive feedback from both teachers and students. 



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Dash robots are interactive, programmable robots designed to engage K-5 students in hands-on learning. They help students learn coding, robotics, and problem-solving in a fun and engaging way.
Here's how I plan to integrate Dash robots into my STEM classroom:

Introduction to Robotics and Coding:
Grades K-2: Begin with basic lessons on what robots are and how they can be programmed. Use simple block-based coding apps like Blockly to introduce students to coding concepts.
Grades 3-5: Progress to more complex coding tasks, incorporating loops, conditionals, and variables. Use Dash's sensors and capabilities to create interactive projects.

Robotics Challenges:
Design bi-weekly challenges where students must program Dash to complete specific tasks (e.g., navigating a maze, delivering a message). Encourage teamwork by having students work in pairs or small groups to solve the challenges.

Project-Based Learning:
Integrate Dash robots into broader STEM projects. For example, students can create stories and program Dash to act out scenes or build structures with LEGO and program Dash to interact with them. Use Dash to simulate real-world scenarios, such as exploring a model solar system or simulating a rescue mission.

Assessment and Reflection:
Use coding journals where students document their learning process, challenges faced, and solutions found. Conduct regular assessments through quizzes, presentations, and peer reviews to gauge understanding and progress.

Connection to Florida Standards and Curriculum for STEM in Elementary School
Florida Standards:
Science Standards (NGSSS - Next Generation Sunshine State Standards)
SC.K.N.1.3: Keep records as appropriate - such as pictorial records - of investigations conducted.
SC.1.N.1.1: Raise questions about the natural world, investigate them in teams through free exploration, and generate appropriate explanations based on those explorations.
SC.3.N.1.3: Keep records that describe observations made, carefully distinguishing actual observations from ideas and inferences about the observations.
Mathematics Standards (MAFS - Mathematics Florida Standards)
MAFS.K12.MP.5.1: Use appropriate tools strategically.
MAFS.K12.MP.6.1: Attend to precision.
Computer Science Standards (CSTA)
CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards (Level 1A):
1A-AP-08: Model daily processes by creating and following algorithms (sets of step-by-step instructions) to complete tasks.
1B-AP-09: Create programs that use variables to store and modify data.

Curriculum Integration:
Use Dash robots to simulate scientific experiments and observations. For example, program Dash to move in specific patterns to demonstrate concepts like force and motion. Create coding projects that model weather patterns, ecosystems, or the solar system.
Integrate coding challenges that involve basic arithmetic, geometry, and measurement. For instance, students can program Dash to travel a certain distance or follow a geometric path. Use Dash to teach concepts of estimation and precision by programming the robot to navigate obstacle courses with specific measurements.
Technology and Engineering:
Engage students in engineering design processes by having them build attachments or obstacles for Dash to interact with. Encourage problem-solving and iterative testing by having students debug and optimize their code.
In conclusion, using Dash robots in our STEM classroom supports Florida standards by providing interactive, hands-on learning experiences that develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and coding skills and will be permanently integrated for years to come. Dash robots make STEM concepts tangible and engaging, helping to foster a lifelong interest in these important subjects. This grant will provide the Dash robots to make this all possible!


Benefits to my students

Benefits for our STEM Class Using Dash Robots (roughly 750 students with 36 teachers):
1. Enhanced Student Engagement:
Students will show heightened enthusiasm and curiosity for STEM subjects due to the interactive and hands-on nature of learning with Dash robots. Higher levels of student participation in classroom activities and discussions related to coding, robotics, and problem-solving.
2. Development of Coding and Computational Thinking Skills:
Students will progress from understanding basic coding concepts to creating more complex programs using Blockly or other coding platforms. Students will enhance their ability to approach problems methodically, break them down into smaller tasks, and develop step-by-step solutions.
3. Improvement in Collaborative Skills:
Students will work in pairs or small groups to complete robotics challenges, improving their communication, collaboration, and teamwork skills. Students will learn to support and teach each other, fostering a collaborative learning environment.
4. Alignment with Educational Standards:
Classroom activities with Dash robots will align with the Florida standards for science, mathematics, and computer science, ensuring students meet grade-level expectations. Integration of Dash robots will support cross-disciplinary learning, reinforcing concepts from multiple subjects through a unified approach.
5. Increased Critical Thinking and Creativity:
Students will be encouraged to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions to robotics challenges and projects. Emphasis on iterative design processes will help students refine their ideas and improve their outcomes through testing and feedback.
6. Positive Learning Environment:
Students will gain confidence in their abilities as they successfully complete coding tasks and see their programs in action. The use of Dash robots will make learning more enjoyable, reducing anxiety around difficult STEM concepts and fostering a positive attitude towards learning.
7. Measurable Academic Growth:
Regular assessments will show measurable improvement in students' coding skills, problem-solving abilities, and understanding of STEM concepts. Compilation of student work, including coding journals and project documentation, will provide tangible evidence of progress and learning.

In conclusion, integrating Dash robots into our STEM classroom is expected to result in enhanced engagement, development of essential coding and computational thinking skills, improved collaboration, and measurable academic growth. These outcomes will prepare students for future success in STEM fields and foster a lifelong interest in learning.


Budget Narrative

I am requesting three of the Wonder Workshop Dash Robots. They are on sale through Amazon for $180 each. 



# Item Cost
1 Wonder Workshop Dash Robot $180.00
2 Wonder Workshop Dash Robot $180.00
3 Wonder Workshop Dash Robot $180.00
  Total: $540.00


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

FUTURES Foundation for Volusia County Schools

Heart of Volusia, Inc.


Florida Health Care Plans & Florida Blue

Florida Power & Light Company

Rue & Ziffra

Latitude Margaritaville

Minto Communities

Paul & Dr. Rosaria Upchurch

Daytona International Speedway

Cobb Cole

Launch Credit Union

JPB Consulting Group