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VA.4.S.1.4: Students will use accurate art vocabulary to discuss works of art and the creative process.

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The Colors of Us

Indian River Elementary School 
Randal Preston 
Students Impacted:
September 4, 2024


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


FUTURES Foundation - $143.54


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VA.4.S.1.4: Students will use accurate art vocabulary to discuss works of art and the creative process.  



School supplies - Markers, paints, paper, crayons, clay, pencils, sharpies, modeling dough, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Students will create a composition inspired by the Jean-Michel Basquiat and the neo expressionism movement. They will explore the symbolism in his art and create symbols that are meaningful to them in their art. The finished composition will be the background to their self-portraits which they will work on next.

Students will use contour lines to trace a real photograph of themselves onto transparency paper.

After listening to read aloud, "The Color's of Us" students will explore color theory as they mix primary colors in different proportions to create their individual skin tone. They will finish painting their self-portrait and layer the transparency paper over their previously created backgrounds to create a self-portrait that reflects their individuality.  


Benefits to my students

Through this project students will be introduced to art icon, Jean-Michel Basquiat and the neo expressionism movement. Basquiat’s primitive artistic style counters students’ misconceptions about what defines “good art.” Students are eager to learn about Basquiat and the many hurtles he encountered in his career. His ambition and manifestation of ideas encourages students to take risks and think outside the lines. Through class discussion and analyzation of his artwork students will think deeper about the symbolism in his work and reflect on what symbols best represent themselves. By working through the creative process students will utilize the elements and principals of art (especially those in line and color) and thus be more comfortable using corresponding art vocabulary when discussing their art with peers (contour lines, tint, primary colors, balance, symbolism). This project is great for creating not only a self-portrait, but a sense of self, compassion, and community. As we mix colors and paint our way through the portraits students learn to accept the differences amongst each other, because at the end of the day we are all made up of the same colors (just in different proportions). What makes us different is also what makes us the same.  


Budget Narrative

I already have paper for the project, but am in need of the listed materials to complete the project.  



# Item Cost
1 transparency paper $19.99
2 acrylic paint $54.99
3 sand paper $6.82
4 ultra fine tip sharpies $26.97
5 oil pastels $34.77
  Total: $143.54


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

FUTURES Foundation for Volusia County Schools

Heart of Volusia, Inc.


Florida Health Care Plans & Florida Blue

Florida Power & Light Company

Rue & Ziffra

Latitude Margaritaville

Minto Communities

Paul & Dr. Rosaria Upchurch

Daytona International Speedway

Cobb Cole

Launch Credit Union

JPB Consulting Group