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Incorporating mindful cooldown/movement at PE has many great benefits for students at any age and any grade level. Mindful cooldown or mindful movement will include breathing and stretching exercises. Incorporating this into a physical education program can help with increasing mindfulness, body awareness, improve balance, and flexibility. More importantly, it helps provide a more enhanced mental energy, stress management and relaxation, release stagnant energy, it helps improve mood, and helps students improve with much needed concentration and focus (especially going back to class). Mindful cooldown/movement, benefits and reaches all ages and a diverse range of students, mentally and physically. I would need yoga/floor mats and a cart to keep the mats in to be able to wheel them from the equipment room to the PE pavilion to help implement this program. This program will be held outside on the PE pavilion (as PE is always outdoors for elementary) for the final 10-15 minutes of PE class. The yoga mats helps so the students can have their own space and to be sure to be comfortable and safe while performing certain movements and stretches. The mats must also be thick enough, but not too thick so that they do not lose their balance at this age, and a material that will hold from much usage, yet, safe for every student.

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Mind and Motion Project

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Friendship Elementary School 
Lizandra Rodriguez 
Students Impacted:
September 13, 2024


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Heart of Volusia - $666.90


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Incorporating mindful cooldown/movement at PE has many great benefits for students at any age and any grade level. Mindful cooldown or mindful movement will include breathing and stretching exercises. Incorporating this into a physical education program can help with increasing mindfulness, body awareness, improve balance, and flexibility. More importantly, it helps provide a more enhanced mental energy, stress management and relaxation, release stagnant energy, it helps improve mood, and helps students improve with much needed concentration and focus (especially going back to class). Mindful cooldown/movement, benefits and reaches all ages and a diverse range of students, mentally and physically. I would need yoga/floor mats and a cart to keep the mats in to be able to wheel them from the equipment room to the PE pavilion to help implement this program. This program will be held outside on the PE pavilion (as PE is always outdoors for elementary) for the final 10-15 minutes of PE class. The yoga mats helps so the students can have their own space and to be sure to be comfortable and safe while performing certain movements and stretches. The mats must also be thick enough, but not too thick so that they do not lose their balance at this age, and a material that will hold from much usage, yet, safe for every student.  



Physical Education Equipment - Rackets, bats, balls, nets, jump ropes, etc. 


What will be done with my students

The structure for PE is always: 1. Perform an exercise warm up. 2. Then they run their lap. 3. We move onto the lesson and activity for the day. What I would like to do is ending 10 minutes early and include the mindful cooldown/movement in which we will learn different breathing techniques to help calm our minds. The students will grab their mat and place it on or near their warmup spots (their assigned seats at PE). We will perform different stretches to help focus, body awareness, alleviate stress on our bodies and mindfulness. I will teach and model by doing it with them, or I will have a video on for the students to follow. I will also have calming music on in the background. By doing this we will be implementing the following standards:
PE.2.L.4.7: Identify appropriate stretching exercises.
PE.2.R.5: Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical-activity settings.
PE.4.C.2.7 Identify proper warm-up and cool-down techniques and the reasons for using them.
PE.2.R.6.1 Responsible behaviors and values, identify ways to use physical activity to express feelings.
PE.4.L.4.6 Identify how specific stretches increase flexibility and reduce the chance of injury.
PE.4.C.2.1 Understand the importance of purposeful movement in a variety of movement settings.


Benefits to my students

Incorporating Mindful cooldown/mindful movement into a physical education program has many benefits. It can help with increasing mindfulness, body awareness, improve balance, and flexibility. More importantly, it helps provide a more enhanced mental energy, stress management and relaxation, release stagnant energy, it helps improve mood, and helps students improve with much needed concentration and focus (especially going back to class after PE). Mindful cooldown/movement, benefits and reaches all ages and a diverse range of students, mentally and physically. This also helps incorporate social emotional learning. The breathing technique, these movements and stretches that they will be learning is something they can take with them anywhere and be able to implement throughout their life and in stressful situations. I like to teach lifelong learning skills and strategies.
Here is a great link in which warm up and cooling down is greatly beneficial for cardiovascular health, by the American Heart Association.
Here is a research conducted linking mindfulness being used in schools to mental and physical health.
Here is another link that connect mindfulness to cardiovascular health.
How Yoga can benefit kids at school.


Budget Narrative

I will be purchasing yoga mats/floor mats and a cart with wheels to be able to keep the mats in and to be able to transfer them from the equipment room to the PE pavilion where the students will be performing mindful cooldown/mindful movement. These mats will ensure the students are comfortable and safe while performing mindful movement and stretches and breathing techniques. These mats are to be sure to be thick enough but not too thick so the students lose their balance, easier at this age level. They also need to be a safe material for all students and be able to hold for much usage. I will also be purchasing some cleaning material, best to use for the students safety and to keep them safely sanitized.
Yoga mats- I would need 5 sets of this to make it enough for my largest class.
Yoga cart- to help carry the mats and to keep them in
Spray bottles for cleaning solution- I plan to just use white distilled vinegar with water in the spray bottle.
White distilled vinegar
Microfiber towels



# Item Cost
1 Yoga mats x5 sets of 6 orders; $499.95
2 Yoga Cart to help keep the yoga mats together and to transport them; $146.02
3 Spray bottles to help spray and sanitize mats after use; $6.96
4 White Distilled Vinegar; $5.98
5 Microfiber towels; $7.99
  Total: $666.90


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

FUTURES Foundation for Volusia County Schools

Heart of Volusia, Inc.


Florida Health Care Plans & Florida Blue

Florida Power & Light Company

Rue & Ziffra

Latitude Margaritaville

Minto Communities

Paul & Dr. Rosaria Upchurch

Daytona International Speedway

Cobb Cole

Launch Credit Union

JPB Consulting Group