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This year in art, we are learning about the unique flora and fauna of Florida, and using what we learn to create amazing pieces of art. Some of the things we will be studying are very small- insects, shells, leaves, and much more. For students to be able to see the incredible detail in these small things, and then draw/replicate in an artwork, these microscopes will give students the ability to not only see their objects larger-but photograph them, save the image, and then I can print the images out for their later use. With this project, I hope to show students the value of the wildlife that is all around us locally and in Florida specifically. I want them to be engaged in learning and creating, but also feel more connected with their home.

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Magnifying the Miniscule but Magnificent Florida Wildlife- A Science Integrated Year for Artists!

grant photo
Champion Elementary School 
Tiffany Warren 
Students Impacted:
Pre K - 5 
July 6, 2024

0% Funded



Only $959.86 Needed



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This year in art, we are learning about the unique flora and fauna of Florida, and using what we learn to create amazing pieces of art. Some of the things we will be studying are very small- insects, shells, leaves, and much more. For students to be able to see the incredible detail in these small things, and then draw/replicate in an artwork, these microscopes will give students the ability to not only see their objects larger-but photograph them, save the image, and then I can print the images out for their later use. With this project, I hope to show students the value of the wildlife that is all around us locally and in Florida specifically. I want them to be engaged in learning and creating, but also feel more connected with their home. 



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Project Overview:
This year my students and I are are diving into learning about our beautiful state of Florida. We will be using local species of plants, animals, and more to study and apply in our artwork. Our goal is to create an impact and awareness with our artwork, to make statements about the importance of conservation to others with our work. My goal is for students to learn more about what is local for them, to improve their understanding and appreciation of the wildlife and natural aspects of our Sunshine State.
We will be able to gather local specimens ethically, to observe, photograph, and create artwork based on.
This project will be just one of many things that will be done with my students and the microscopes over the next several years. These microscopes would stay with special area specifically, but can be used to enhance instruction for all students, and to improve instructional opportunities for students with disabilities.
For this project, students will be assigned to their table group with two microscopes at the table. The table will also have a variety of specimens available to look at under the microscope, and practice drawing. On a separate day, we will go out and collect limited specimens-so as not to fully disrupt the population of flora and fauna in our school. The students will use the microscopes to zoom in and study locations on the specimens, and then photograph them for later references in their arts projects. I will then be able to pull the sd chips from the microscopes, place the images onto a laptop, and print the images for students to use.
The technology allows for adaptive and collaborative experiences for all students. For this project, I will start with 5th, 4th, and 3rd grade students first. My goal is to end the school year with all students able to engage with and create art with objects they observed with the microscopes.

Science Standards:
SC.5.L.17.1- Compare and contrast adaptations displayed by animals and plants that enable them to survive in different environments such as life cycles variations, animal behaviors and physical characteristics.

Describe how, when the environment changes, differences between individuals allow some plants and animals to survive and reproduce while others die or move to new locations.

Compare and contrast the major stages in the life cycles of Florida plants and animals, such as those that undergo incomplete and complete metamorphosis, and flowering and nonflowering seed-bearing plants.

Explain that although characteristics of plants and animals are inherited, some characteristics can be affected by the environment.

Compare the seasonal changes in Florida plants and animals to those in other regions of the country.

Recognize ways plants and animals, including humans, can impact the environment.

Describe how animals and plants respond to changing seasons.

Recognize and explain that living things are found all over Earth, but each is only able to live in habitats that meet its basic needs.

Make observations of living things and their environment using the five senses.

Observe plants and animals, describe how they are alike and how they are different in the way they look and in the things they do.

Art Standards:

Discuss artworks found in public venues to identify the significance of the work within the community.

Use tools, media, techniques, and processes in a safe and responsible manner.

Use various art tools, media, and techniques to discover how different choices change the effect on the meaning of an artwork.

Use media, technology, and other resources to inspire personal art-making decisions.

(Art standards- build on each other and often repeat through the years, only adding grade level appropriate techniques as students get older. Above are the listed 5th grade standards, and the other grade levels are not abundantly different. 


Benefits to my students

The microsopes will be integrating social studies and science concepts into content we learn and apply in art. We will get to observe different rocks, plants, and possibly animals with this equipment, and it will make the process something that can be collaborative since more than one student can view the specimen at once. The photography feature or video feature can also be great in gathering information, and creating references for artwork. Students will then be able to send me the images they take of their specimens, and we can print them for the students to retain in their portfolios to use as references.
These microscopes can be used for years to come by our school- and can be a way to further integrate science and social studies particularly into our arts program.
The purchase of these microscopes will further show texture, colors, lines, and several other principles and elements of art that also make cross curricular learning experiences. The use of the microscopes can also help students to understand the world of tiny things, and perhaps have students slow down to observe and take more interest in the small and unnoticeable things around them. 


Budget Narrative

This grant will be used to purchase 12 digital image microscopes to assist students in creating high detailed images of still life materials, and specimens locally and ethically collected. The storage totes are to give a safe space to store cords, and the microscopes when not in use.



# Item Cost
1 $74.99
2 $74.99
3 $74.99
4 $74.99
5 $74.99
6 $74.99
7 $74.99
8 $74.99
9 $74.99
10 $74.99
11 $74.99
12 $74.99
13 $29.99
14 $29.99
  Total: $959.86

0% Funded



Only $959.86 Needed



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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

FUTURES Foundation for Volusia County Schools

Heart of Volusia, Inc.


Florida Health Care Plans & Florida Blue

Florida Power & Light Company

Rue & Ziffra

Latitude Margaritaville

Minto Communities

Paul & Dr. Rosaria Upchurch

Daytona International Speedway

Cobb Cole

Launch Credit Union

JPB Consulting Group