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Provide Teachers with a basket of tools for engagement in learning activities for student productivity and demonstration of learning from ERPL trainings.

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Teacher Engagement Kits:Tools for Collaboration

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Deltona Lakes Elementary School 
Jennifer Diallo 
Students Impacted:
September 1, 2024

50% Funded



Only $498.00 Needed



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Provide Teachers with a basket of tools for engagement in learning activities for student productivity and demonstration of learning from ERPL trainings. 



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What will be done with my students

Research has shown that by actively involving students in meaningful and engaging activities, learning and mastery of content increases. Many times, teachers lack ideas and materials to make lessons interactive. Teachers will use these tools to provide students with fun and interactive methods of learning that will provide for memorable experiences and mastery! The following student standards are central to this idea:

Mathematical Thinking and Reasoning Standards:
MA.K12.MTR.1.1-Actively participaing in effortful learning both individually and collectively-teachers will utilize the sticky notes, charts for students to post their responses for individual and community collaboration and discussion.

MA.k12.MTR.2.1-Demonstrate understanding by respresenting problems in multiple ways. -Students will utilize the baskets and balls to write answers to questions. This encourages children to want to answer because movement is involved. Using clappers and applause buttons shows support to others in the classroom and encourages participation. Teachers can also do toss and commit with the baskets and paper. They will write their answer on a piece of paper and throw the paper in the baskets-making the answer process more game like to encourage participation.

MA.K12.MTR.4.1-Engage in discussions that reflect on the mathematical thinking of self and others. -use of materials encourages all students to participate and discuss answers in all subjects, not just math.

ELA.5.C.1-communicate through writing-students write responses on sticky notes and collaborate with each other. Students can add to statements of others using the chart paper. Answers can also be written on the balls and thrown into the baskets making the activity more engaging for some students.

ELA.5.C.2-Communicating orally-by having students share their thinking aloud and adding to the classroom discussion, other students will feel empowered to participate especially when their answers are celebrated with the use of the applause buttons and the clappers.

ELA.5.C.5-Creating and Collaborating-
All activities and materials in the baskets provided to the teachers will be used to encourage creating and collaborating between students and teacher!



Benefits to my students

No longer will students "sit and get" information. Instead, they will be engaged participants in the learning activities taking place in the classroom.Because these materials have been modeled for teachers, they are aware of how to use them to engage students...all they need are the materials and items to implement the strategies! What better way to help teachers help students than through a Future's Grant! Each grade level will receive one engagement basket to share and more items may be purchased using additional grants in the future.  


Budget Narrative

Items will be purchased for each gradelevel. Teachers completed an ERPL in August that focused on Student Engagement. Now that teachers have been trained on specific activities, to now provide them with materials, will encourage follow through of what was learned during the ERPL.  



# Item Cost
1 large baskets 10 @ $26 $260.00
2 ball pit balls 10@ $16 $160.00
3 sticky notes 10@ $15 $150.00
4 applause buttons 5@ $17 $85.00
5 hand clappers $33.00
6 crazy art modeling clay 10@ $4 $40.00
7 teacher chart paper $150.00
8 poster markers $12 @10 $120.00
  Total: $998.00

50% Funded



Only $498.00 Needed



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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

FUTURES Foundation for Volusia County Schools

Heart of Volusia, Inc.


Florida Health Care Plans & Florida Blue

Florida Power & Light Company

Rue & Ziffra

Latitude Margaritaville

Minto Communities

Paul & Dr. Rosaria Upchurch

Daytona International Speedway

Cobb Cole

Launch Credit Union

JPB Consulting Group