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The goal of this grant is to get kids active during physical education class while meeting our fitness components and physical education standards. The physical fitness components addressed in this grant include cardiorespiratory endurance and muscular strength, and muscular endurance. The standards focused on include movement competency (locomotor skills), lifetime fitness, and responsible behaviors. Students will also improve their physical ability and develop teamwork skills while working with their peers.

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Fit For Life III

grant photo
Holly Hill School 
Kathleen Roam 
Alysia Ruddy 
Students Impacted:
Pre K - 5 
September 10, 2024

50% Funded



Only $500.00 Needed



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The goal of this grant is to get kids active during physical education class while meeting our fitness components and physical education standards. The physical fitness components addressed in this grant include cardiorespiratory endurance and muscular strength, and muscular endurance. The standards focused on include movement competency (locomotor skills), lifetime fitness, and responsible behaviors. Students will also improve their physical ability and develop teamwork skills while working with their peers.  



Physical Education Equipment - Rackets, bats, balls, nets, jump ropes, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Students will be guided in stations and will develop various skills improving their muscular strength and endurance while focusing on movement competency, lifetime fitness, and responsible behavior standards. Before participating in each station, students will learn about cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, and muscular endurance via posters, class discussions (Youtube Brain Bites Clips), and/or PowerPoint slides. Students will also work cooperatively with peers during stations exhibiting personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
1. Volleyball Station will provide students with the following fitness components: increase cardio, strengthen core and lower and upper body muscles, and improve balance. Students will learn how to serve and volley over the net. Improve their hand eye coordination, balance, and work as a team in a volleyball games such as Beach Ball Hot Potato. Students will work together to keep the beach ball from touching the floor. As soon as a child catches the ball they immediately throw it back over like a hot potato. Students in grades 4 and 5 will play a volley game with 6 students on a team. We have 2 sets of standards so one class could play with 4 teams. The winning teams can play each other. Students will be taught the volley ball lingo such as (serve, pass or bump, hit, double hit, dink or tip, spike, kill, roof) etc.
2. Basketball Station will strengthen cardio while improving agility and coordination. Students will build teamwork skills. Students will improve their dribbling, passing, and shooting skills. After working on the skills, students will perform in a basketball game utilizing the skills learned.
3. Four Square Station will improve hand-eye coordination, concentration, physical coordination of motor skills such as flexibility, balance, agility to play. There are two common objectives. The first is to have the most points when the game ends, where 1 point is awarded to the person in square 4 (the server) each turn. The second is to be the last player who hasn't been eliminated by obtaining a predetermined number of "outs".
PE.K-2.M.1.1 –Students will demonstrate locomotor and non-locomotor skills with proficiency in a variety of activity settings.
PE.3-5.M.1.1 – Students will apply locomotor and non-locomotor skills in a variety of settings while applying the appropriate movement concept as the situation demands.
PE.3-5.M.1.12 – Students will demonstrate competency in many and proficiency in a few movement forms from a variety of categories (locomotor, non-locomotor, manipulative and non-manipulative.
PE.K-5.L.4.1 – Students will Identify the location of muscles that help the body perform specific physical activities.
PE.K-5.L.3.1 – Students will participate in regular physical activity and be able to identify activities that provide moderate exercise.
PE.K-5.R. 6.1 Students will identify physical activities that are enjoyable and value physical activities for health, enjoyment, challenge, and/or social interaction.
PE.3-5.L.4.1. Students will describe how muscular strength and endurance enhances performance in physical activities.



Benefits to my students

Benefits to our students include having physically literate individuals who have the knowledge, skill, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity. Students will be able to describe the difference between cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, and muscular endurance. Cardiorespiratory endurance is the ability of the heart and lungs to deliver oxygen to working muscles during continuous physical activity. Muscular strength is the amount of force a muscle can exert against a resistance. Muscular endurance is the ability to use voluntary muscles repeatedly without tiring. Also, students will learn the skills necessary to participate in a variety of physical activities and their contributions to a healthy lifestyle. Being exposed to different sports may encourage students to get active in future grades and beyond. Physical fitness is more important now than ever before due to our diet and sedentary lifestyle.  


Budget Narrative

The items requested will allow students to participate in the various stations. We need new volleyball nets to use with our 2 sets of roll away standards (poles). We also need volley balls, beach balls or large playground balls for younger students, basketballs, four square balls, and an air pump. We have painted several 4 square areas on our court for students to play 4 square.  



# Item Cost
1 1-2 good quality volley ball nets $600.00
2 volleyballs $80.00
3 Beach balls or playground balls $25.00
4 basketballs $100.00
5 Air pump $120.00
6 Four square balls $75.00
  Total: $1,000.00

50% Funded



Only $500.00 Needed



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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

FUTURES Foundation for Volusia County Schools

Heart of Volusia, Inc.


Florida Health Care Plans & Florida Blue

Florida Power & Light Company

Rue & Ziffra

Latitude Margaritaville

Minto Communities

Paul & Dr. Rosaria Upchurch

Daytona International Speedway

Cobb Cole

Launch Credit Union

JPB Consulting Group