Walton Education Foundation

Students will increase their understanding of major 4th grade science concepts by completing hands on activities that enrich our science curriculum. Students will also read science books that expand on the concepts they are studying, allowing us to integrate science into our language arts block.

This project will address our science standards, especially the following:
SC.4.E.5.1 Observe how the pattern of stars in the sky stay the same even though they appear to shift.
SC.E.5.2 Describe the changes in the observable shape of the moon over the course of about a month.
SC.4.E.6.1 Identify the three categories of rocks: igneous, (formed from molten rock); sedimentary (pieces of other rocks and fossilized organisms); and metamorphic (formed from heat and pressure).
SC.4.E.6.2 Identify the physical properties of common earth-forming minerals, including hardness, color, luster, cleavage, and streak color, and recognize the role of minerals in the formation of rocks.
SC.E.6.4 Describe the basic differences between physical weathering (breaking down of rock by wind, water, ice, temperature change, and plants) and erosion (movement of rock by gravity, wind, water, and ice).
SC.4.P.10.1 Observe and describe some basic forms of energy, including light, heat, sound, electrical, and the energy of motion.
SC.4.P.12.1 Recognize that an object in motion always changes its position and may change its direction.
SC.4.N.1.5 Compare the methods and results of investigations done by other classmates.
SC.4.P.8.1 Measure and compare objects and materials based on their physical properties including: mass, shape, volume, color, hardness, texture, odor, taste, attraction to magnets.

As students participate in engaging, hands-on science activities, and read the supporting literature, we expect to see an increase of at least 20% in performance on end-of-unit assessments. We will also compare results from the beginning-of-year science assessment to the end-of-year science assessment, where we also expect to see an increase of at least 30%.

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Enriching Science Through Hands-on Stations and Literacy

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Mossy Head Elementary 
STEM Education 
Meredith Ness 
Randella Hartzog 
Students Impacted:
October 11, 2017


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


CHELCO - $1,227.05


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 142

Thank you for the generous donation that allowed not only the 4th grade teachers to enrich students' science curriculum, but also helped our 5th grade students prepare for their FCAT Science assessment. The grant allowed the 4th grade teachers to implement science themed stations during the reading block. Students read nonfiction text related to their current science studies. Students were also able to engage in hands on STEM activities that helped build their understanding of scientific principles as well as build scientific thinking. We were also able to share the science kits with our 5th grade team as they prepared for their FCAT Science assessment, which doubled the number of students benefitting from the grant just this year. 


Students were highly engaged in the science stations. Reluctant readers were observed engaging in the texts and sharing the information they learned with peers and teachers. The STEM activities were a hit with students and a highlight of their work each week. The 4th grade students were able to show growth in their ability to read and explain scientific texts (LAFS4.RI.1.3) due to their participation in these science stations. According to the beginning of the year STAR reading assessment, only 61% of the students were proficient in the standard. According to the end of the year STAR assessment, 82% of students were proficient. Having exposure to rigorous science text, as well as participating in hands on activities that supported the texts, had a positive impact on the students. Thank you again for making this a possibility for our students. 

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Students use a model to understand how an eclipse

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Students used straws to model how wind erosion aff


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Students explored properties of magnets. This stud

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Students used magnets to build towers out of steel


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Receipt for order from Lakeshore Learning


Original Grant Overview


Students will increase their understanding of major 4th grade science concepts by completing hands on activities that enrich our science curriculum. Students will also read science books that expand on the concepts they are studying, allowing us to integrate science into our language arts block.

This project will address our science standards, especially the following:
SC.4.E.5.1 Observe how the pattern of stars in the sky stay the same even though they appear to shift.
SC.E.5.2 Describe the changes in the observable shape of the moon over the course of about a month.
SC.4.E.6.1 Identify the three categories of rocks: igneous, (formed from molten rock); sedimentary (pieces of other rocks and fossilized organisms); and metamorphic (formed from heat and pressure).
SC.4.E.6.2 Identify the physical properties of common earth-forming minerals, including hardness, color, luster, cleavage, and streak color, and recognize the role of minerals in the formation of rocks.
SC.E.6.4 Describe the basic differences between physical weathering (breaking down of rock by wind, water, ice, temperature change, and plants) and erosion (movement of rock by gravity, wind, water, and ice).
SC.4.P.10.1 Observe and describe some basic forms of energy, including light, heat, sound, electrical, and the energy of motion.
SC.4.P.12.1 Recognize that an object in motion always changes its position and may change its direction.
SC.4.N.1.5 Compare the methods and results of investigations done by other classmates.
SC.4.P.8.1 Measure and compare objects and materials based on their physical properties including: mass, shape, volume, color, hardness, texture, odor, taste, attraction to magnets.

As students participate in engaging, hands-on science activities, and read the supporting literature, we expect to see an increase of at least 20% in performance on end-of-unit assessments. We will also compare results from the beginning-of-year science assessment to the end-of-year science assessment, where we also expect to see an increase of at least 30%.


What will be done with my students

Our 58 students will complete weekly hands-on science activities that supplement their science curriculum. The activities are needed to reinforce the science concepts we are learning. The Lakeshore Science Activity Tubs and Labs will be used in small group stations. Students will read the task with their team and complete the experiment or activity described. Students will be required to collect data and take accurate notes. Students will also compare their results with other teams and discuss any noted differences. During our students' reading block, scientific concepts will be reinforced as they read books that correlate to the activities in the science tubs and labs. These activities will occur weekly in our classrooms. We will also be able to reuse all the materials from this grant in future years, benefiting many more students.  


Benefits to my students

As a result of completing weekly science activities and reading related science texts, we will deepen our students' knowledge and understanding of our science standards. Students will show an increase of at least 20% on end-of-unit assessment in science when compared to assessments taken prior to the use of the kits. We also expect to see at least a 30% increase in achievement when we compare the results of the students' beginning of the year science assessment to their end of the year science assessment. Since the materials from this grant are reusable, they will benefit students in future years, continuing the impact of the grant. 


Budget Narrative

Our grant includes the purchase of a Learning Science Library at a cost of $339.00. It also includes a complete set of Physical Science Activity Labs at a cost of $229.00. We also wish to purchase a set of Learning Science Activity Tubs at a cost of $499.00. Shipping for these items will be $160.05. The total cost for implementation of our grant is $1227.05.  



# Item Cost
1 Learning Science Libraries Grades 4-6 $339.00
2 Physical Science Activity Labs- Complete Set $229.00
3 Learning Science Activity Tubs Grades 4-6 $499.00
4 standard shipping $160.05
  Total: $1,227.05


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners


The Alys Foundation

St. Joe Community Foundation

Florida Power & Light
