Walton Education Foundation

The goal of biology virtual laboratory simulations is to provide engaging, interactive and authentic laboratory investigations which will enhance and enrich students learning and take it beyond the classroom

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Doctors “Soaring With High Success”

South Walton High School 
STEM Education 
Sage Mallory 
Mandy Tinsley Rodriguez 
Students Impacted:
October 3, 2018


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


CHELCO - $1,500.00


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 100

Due to a lack of accessibility with our school network and computers, we had to adjust the resources that the grant money provided.  Since our computer system would not support the program Labster, with permission from the organization, we changed the program to Gizmos.  This is a similar program to Labster but is more user friendly and supported by our school's network. The grant provided access to 100 of our general biology students to the Gizmo's program.  This program provides interactive labs, activities, and games that are directly related to the Florida Science Biology Standards.  The students have enjoyed these activities and we are excited to continue using them through the 2019-2020 school year.  Since the Gizmo online program is standards based, incorporting these into our lessons helped our students master the content in Biology.  This can be seen through increased unit test scores since incorporating the program.  We are truly believe that by using these activities, our EOC scores will improve from previous years however, this data will not be available until over the summer.  Thank you so much for the support of this program.  The students and teachers that this has impacted appreciates you! 




grant photo

Students using program

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Students using program 2


Original Grant Overview


The goal of biology virtual laboratory simulations is to provide engaging, interactive and authentic laboratory investigations which will enhance and enrich students learning and take it beyond the classroom 


What will be done with my students

  Students will engage, collaborate and role play as doctors as they move through various virtual, authentic, and interactive laboratory simulations throughout the year.  Labster offers comprehensive virtual lab simulations through interactive technology.  
Students will participate in:
*  Authentic scenarios
* Participate in advanced lab investigations
*  3D animations
* Reinforce student concepts and provide successful outcomes
* Analyzing, graphing 3D data
* Collecting data, measuring, and evaluating labs
* Developing critical thinking skills, increasing problem solving skills
* Enriching class discussions of the “how”, “why”, and the effects of the various lab simulation lessons
* Increase motivation
* Spark and ignite student interest 


Benefits to my students

My 100 students in my biology class will be provided an opportunity to become directly involved and engaged in hands-on activities solving authentic virtual laboratory simulations. By using the virtual interactive technology and graphs students will foster and develop critical thinking and problem solving skills, read and understand graphs, explain and justify results of data, understand the outcomes of laboratory science in discovery research.    It will allow them the discipline and opportunity to participate in a real-world application of science. The direct involvement of the students and their analytical presentations as “doctors” will result in a deeper understanding of correct scientific procedures and analytical processes, not to mention better preparation for accelerated learning and inspire students each year from these challenging laboratory activities to seek career related jobs in STEM.

Labster’s virtual labs are aligned with the Florida Core Science Curriculum.  
Interactive virtual labs will cover the biology standards: (but not limited too):
     *Standard 14 SC.912.L.14 : Organization and Development of Living Organisms.
     *Standard 15 SC.912.L.15 : Diversity and Evolution of Living Organisms 
     *Standard 16 SC.912.L.16 : Heredity and Reproduction 
     *Standard 17 SC.912.L.17 : Interdependence 
     *Standard 18 SC.912.L.18 : Matter and Energy Transformations



Budget Narrative

 Labster Virtual Lab Simulations will provide 100 students with a yearlong subscription.  The licenses are necessary to patriciate in the virtual interactive lab simulations 



# Item Cost
1 100 licenses OTS-BIO-SIMS-OTS All biology and general science                 Active Subscription of 18-19 school year $1,500.00
  Total: $1,500.00


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners


The Alys Foundation

St. Joe Community Foundation

Florida Power & Light
