Walton Education Foundation

As our students progress from year to year they are required to gain knowledge and master multiple science standards. Florida standards slowly progress by grade levels to ensure that students leave one grade level with the knowledge to succeed in the next grade level. Unfortunately, not every student gains the knowledge that they need to be successful in their current grade. Science can be a difficult subject for elementary students to understand. In subjects like math and reading, we provide many different tools to develop skills. However, in science, if tools are not easily accessible in the classroom, students may have a hard time understanding the information. Our students have proven to be better equipped with learning when they are given objects to manipulate while learning. As a fourth-grade teacher, I feel that with the items to create our own STEM lab in the classroom, we will increase science knowledge within the classroom. This will create an engaging learning atmosphere where students are encouraged to explore while learning.

Big Idea 1: The Practice of Science
Florida Science Standard SC.4.N.1.2 states that students must “Compare the observations made by different groups using multiple tools and seek reasons to explain the differences across groups.” Students could complete the lab in groups and compare findings. The same goes with Big Idea 8: Properties of Matter, SC.4.P.8.4 states that students must “investigate and describe that magnets can attract magnetic materials and attract and repel other magnets. With the lab material, students will have ample opportunities to practice, explore, observe, and question many scientific activities.

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Science in the Classroom - STEM lab for our student's future

Paxton School 
STEM Education 
Samie Wright 
Students Impacted:
October 2, 2019


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


St. Joe Community Foundation - $987.96


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 21

I wanted to tell you how grateful I am for this grant! The items received exceeded my expectations. The children will benefit greatly with the STEM activities. I am disapointed that we didn't get use out of them like I would have liked, due to COVID-19. However, these items will be used many years to come! Thank you so much for all that you do for the teachers in Walton County! We wouldn't be able to privide for our students as much without you!


Thank you!

Samie Wright

Paxton, 4th Grade


Original Grant Overview


As our students progress from year to year they are required to gain knowledge and master multiple science standards. Florida standards slowly progress by grade levels to ensure that students leave one grade level with the knowledge to succeed in the next grade level. Unfortunately, not every student gains the knowledge that they need to be successful in their current grade. Science can be a difficult subject for elementary students to understand. In subjects like math and reading, we provide many different tools to develop skills. However, in science, if tools are not easily accessible in the classroom, students may have a hard time understanding the information. Our students have proven to be better equipped with learning when they are given objects to manipulate while learning. As a fourth-grade teacher, I feel that with the items to create our own STEM lab in the classroom, we will increase science knowledge within the classroom. This will create an engaging learning atmosphere where students are encouraged to explore while learning.

Big Idea 1: The Practice of Science
Florida Science Standard SC.4.N.1.2 states that students must “Compare the observations made by different groups using multiple tools and seek reasons to explain the differences across groups.” Students could complete the lab in groups and compare findings. The same goes with Big Idea 8: Properties of Matter, SC.4.P.8.4 states that students must “investigate and describe that magnets can attract magnetic materials and attract and repel other magnets. With the lab material, students will have ample opportunities to practice, explore, observe, and question many scientific activities.


What will be done with my students

If granted the STEM lab materials, I will integrate them as much as possible when aligned with our science standards. We will also utilize the activities when they align with the math standards. They will be used in whole group and small group setting. I have found that students are more engaged when working with their peers in a hands on experiment.



Benefits to my students

Currently I have 21 students in my classroom. Every student would benefit from having the STEM lab materials in the classroom. In fourth grade, we do not have a state assessment. However, these students will be going to fifth grade next year where science is a statewide assessment. It is my goal to work closely with the fifth-grade teachers with vertical planning in order to prepare our students for that statewide assessment next year. It is my belief that with our standards-based teaching and hands on science STEM labs we will provide what our students need to be successful and ready to enter fifth grade with a solid foundation of scientific knowledge.  


Budget Narrative

Each STEM activity ties to a Big Idea:
1: Big Idea 12 - Motion of Objects
2: Big Idea 10 - Forms of Energy
3: Big Idea 8 - Properties of Matter
4: Big Idea 12 - Motion of Objects
5 : Big Idea 12 - Motion of Objects 



# Item Cost
1 Force & Motion Activity Lab $69.99
2 Physical Science Activity Lab $269.00
3 Magnet Activity Lab $69.99
4 STEM Kit GR 4-5 $448.99
5 Create a Chain Reaction $89.99
6 Shipping $40.00
  Total: $987.96


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners


The Alys Foundation

St. Joe Community Foundation

Florida Power & Light
