Walton Education Foundation

The goal for Connecting STEM and Literacy is to provide engaging and educational materials and books for students to use to learn more about science, technology, engineering, and math. By May of 2021, kindergarten - fifth grade students in my school will have the opportunity to use STEM materials and read a new selection of library books which will help them learn more about STEM careers.

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Connecting STEM and Literacy

Van R Butler Elementary 
Bonnie Shelton 
Kathryn Youngblood 
Students Impacted:
September 28, 2021


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Gulf Power - $1,499.93


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 800

Integrating STEM and Literacy is a key strategy in helping students increase their reading and science proficiency.  Science, technology, engineering, and math have the potential to engage students, encouraging them to read more and think critically to solve problems.  The grant that we received enabled us to purchase 40 STEM books, Play Doh, and Legos for students to use in the media center.  Students read the STEM books and created Play Doh and Lego structures to solve a variety of STEM related challenges.  Building vehicles, buildings, bridges, and more gave students an opportunity to read STEM books and practice solving STEM problems in the media center.  Students also learned cooperation, teamwork, strategic planning, and communication skills during these STEM sessions.  We are certain this grant helped our students make gains in reading and science as evidenced on their STAR and FSA tests.  Thank you Gulf Power for investing in our students.

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Original Grant Overview


The goal for Connecting STEM and Literacy is to provide engaging and educational materials and books for students to use to learn more about science, technology, engineering, and math. By May of 2021, kindergarten - fifth grade students in my school will have the opportunity to use STEM materials and read a new selection of library books which will help them learn more about STEM careers. 


What will be done with my students

I will order STEM materials and a new selection of STEM books for students to check out from our media center. By creating a STEM spotlight book shelf in the media center, I will promote the new books that will be purchased if I receive this grant. Kindergarten, first, and second grade students will be working with Play-Doh and Legos to complete STEM activities that go along with the new STEM books. Third, fourth, and fifth grade students will use the STEM books for learning about nonfiction text features and research projects about STEM careers this school year and in years to come. 


Benefits to my students

Integrating STEM and Literacy is a key strategy in helping students increase their reading and science proficiency. Science, technology, engineering, and math have the potential to engage youngsters, encouraging them to read more. This improves their chances of reading proficiently by the key third grade milestone, when students pivot from learning to read and begin reading to learn. Two goals of our school improvement plan are to increase student gains in reading and science. My goal is for K-5th grade students to read books and complete STEM activities in the media center 2 times each month. 


Budget Narrative

The funds will be used to purchase nonfiction books focused on STEM topics for K-5th grade students and Play Doh and Legos for hands-on activities that go along with STEM books for K-2nd grade students. 



# Item Cost
1 Once Upon a STEM: The Science of Fairytales Book Set $107.96
2 Rookie Read Aloud Science: Physical Science Book Set $150.00
3 A True Book: Physical Science Set $186.00
4 A True Book: Behinds the Scenes in Science Set $124.00
5 The Science of Engineering Book Set $203.00
6 A True Book: Get Ready to Code Set $124.00
7 A True Book: Natural Disasters Set $186.00
8 Play Doh 10 Pack Case (3 Sets) $23.97
9 Lego Creative Brick Box (8 Sets) $303.20
10 Inside Wearable Technology (Inside Technology book) $22.95
11 Inside Smartphones (Inside Technology book) $22.95
12 Inside Computers (Inside Technology book) $22.95
13 Inside Video Games (Inside Technology book) $22.95
  Total: $1,499.93


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners


The Alys Foundation

St. Joe Community Foundation

Florida Power & Light
