Walton Education Foundation

To teach students how to build custom-raised beds, have them build them, fill them with growing media, plant them, and take care of them while providing fresh produce to the community.

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Community Garden

Walton Middle School 
Career/Technical Education 
Joe Proffitt 
Thomas Martin 
Students Impacted:
October 9, 2023


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


CHELCO - Choctawhatchee Electric Cooperative - $1,000.00


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 200

WMS Construction classes built the community garden beds, and WMS Agriculture will plant them this summer at the new community garden by the water tower on 11th Street.

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Original Grant Overview


To teach students how to build custom-raised beds, have them build them, fill them with growing media, plant them, and take care of them while providing fresh produce to the community. 


What will be done with my students

1. Students are going to take building materials and construct eighteen raised beds in their construction class.
2. Construction students are going to align the raised beds with a weed barrier that will allow water to leak out slowly but will protect lumber from direct contact with the wet soil.
3. Agriculture students are going to fill the raised beds with growing media and plant the raised beds with vegetables and flowers.
4. Agriculture students will make sure plants are properly harvested, along with help from Walton County Master Gardeners.  


Benefits to my students

1. Raising money and keeping a project within a budget.
2. Construction skills of using tools properly and constructing a product from raw materials.
3. Gardening application skills.
4. Pest and beneficial insect identification and sometimes eradication.
5. Communication skills


Budget Narrative

Kiwanis Club has already donated $1500 to purchase the first nine raised beds. We are seeking funding for the second nine. 



# Item Cost
1 lumber $1,000.00
2 screws $100.00
3 weed barrier $300.00
4 paint $100.00
  Total: $1,500.00


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners


The Alys Foundation

St. Joe Community Foundation

Florida Power & Light
