Walton Education Foundation

The goal for these items is to elevate our morning announcements by providing the proper equipment needed. These items will help communicate to our entire school and unify us as we share with the school what amazing things the students are doing at Dune Lakes.

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DLE News

Dune Lakes Elementary School 
Teaching Quality 
Natalie Winder 
Students Impacted:
October 14, 2024


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


The St. Joe Community Foundation - $858.00


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 900

Thank you so much for awarding our school with this grant.  This grant has made an impact on our school in a number of ways.  It is amazing how technology can impact our days at school and this grant has made it possible for us to purchase equipment to do just that.  We have the privilege of running a live stream morning show everyday at school where we recite the pledge of allegiance, a moment of silence, and any school announcements.  We have a new club who rotates every 9 weeks full of 4th and 5th graders who hold specific roles and bring our morning show to life.  This show is run by the students and for our students and adding the equipment needed has made this possible.  Our students are now able to possess skills that can impact their future careers as well as they technological needs in their education.  Our viewing students are able to see first hand how live streaming help foster a sense of community amoung our school and to get the information needed to be successful in their day.  Thank you for awarding us this grant and for not only making an impact to over 900 students, but for creating memories and skills that will live on for years to come.  

grant photo


Original Grant Overview


The goal for these items is to elevate our morning announcements by providing the proper equipment needed. These items will help communicate to our entire school and unify us as we share with the school what amazing things the students are doing at Dune Lakes.  



Electronics - Personal computers/tablets/iPads, headphones, charging cables, computer mice, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Our DLE News Club will use these items to help produce and run our morning announcements. This club is for the benefit of our entire school and run completely by the students who operate the equipment, live stream, and are our morning anchors.  


Benefits to my students

This equipment will help us elevate our morning announcements by allowing us capabilities to highlight pictures and add images by using the screen within a screen feature. It also will help us connect our computer system to the live stream so that it is easy to access for all classroom teachers. The DLE news program is a huge benefit to our student through helping develop leadership skills, communication skills, and technological skills.  


Budget Narrative

The items listed are for web presenting, a cable to be able to connect a camera to our video board, and the Propresenter subscription will allow us to use more technology to elevate our news program.  



# Item Cost
1 Blackmagic Design Web Presenter $515.00
2 SDI Cable $56.00
3 Propresenter Subscription $287.00
  Total: $858.00


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners


The Alys Foundation

St. Joe Community Foundation

Florida Power & Light