Individuals, organizations and businesses are encouraged to invest in the creativity of a teacher to bring amazing learning experiences to their students. To get started, simply click on a grant below to view the details and fund online.
Freeport Elementary
The objective of STEM items being asked to purchase, is to ignite an interest in learning, and to help uncover the fascinating world of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) by providing my Pre- Kindergarten ESE students the chance to use hands on supplies as the students investigate, observe, ask questions, make hypotheses, and learn about the things that world around them has to offer. Purchased items such as a mini-instant camera, pattern block puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, a wooden grocery store, a cash register, marble run, family counters, wooden train set, a muffin match set, matching and/or sorting bears, car track sticker tape, engineering building set, and a tractor engine assembling toy will allow students to beginning to learn as they play and interact with the world around them. These materials will help connect the ideas that are taught in class with the outside world, in return this will help with FAST assessments given to Pre-Kindergarten Students (entering Kindergarten) each year.
STEM Education - Pre-K
posted September 19, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
Our school prides itself on challenging our students to be creative thinkers, analytical problem solvers and to provide them the ability to solve higher-order thinking questions throughout educational endeavors. Providing students with STEM containers will provide them opportunities to exercise their thinking strategies, thus, developing higher-order questioning and problem-solving skill sets. These skill sets will be beneficial as they retain hands on application of problem- solving techniques. Providing this opportunity will benefit the student both immediate and long term.
STEM Education - 2
posted September 19, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
South Walton High School
The goal of virtual biology laboratory simulations is to provide engaging, interactive and authentic laboratory investigations which will enhance and enrich students learning and take it beyond the classroom.
STEM Education - 9
posted September 19, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
My goal is to replace old books, damaged books, and lost books with durable, hardcover books.
Literacy - K-5
posted September 23, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton Middle School
To create seamless transitions between small and whole group instruction in an Intensive Reading classroom by having direct access to the Clear Touch board. To save time administering lessons by being able to write on the iPad and maintain proximity to the students.
Literacy - 7
posted September 23, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Learning through play can spark joy in all children. It enables children to explore and make sense of the world around them. It is essential for preschool students to have the opportunity to interact through social scenarios in order to build social and communication skills which will help them become successful as they enter elementary school.
Literacy - Pre-K
posted September 25, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
Every two weeks I see all students in our school in the STEM classroom. The goal for this grant is for our kindergarten (112 students), first (160 students) and second graders (160 students) to develop their measurement skills while learning to use a fun tool like the Cricut machine. Second grade students will learn to solve one-and two-step real-world measurement problems involving addition and subtraction of lengths given in the same units. (Standard: MA.2.M.1.3). First grade students will learn how to measure the length of and object to the nearest inch or centimeter. (Standard: MA.1.M.1.1). Kindergarten students will work on identifying the attributes of a single object that can be measured by its length. (Standard: MA.K.M.1.1)
STEM Education - K-5
posted September 25, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Seaside School
I want to provide a real-world experience for my students to gain an understanding of energy, circuits, and loads.
STEM Education - 6-8
posted September 26, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
The goal for this grant is for my 4-year-old students to learn how to express their feelings through musical activities.
Low Performing Students - Pre-K
posted September 26, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton High School
To increase student collaboration by better organizing my classroom using small groups at tables instead of individual desks of varying heights.
Low Performing Students - 9-12
posted September 27, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton Intensity School of Excellence
My goal is to have flexible seating for my Pre-K students to help improve their overall attention and focus.
Low Performing Students - Pre-K
posted September 27, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
The goal is to ensure every student is provided with physical education services that meets or exceeds his or her specific needs. We are working relentlessly to enhance motor skill development and self-esteem in all students we teach. Having adequate resources will provide a better learning experience for all involved.
Teaching Quality - K-5
posted September 28, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton Intensity School of Excellence
During the day everyone needs an area in which they can go to quiet their minds. Pre-K students with disabilities are no different. Like many students they need to be taught to learn to recognize and regulate their emotions.
Teaching Quality - Pre-K
posted September 29, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Maude Saunders Elementary
Students will use the iPads to operate the STEAM classroom set of Sphero Bolt Bots.
STEM Education - K-5
posted September 30, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freeport Elementary
I would like to help my students improve their social-emotional skills and meet their individual goals this school year.
Low Performing Students - K-5
posted September 30, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton High School
I would like to purchase relevant independent reading books that Springbook recommends to get students to read MORE outside of class; these suggested books are related to what we're teaching in class so they'll complement the curriculum and get students to think about what we're learning even outside of class. I would also like to purchase a class set of a required text for Junior English.
Literacy - 11
posted September 30, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton High School
As the population in Walton County and North Walton County continues to grow, the percentage of English Language Learners is also increasing. These English Language Learners are at various levels of English development, as determined by both their STAR and WIDA scores. While these students are often enrolled in an Intensive Reading Class in order to support the foundational skills needed for English Language mastery, they are also reading and writing about Grade Level texts. Having access to these texts in their home language will decrease some of the cognitive load created by translating the words, allowing space and grace to think critically about the meaning of the texts. Consistent exposure to written English and practice reading both independently and aloud will increase both their fluency and comprehension and reduce the amount of time it takes them to read passages and questions. While English is not their first language, proficiency is a requirement for graduation. Regular engagement with high interest, accessible texts will support their English language development and provide a foundation for success after high school.
Literacy - 9-12
posted September 30, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Emerald Coast Middle School
My goal is to incorporate movement in my math classroom in order to increase engagement and enhance learning.
STEM Education - 6
posted September 30, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
What does it take to be a successful reader? Like anything else it takes practice at the right reading level – and a bit of assistance from an instructor. The fourth grade ELA teachers would like to be able to provide that instruction and practice at a level appropriate for all of our students. To this end, we desire to obtain sets of approved books to raise the level of rigor for our most capable students. These will be a much-needed supplement to the on level and below level materials we already possess. Not only will these books aid in advancing the students’ reading skills, they will also provide important background knowledge and vocabulary that will help raise their overall reading capabilities.
Literacy - 4
posted October 1, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Paxton School
Flexible seating is a way of opening the classroom learning environment and empowering students to think about how they learn best. I want to give my students the opportunity of choosing their seating preference in order to create the learning environment that is the most beneficial to their learning style. My goal is to have enough flexible seating available for all of my students during the course of our day. I hope to maintain 80% of my students being actively engaged for 20 minutes at a time with being redirected less than twice. I maintain a behavior management system that includes documenting each time I redirect a student. I will use this documentation to track the benefits of flexible seating.
Teaching Quality - 2
posted October 1, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
South Walton High School
The goal of this grant is to encourage an interest in science for non-STEM students and to provide students with engaging hands-on labs that further their understanding of the information being taught in class and provide them with the tools necessary to enhance their success in STEM activities.
STEM Education - 9-12
posted October 2, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Seaside School
The visual arts are an effective discipline to build and utilize critical thinking skills. The deep conceptual and interpretational thought processes needed for the planning and creation of an
artwork are valuable in the promotion of strategic and creative thought processes.The goal for this grant is to increase student motivation, participation, creativity and production-all of which are neccessary skills for thinking critically. All of these goals are achievable by providing students with the ability to listen to music while they work. This grant would fund 20 wireless silent disco headphones and a transmitter that would allow the teacher to preset three music channels. This gives the teacher the ability to ensure that the music the students are listening to is appropriate for their grade and the project they are working on.
STEM Education - 6-8
posted October 2, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
To reinforce strong character traits-such as respect, honesty integrity, tolerance, confidence and sportsmanship through fun-filled skill- based games in Physical Education! Students will learn the meaning/definition of character and (6) character traits! Students will be able to incorporate and promote valuable characteristics while having fun in learning new games and activities such as parachute games and various ball handling skills!
Teaching Quality - K-5
posted October 3, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
The Challenger Learning Center strives to make learning an engaging and entertaining experience. Students can take flight in the Space Mission Simulator, go on a 3D adventure in the IMAX theatre, explore the universe in a D3 Digital Dome Planetarium, and build incredible science creations in the interactive lab. Students will have fun while learning something new. The goal is to reinforce the concepts taught in the classroom by bringing them to life with these exciting programs, demonstrations, hands-on labs, planetarium shows, IMAX documentaries, and space mission simulations.
STEM Education - Pre K - 5
posted October 3, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
The goal of this grant is to bring hands-on interaction and connection between young students and wildlife. Pre-k curriculum teaches students about animals, nature, habitats, and life cycles. What a great experience to be able to allow children to interact with and touch real-life animals in the student’s environment where they feel most comfortable. Students will learn about the needs of animals like what they eat, where they live, how long they live and so much more. Each class will receive a butterfly kit with 5 caterpillars. They will get to observe the life cycle and watch step by step what happens. Releasing the butterflies at the end of the project brings the understanding of the full cycle.
Teaching Quality - Pre-K
posted October 3, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
My goal is to have my students performing at or above grade level by the end of the year. I currently have 22% performing below grade level and the access ot the extra technology will help me reach this group, while also enriching my other students.
Teaching Quality - K
posted October 3, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton Intensity School of Excellence
1.) Provide foundational materials for the Leadership class to work with: a classroom tabletop colored printer/scanner/copier. Please note that this is a building year, as the WISE Center has never had a leadership class before. This class will serve as a journalism class/student council.
2) Create a safe storage space dedicated to the leadership class. The storage locker will house camera and video equipment, as well as projects/papers that students are working on.
Career/Technical Education - 9-12
posted October 3, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton Middle School
To create seamless transitions between small and whole group instruction in an Intensive Reading classroom by having direct access to the Clear Touch board. To save time administering lessons by being able to write on the iPad and maintain proximity to the students.
Literacy - 6-8
posted October 3, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
It is my goal to improve methodologies that I use to teach mathematics, specifically using various activities including manipulatives to increase student engagement and excitement for learning. This project will help students improve in mathematics by immersing them in activities that will require them to plan, communicate, coordinate, and solve problems.
Objective 1: To increase student achievement in mathematics, particularly in the English Language Learner (ELL) population, as evidenced by increased scores on the STAR Math Enterprise Assessment.
Desired outcome: At least 50% of the target population (students who are both low-achieving and ELL) will achieve an SGP of 245 or greater on the STAR Math Enterprise Assessment.
Objective 2: To increase motivation for mathematical problem solving, as evidenced by the Mathematics Attitude Survey, published in the journal Teaching Children Mathematics. The National Council for Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) discuss in the journal that students who are engaged in their learning by using manipulatives, interaction, and varied formats, are more likely to understand the purpose for their learning, thus increasing their motivation to succeed.
Desired outcome: At least 50% of the target population will demonstrate knowledge of the purpose of learning math and its connections to the real world. This will be demonstrated by the use of the Mathematics Attitude Survey. Motivation is currently low. Initial responses to the Mathematics Attitude Survey indicate that students are engaged when using concrete manipulatives as a supplement to the current, workbook-based curriculum, but still become easily bored or unmotivated during targeted practice. Student responses indicate that in order to be good in math, students believe the most important thing is to be quiet, listen, and follow directions to get an A. It is my hope that through the use of intuitive and motivating small group instruction, engaging cooperative learning games, and targeted practice, students will be motivated to deepen their knowledge of the math concepts introduced. The desired outcome is for student responses to indicate that in order to be good in math you must work as a team to solve problems.
Low Performing Students - 1
posted October 4, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Magnet Innovation Center
As part of a biomedical science course, students will learn the process of suturing wounds. They will use the Apprentice Doctor How to Stitch Wounds Suturing Kits to learn this technique with the same tools medical professionals use to suture. This is an important skill for students plan to become medical professionals. It is also a great opportunity for students to learn about the process of surgery, wound care, the anatomy and physiology of skin, and the importance of sterile technique when working with patients to prevent the spread of disease.
Students at our school have the opportunity to take the Biotechnician Assistant Credentialing Exam (BACE) through Biotility at University of Florida Center of Excellence for Regenerative Health Biotechnology. Graduating high school with a BACE certification allows students to directly enter the biomedical profession as a lab assistant, or if they are continuing their education at a post-secondary institution they will be very well-prepared for lab and research opportunities. The BACE includes a paper-based knowledge assessment and skill-based practical component, in which students must demonstrate their ability to perform specific laboratory tasks. Having access to the proper equipment in lab is a critical component of preparing students for this exam and their future careers as biomedical professionals.
STEM Education - 9-12
posted October 4, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton Academy
Our goal is to foster excitement in the fields of mathematics and science by providing opportunities for students to learn utilizing “hands-on” activities. Our proposal requests funding to obtain the basic hardware necessary to equip a Walton Academy Charter School Drone Team and Club.
STEM Education - 9-12
posted October 4, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton Intensity School of Excellence
Our goal is to continue our Merit store success. This grant will provide tangible items for students to spend their merits on, and fulfill the promise of a school wide reward system. Our students rely on and count on the school store each Friday, they work hard each day to have a chance to celebrate their short term and long term behavior goals. The school store is critical for our school wide behavior system success.
Low Performing Students - 9-12
posted October 5, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
By the end of the school year, my goal is to have all my students performing at or above grade level. Currently, I have 22% of students performing below grade level. By having access to additional technology, I will have added resources to help me reach my goal and a new enrichment experience for my students.
Teaching Quality - K
posted October 5, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton Intensity School of Excellence
100% of our graduating class is socioeconomically disadvantaged and/or at-risk for not graduating; and many of them have not left this county or state. For a senior trip, we picked New Orleans. It is not very far away and provides a larger city navigation experience with a variety of critically historic experiences, arts, multiple cultures, and diverse ecosystems. With this grant, students will know that as an incentive to graduate, they will be able to enjoy these amazing, life changing and eye-opening experiences. While this will not cover the entire cost of the trip, it will reduce the independent student cost to a manageable amount that students are confident they can earn or we will sponsor within our community/school, further encouraging them to graduate.
Low Performing Students - 12
posted October 5, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton Intensity School of Excellence
The goal for this grant is for my students to experience the benefits of music and learn to love it at an early age.
Low Performing Students - Pre-K
posted October 5, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
The goal of this project is to provide teachers access to a color printer in order to enrich instruction, engage students and parents, and brighten our classrooms. We will use the printer to create math games, task cards, and anchor charts. We will also create instructional posters, parent letters, and reference sheets in order to engage both students and parents. Currently teachers are limited to using their personal printers and ink supplies in order to create more engaging materials, which means it rarely happens. Having access to a color printer would not just enrich my classroom, but my teammates classrooms as well!
Teaching Quality - 5
posted October 6, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Maude Saunders Elementary
Life skills training equips people with the social and interpersonal skills that enable them to cope with the demands of everyday life.
The goals of using a life skills classroom in my class is to build self-confidence, encourage critical thinking, foster independence and help my students to communicate more effectively.
Another goal is to improve student's individual independency in their daily life, to prepare them to live as independently as possible, and prepare them for job skills to be a productive community member.
Another goal is to help improve safety concerns with daily living skill (signs, fire extinguisher, operating appliances, electrical safety around water, etc), health - brushing teeth, grooming, dressing, etc. (if you have dollars left, order toothbrushes, toothpaste, combs, soap, etc). and how these skills need to be introduced early and often in order for our students to do them automatically or with minimal cueing.
Low Performing Students - Pre K - 5
posted October 6, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Bay School
While we are only a few simple experiments into our school year, my class unanimously states 'WE LOVE SCIENCE!' My goal is to capitalize on this early enthusiasm and apply it throughout the school year, utilizing a variety of hands-on activities and manipulatives to keep this love growing!
Teaching Quality - Pre K - 5
posted October 6, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
The goal of this grant is to provide my students with beautiful finger paint colors allowing them to express themselves and feelings while finger painting or painting with painting tools.
Low Performing Students - Pre-K
posted October 6, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Bay School
When students enter my classroom, I want them to be able to experience the world around them through the materials and activities that we incorporate on a daily basis. Pre-K students are inquisitive, curious and imaginative. They have a desire to learn and to experience new things. One area that I believe many Pre-K students have little access to is the subject of STEM. My goal is create a strong a foundation in math and science with a learning environment that provides various learning opportunities each and every day. With these materials, I want to create an environment where my students are exploring and using hands on experiences that give them a desire to ask questions about the world around them.
STEM Education - Pre-K
posted October 6, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Bay School
I would like to help build a strong foundation in math and science for my Pre-K students in order to prepare them for their educational career. My goal is to create conditions that will spark the natural curiosity of 4 & 5-year olds, and foster important skills like critical thinking, problem solving and creativity. Some of the Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards for 4-year olds include number sense, patterns, measurement and scientific inquiry through exploration and discovery. My classroom is focused around small group activities based on the interest of my students. This grant will help provide supplies and materials for hands-on experiences and activities that will assist their discovery of the world around them and their part in it, not only now but also in the future.
STEM Education - Pre-K
posted October 6, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
Provide each child with a book to use during Novel Studies and read aloud times. These sets will be of use to any teacher who wishes to borrow for a novel study.
Literacy - 4
posted October 7, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
To drive instruction utilizing technology as a tool for mastery of second grade standards while enhancing the learning process within the classroom setting.
Literacy - 2
posted October 7, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
My goal is to eventually have 1:1 technology in my classroom so I can help guide students in literacy education as well as math, science, and social studies by using technology as a learning tool.
Literacy - 2
posted October 7, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
My goal is to have 1:1 technology for my students to conduct research and drive instruction with the use of technology.
Literacy - 2
posted October 7, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
The goal of Readers are Leaders is to provide classroom sets of chapter books for fifth graders so students can be immersed in a classroom community of reading during novel studies.
Literacy - 5
posted October 7, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton Intensity School of Excellence
To show student how with only a small plot of land or backyard they can help feed their family as well as help them financially
Low Performing Students - 9-12
posted October 7, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
The goal for Read to Succeed is to help our students increase vocabulary, comprehension skills, and to make them more successful readers by providing chapter book sets for second grade language arts teachers to share with students.
Literacy - 2
posted October 7, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
The goal of Books Make Us Brilliant! is to provide sets of books for students to read in order to increase their proficiency in language arts and literacy.
Literacy - 4
posted October 7, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Seaside School
Our goal is to be awarded this grant to purchase Smart Class Hub, a supplement for the language lab. Smart Class Hub (SCH) will enhance students target language skills. SCH can significantly increase speaking fluency, reading, and listening for all students. SCH activities will also monitor students progress in class and at home.
Therefore, students will be able to reflect on their learning, progress, and build confidence. Further benefits of using SCH also includes, teacher opportunity to give all students different level activities without student feeling embarrassed or nervous when speaking or answering in the target language.
In conclusion, SCH will create a positive and productive environment while learning and practicing target language at a students own pace.
Teaching Quality - 6-8
posted October 7, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freeport Elementary
IMy goal is to increase my students' fluency reading rate and accuracy, reinforce positive student behavior, and increase and reinforcestidemt attendance.
Literacy - 3
posted October 7, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Bay School
The goal of this project is to help the students in my Pre-K Self-Contained classroom calm their anxiety caused by sensory overload to help them be able to focus on learning. Students with autism have difficulty processing normal sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste sensory experiences causing them distress and discomfort. This sensory processing disorder can cause the students to exhibit negative behaviors such as acting out, fighting, meltdowns, spinning rocking, or hand flapping. Sensory overload causes problems with information processing and typical development. A sensory calming classroom will provide my students with a safe space where they are able to relax, decompress, and cope with their individual sensory issues thus helping them to be able to learn.
My classroom is lacking many sensory items that would benefit to the children I teach. My prekindergarten class of 3-5-year-old students is self-contained, meaning they are not capable of participating in an inclusion classroom of typically progressing students. The disabilities of the students in my class range from developmentally delayed to children on the autism spectrum. The children in my class are predominantly non-verbal, so, one of our main goals is to teach them communication skills. Everyone has the right to communicate with others! My students typically have severe sensory issues and helping them calm the chaos in their minds helps open them up to learning, how to function at school, how to function at home, and helps them learn the communication skills they so greatly need.
Low Performing Students - Pre-K
posted October 7, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Maude Saunders Elementary
To create a welcoming learning environment for all students.
Low Performing Students - K
posted October 7, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
My goal is to increase reading engagement amongst our English Language Learners.
Literacy - K-5
posted October 10, 2022
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
My goal for my class is to create impactful educational opportunities that engage my students with their natural world and enable them to make healthy choices. With the Hands-on learning garden like the Lettuce Grow Farmstand, we can use these powerful tools to spark curiosity, improve childhood nutrition and create life-long healthy eating habits. When students have a hand in growing fruits and vegetables, they are more likely to try them, enjoy them and inspire other kids to do the same. Additionally, kids who grow up enjoying fruits and vegetables are more likely to continue eating them through adulthood.
STEM Education - K
posted September 19, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton Middle School
With these materials, I intend to record myself explaining and walking students through ELA concepts that tend to be a bit trickier. This might include writing a thesis statement, developing a counterclaim, or understanding the theme of a story.
Teaching Quality - 7
posted September 20, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Mossy Head Elementary
My goal is to increase the listening comprehension of my 4th grade students.
Literacy - 4
posted September 21, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Emerald Coast Middle School
My goal is to enhance learning, increase engagement, and make math more enjoyable by incorporating math-based games into my daily lessons.
STEM Education - 6
posted September 21, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Seaside School
The objective of our project is to enhance the educational experience of our students by integrating technology into our classrooms. iPads will be a valuable tool for both small group instruction and providing text-to-speech accommodations, ensuring that all students, including those with diverse learning needs, have equitable access to a quality education.
Low Performing Students - 7
posted September 21, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freeport Elementary
The goal of differentiated instruction is to ensure that all students are engaged in the learning process by providing tasks or an environment that matches each individual's needs. Whether it be social and emotional learning or sensory processing needs.
Low Performing Students - K-5
posted September 21, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freeport Elementary
My goal would be for my ESE students to have access to devices that can help them to build their functional and academic communication skills. I would like for my students to use devices to increase in academic and social communication by using communication programs and viewing sign language videos. I hope to decrease behaviors due to students not being able to communicate or not being understood by their teachers and peers.
Low Performing Students - 3
posted September 22, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton Intensity School of Excellence
Reading literacy is the end all; be all for life and in school. Being able to read well helps students and their families to break out of the generational poverty cycle. If you are a good reader, your chance of getting a good paying job increases exponentially. Helping our students who are struggling readers at the WISE Center is one of the most pivotal challenges we face as educators today. Due to the use of technology in our student's lives today, it makes sense to approach this with technology. We would like to heighten our students’ interest in literacy with supplementary technology and resources for whole group and small group instruction.
By the conclusion of this school year, we would like to see a 15% increase in mastery of our student's reading skills such as comprehension, fluency, and decoding of literature. This will include stories, news articles, poetry, and dramas as tested by the FAST ELA/Reading test.
Literacy - 6-8
posted September 22, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
To introduce students to the game of 'Golf'!
Students will learn the beginning skill of 'Putting'. By practicing putting-students will learn to aim and use a controlled, consistent stroke power. Students will practice and improve their 'hand-eye' coordination skills by learning how to hold and swing the golf club to attempt to make the putt.
Teaching Quality - K-5
posted September 22, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton High School
Students in Aeronautics program to gain exposure to multiple types of drones that perform different functions. Commercial UAS operations have just started delivery operations. Basic operations will begin to diversify as some delivery locations become complex and require complex maneuvers.
Career/Technical Education - 9-12
posted September 24, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freeport Elementary
My goal is to foster a safe and fun learning environment while boosting engagement through choice of flexible seating, headphones, and weighted items to meet sensory needs of each child.
Low Performing Students - 1
posted September 24, 2023
95% Funded
Only $47.11 Needed
Freeport Middle School
Reading one book is like eating one potato chip. Our class wants more! Dr. Seuss once wrote 'The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you'll go.' A good book opens up a whole world of knowledge. I want to pass on the love of reading and choosing good books to my students.
Literacy - 5
posted September 25, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
The goal of this grant will be to purchase materials to help transform our dramatic play center into different scenarios throughout the school year. This will allow students opportunities to learn about and act out various community helper roles and develop and practice social emotional and language skills. Preschoolers learn best through play and these items will not only help foster their imagination and creativity but also their vocabulary, language skills, and social/emotional skills.
Teaching Quality - Pre-K
posted September 25, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
*Students will become more familiar with robotics.
*The use of drones encourages STEM learning.
*Drones can also be used to teach the importance of safety and responsibility within the aviation industry.
*Students can learn about drone technology and its diverse applications.
*The curriculum would give students the opportunity to become more technologically literate whilst having fun at the same time.
STEM Education - PreK-12
posted September 26, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freeport Middle School
To provide a classroom library for special needs children. The average of reading level of these students is 2nd grade and the FMS library does not have books to accommodate these learners.
Literacy - 6-8
posted September 26, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Seaside School
The goals of FIRST LEGO League (FLL) robotics align with the broader mission of FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology), which is to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders and innovators. I am trying to secure a grant for both my teams to compete in the practice and qualifying event.
STEM Education - 6-8
posted September 27, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Seaside School
Most of what we read as adults is for information. Most of what students read is fictional. It is time to bridge the gap and bring engaging non-fiction into the classroom library. Students 5th-8th will have access to check out factual books on various interesting topics.
Literacy - 5
posted September 28, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Magnet Innovation Center
The goal of this project is to provide an adaptable grow rack shelf for growing plants and animals in our high school science laboratory. Living plant and animal specimens engage student interest and allow students to apply the scientific concepts they are learning to real-world scenarios. Having a secure, dedicated space for these experiments will enhance the ability of students to conduct experimental observations of living plants and animals.
STEM Education - 9-12
posted October 1, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Mossy Head Elementary
The goal of this grant is to lessen the noise in the classroom as students are working on computers and individual work. This grant would provide each of my students with their own individual set.
Low Performing Students - K-5
posted October 1, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
The goal of Bringing Back the Literary Classics is to provide new copies of classic chapter books for our library so students can be enjoy reading classic novels while improving their reading skills.
Literacy - Pre K - 5
posted October 2, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
My goal is to replace classic books whose covers are out of date and being overlooked, with their modern counterparts.
Literacy - K-5
posted October 2, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freeport Elementary
To give my behavioral and autistic students a hands on approach to learning using manipulatives to help students achieve their social/emotional, academic, communcation, and independent functioning IEP goals (Individual Education Plan).
Low Performing Students - K-5
posted October 3, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Paxton School
During the 2023-2024 school year, our goal is to increase student attendance across all grade levels. An underlying aspect of improvement is that grades will also increase.
Low Performing Students - PreK-12
posted October 4, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
West Defuniak Elementary
To create a school apiary in which students will have an opportunity to investigate and learn about our world's most important pollinators.
Teaching Quality - K-5
posted October 5, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Students’ that are neuro-divergent with diagnoses such as autism or down syndrome, need to have the opportunity to use materials that are on their cognitive level that support the in meeting their mathematical, literacy, social studies, and science benchmarks/standards, but also build their fine motor, and social-emotional benchmarks/standards. Students must be able to access these materials in a way that is physical possible for them. Shelves and other classroom organization options can sometimes be overwhelming for these students, along with not meeting these students’ needs. This grants goal will provide students with materials that are on their cognitive level. It is important so they can build upon their benchmarks/standards along with helping to meet their IEP goals.
Low Performing Students - Pre-K
posted October 5, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Mossy Head Elementary
My goal is to increase my students' reading level from 34% proficient in reading to 75% proficient based on the FAST data.
Literacy - 3
posted October 5, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton Academy
Goal: Transforming a Little Patch into a World of Wonders
We aim to convert a modest patch of land adjacent to our learning space into an interactive garden. This garden will serve as a hands-on educational tool, allowing students to delve into the world of plants, witness the magic of growth, and learn foundational scientific and mathematical concepts in a tangible manner. Adjacent to this budding learning space, a tribute tree stands, symbolizing shared stories and memories. With this initiative, we're not just growing plants; we're cultivating curiosity, nurturing young minds, and strengthening community bonds.
STEM Education - 9-12
posted October 5, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Maude Saunders Elementary
My goal is to provide my students who do not communicate well or can't verbalize any response, but are able touch to respond, the opportunities in the classroom that will enable them to become successful communicators for the rest of their lives with a device that will enhance and ensure success in and out of the classroom. Also, the goal is to increase receptive and expressive language in the classroom when working on their classwork that requires the utilization of technology to answer or advocate for themselves. The iPads will be used on a daily basis and will have a great impact on ensuring increased communication of what they know, what they can learn and express needs as they will regularly use technology for the rest of their lives. iPad's will decrease frustration, anxiety, and other behaviors when it comes to the traditional pencil and paper tasks, allowing them more opportunities to reach IEP goals, as well personal goals.
The technology programs the school district has for their curriculum is available on newer versions of technology devices. Laptops increase frustration and confusion for student who can only respond by pointing or touching. The keyboard on a computer is a distraction for our non-verbal students and limits their attention to learning. Also, the device offers guided access to ensure students will not wander off from the programs or curriculum or touch buttons that are not part of the lesson. The programs on the devices that students will be using on a daily basis will be individualized to meet each student's needs and offer them to work at their individualized pace. For example, students who are considered to be below grade level will be assigned material based on the skills that they need to be successful, with opportunities to have repeated practice on a device that can provide automatic feedback and limit distractibility.
Low Performing Students - Pre K - 5
posted October 6, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Mossy Head Elementary
The goal of this grant is to increase participation with students who would normally not raise their hand to read or answer questions.
Low Performing Students - 3
posted October 6, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
Implementing communication board and sensory items within student's school day will increase abilities of participation, learning classroom material, and engaging with peers/adults.
Low Performing Students - K-12
posted October 6, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
South Walton High School
The primary goal is to instill safety and independent living skills in students at a variety of levels by promoting real-life language and Math skills through Environmental Print curriculums with engaging visuals and manipulatives. These materials will also enhance reading and language skills.
Low Performing Students - 9-12
posted October 7, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
59% of our Kindergarten Students scored in the 50th & Above Percentile in Math and 54% of our First Grade students scored in the 75th & Above category. By using the PLTW materials, I would like to increase the number of Kindergarten students to 70% or higher and the number of First Grade students to 70%.
STEM Education - K-5
posted October 7, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
Project Goals: The goal of this grant request is to secure funding for the purchase of materials that will allow students to deep dive fourth grade standards with a hands-on approach. This will include topics such as Earth's rotation and revolution, moon phases, rocks and minerals, matter, energy and energy transfer, plant and animals, and ecosystems. By conducting experiments and engaging in practical activities, students will develop a strong understanding of these scientific principles. Providing these materials will enhance students' understanding and engagement in science, fostering a love for learning and critical thinking skills, plus it’s fun!
Project Objectives:
1. Enhance the learning experiences of 4th-grade students by giving them the opportunity to explore scientific topics in a more in-depth, tangible way.
2. Engage students in collaborative and inquiry-based learning experiences, encouraging them to ask questions, observe phenomena, and analyze data while exposing my students to various careers.
3. Foster a positive and inclusive classroom environment that promotes student participation and encourages academic achievement in science.
STEM Education - 4
posted October 8, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
The goal of this grant is to help students learn patience, problem-solving, friendly competition, enhancing letter recognition. We want to be able to continue to develop motor skills with the younger students at our school. This also provides an opportunity to connect the amazing fishing that we have in this area to the classroom setting. This would also be of great benefit to the special needs friends that join the physical education setting. would like to purchase 14 sets to ensure adequate amount for physical education classes.
Teaching Quality - K-5
posted October 9, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton Middle School
To teach students how to build custom-raised beds, have them build them, fill them with growing media, plant them, and take care of them while providing fresh produce to the community.
Career/Technical Education - 6-8
posted October 9, 2023
67% Funded
Only $500 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
As a teacher, there is nothing more magical than seeing the excitement and wonder in children as they explore the natural world. The best way we can provide opportunities like that while in the classroom is through the use of high-quality supplies and materials. Our project aims to bring the wonders of science to life for our fourth-grade students by enhancing their learning experience with fun and exciting hands-on equipment and educational models and displays. By providing engaging and interactive resources and experiments, we hope to spark curiosity, inspire critical thinking, and nurture a love for science in young minds.
STEM Education - 4
posted October 9, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
90% of my low performing students will read grade level material.
Low Performing Students - 3
posted October 9, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton High School
My goal is to create a classroom environment where collaboration is the emphasis. Why? Students learn best with each other when they 'struggle' a bit to understand. Using these whiteboard tables and chairs, I can place my students together in small groups to work on the same skills.
Low Performing Students - 9-12
posted October 9, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
To excite the minds of young learners with the latest in robotics and turbine engines creating STEAM powered learners.
STEM Education - 2
posted October 9, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
West Defuniak Elementary
To establish a thriving raised bed garden within our school campus, providing students with an engaging outdoor learning environment that fosters a deeper understanding of agriculture while nurturing their connection to nature. Through this garden, we aim to inspire lifelong appreciation for growing food and flowers, fostering hands-on experimental learning and promoting sustainable practices within our school community.
STEM Education - K-5
posted October 9, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freeport High School
Over the last 4 years, our Agritechnology Program has developed an outdoor classroom using a traditional garden setting that has 5 raised beds and a small greenhouse which are used to grow a variety of vegetables, herbs, and flowers. This garden area allows students to take their traditional learning outside to the garden and learn about the Vegetable and Nursery Industries as they work towards career and technical certifications in these fields. After four years, we now have a diverse group of students using these resources, from first year students to fourth year students. As students work in the garden, they are restricted to what other classes have done in years past. The basics are there, but as their knowledge grows, they recognize that there are ways to improve the efficiency of their time, our space, and the production of the garden. The ability to improve the garden systems (irrigation, space, aesthetics, and even our enjoyment of the garden) results in this request for funding.
Career/Technical Education - 9-12
posted October 9, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freeport Elementary
The goal with these 2 student iPads will be an exciting new way of student led TV production! We want to train our 4th grade student council and WFES News Crew on not only how to write a script for a new show, but also how to deliver the news on air, reading the script on the iPads at a table, and even how to edit the recordings to produce a show to send out to the entire school!
STEM Education - 4
posted October 9, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton Academy
'To provide an interdisciplinary learning experience for students by merging artistic expression with STEM principles, fostering creativity, digital proficiency, and problem-solving skills. Through the 'Spartan Leaders: Bridging Art and STEM' project, we aim to produce a digital mosaic banner that encapsulates the essence of leadership and innovation while demonstrating the tangible outcomes of integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics in art.'
STEM Education - 9-12
posted October 9, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton Middle School
To have small group sets of iPads to increase students' ability to access information easily while in a small group setting.
Low Performing Students - 7
posted October 9, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
This project aims instill a life-long love and appreciation of science and scientific knowledge in young students through hands-on, discovery-based learning. Students will be engaged in active learning activities that promote critical thinking, fosters innovation, and encourages problem-solving skills. By creating an environment where students can explore and experiment, we ignite a passion for learning and innovation.
STEM Education - 4
posted October 9, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0.18000000000006 Needed
Maude Saunders Elementary
Our names are Meri Mollitor and Sheryl Evans. We are two of the Maude Saunders FIRST Lego League team coaches. FIRST Lego League offers students a hands-on approach to STEM learning.
Our MSE Lego Club is one that offers fun learning opportunities using the FIRST Lego League annual themed kit and a Lego Education computer programming kit. They will use the skills they learn in the Lego Club throughout their lives. Such talents include innovatively learning to develop ideas, creatively solving problems in small groups, and sharing ideas while respecting each other’s differences. In addition to these life skills, they also learn computer research, computer coding, and presentation skills, all while having fun and supporting each other as a team.
STEM Education - K-5
posted October 9, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
The goal of this grant is to help create the best learning environment for all of our students while meeting their sensory needs. All of our students are ESE and benefit from having alternative seating available to them. Each student is different so our goal is to have a wide variety of seating so they can choose what works best for their learning.
Teaching Quality - K-5
posted October 9, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
The goal of this grant is to bring hands-on interaction and connection between young students and wildlife. Pre-k curriculum teaches students about animals, nature, habitats, and life cycles. What a great experience to be able to allow children to interact with and touch real-life animals in the student’s environment where they feel most comfortable. Students will learn about the needs of animals like what they eat, where they live, how long they live and so much more. Each class will receive a butterfly kit with 5 caterpillars. They will get to observe the life cycle and watch step by step what happens. Releasing the butterflies at the end of the project brings an understanding of the full cycle.
Teaching Quality - Pre-K
posted October 9, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
Florida wants its students to be the BEST readers they can be. We can get them there with a little help from books on the list of approved books from the state. These books provide a wide array of informational reading texts that students can explore vis a vis the Florida BEST Language Arts standards and benchmarks. These will be excellent tools for the fourth grade language arts teachers to help students meet these standards/benchmarks.
The fourth grade language arts teachers are responsible for teaching a wide range of reading skills. Among these are important skills that are utilized across reading genres – in all types of texts. To teach these skills, it is helpful to have specific types of texts. These skills include two in particular that the first progress monitoring assessment showed fourth graders were low in - comparative reading (comparing different accounts of the same event) and paraphrasing/summarizing.
In addition to being good choices for these two reading skills, the books purchased through this grant will complement the materials currently utilized by the district to add diversity to the types and levels of text so that students can be remediated and extended where appropriate. The books dovetail nicely with the social studies curriculum as well and aid in teaching the content/skills required in fourth grade social studies. In addition, the books will help students build important background knowledge that improves reading comprehension.
Literacy - 4
posted October 9, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Bay School
Our students need opportunities to learn through collaborative and innovative hands-on activities. The light table is a unique resource because it will allow our children to take control of their learning. Whether the light table is used for math, literacy, or science, the purpose is to promote higher level thinking and problem-solving skills. They will take part in academic investigations while using their senses, developing reasoning skills, and building cognitive awareness.
STEM Education - Pre-K
posted October 9, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freeport Elementary
My goal is to create a calm learning environment for my students as well as help foster responsibility of students in my classroom.
Teaching Quality - 4
posted October 9, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
Our primary goal is to help kids in Kindergarten through 5th Grade discover the enchanting links between music, art, and science.
STEM Education - K-5
posted October 9, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Maude Saunders Elementary
The goal is to provide sensory-friendly environment for students who struggle with stimming behaviors, such as jumping and running.
Low Performing Students - Pre K - 5
posted October 9, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Bay School
I would like to cultivate a lifelong love of reading in my classroom through the use of books, props and activities that will help prepare my students for their educational career. To quote Dr. Seuss: 'The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go!' Picture books bring numerous benefits to students as they begin to develop their reading skills. These benefits include building language skills, identifying sequences of events, improving comprehension, and boosting social and emotional learning. But the learning doesn't stop there! They will also gain math skills, expand their vocabulary, learn about the world around them, visit places far away, and improve their imagination and creativity. This grant will help provide books and materials related to the stories to help facilitate the hands-on learning I use with my students. These resources will be available for other teachers at Bay School to use in their classrooms as well.
Literacy - Pre-K
posted October 9, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freeport Elementary
The objective of STEM items being asked to purchase, is to ignite an interest in learning, and to help uncover the fascinating world of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) by providing my Pre-Kindergarten ESE students the opportunity to use hands on materials as they investigate, observe, ask questions, make hypotheses, and learn about the things the world around them has to offer. Purchased items such as a beginner’s science lab, sink and float station, motion discovery tubes, magnetic science tiles, block play simple machines, real bugs discovery kit, see it grow plant lab, magnetic shape sorting rods, count with me talking cookie jar, math counters, telling time teaching clock, blocks, and telescope will provide my students unique opportunities to learn as they play and interact with the world around them. These materials will help connect the concepts that are taught in class to real world applications. In return, the skills my students will acquire through their discoveries with the STEM items will help with FAST assessments given to Pre-Kindergarten Students (entering Kindergarten) each year.
STEM Education - Pre-K
posted October 9, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Bay School
To teach nonverbal developmentally delayed children communication skills.
Literacy - Pre-K
posted October 9, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
Children are meant to move but they are so restricted in their day to day. They are expected to just sit at a desk and focus on their work. However, children are busy so this can be a challenge for some. They begin to tap their pencils on their desks, lean back and rock in their chairs or find reasons to get out of their seats. Students have little to no say in how their classroom is presented to them. There is assigned seating and desks situated in groups or in rows. I would like to give some control to my students in their classroom, to give them the ability to decide what is the best choice for helping them feel comfortable in their environment to promote their best learning. I would like to give my students flexible seating options in my classroom.
Teaching Quality - 5
posted October 9, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton Education Foundation
State a summary of your project and its objectives and keep your project anonymous. Stay to the point and do not use references specific to your school like its name, mascot or teacher name. Volunteers from the community will be reading dozens of grant applications so allow your grant to catch their attention.
Teaching Quality - K-12
posted October 9, 2023
0% Funded
Only $1050 Needed
Freeport Elementary
To encourage my low performing students to preform using a multisensory toolbox to engage them in classwork, to encourage the student to give verbal and written answers.
To enrich my high performing students with the opportunity to build on their existing responses to standard based questions.
Teaching Quality - 2
posted October 10, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton High School
The goal of annotation is to provide additional information or explanation to a text, image, or other media. It can help clarify complex or ambiguous content, highlight important details, or provide context for the reader. Annotation also allows for the organization and categorization of information, making it easier to locate and retrieve specific details later on. Overall, the goal of annotation is to enhance understanding and provide a more comprehensive and valuable experience for the user.
Literacy - 10
posted October 10, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
Use stationary bikes and pulse oximeters to explore real-world math and science
STEM Education - 5
posted October 10, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
Our goal is to provide the incredible Robotics Club experience to our students in grades first through fifth grade.
STEM Education - K-5
posted October 10, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
The goal to is to replace a classroom kitchen that was purchased at a garage sale. After using it for eight years the students would love to have their favorite center replaced.
STEM Education - K
posted October 10, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freeport Elementary
Our goal is to continue to improve student behaviors, attitudes, motivation, and participation. Last school year, we piloted the ‘Super PE Students of the Day’ program for Kindergarten and First Grade. With the positive outcome of the incentive program, we would like to expand this incentive program to all grade levels this school year.
Teaching Quality - Pre K - 5
posted October 10, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Maude Saunders Elementary
At the beginning of the school year, my students took the STAR reading assessment to measure their ELA proficiency. Based on my students' performance 71% of my students were performing below grade level with only 29% at or above benchmark. To achieve 70% proficiency we will be working during whole group and small group reading instruction.
Literacy - 1
posted October 10, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Maude Saunders Elementary
My goal is to engage kindergarten students in the construction of simple structures using Lego Duplo building sets that will lay the foundation for an interest in engineering and expose them to working together to solve real world problems.
STEM Education - K
posted October 10, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
To connect students to a learning environment that aids in collaboration, problem-solving and building! Students will solve everyday real world problems through the use of Lego Education Spike Kits. These kits will allow students to build together through the act of playing with Lego's while fostering their computer science skills. Students will be able to bring their builds to life by coding their Lego creations to perform specific tasks that correlate with a step by step lesson/problem.
STEM Education - K-5
posted October 10, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Seacoast Collegiate High School
As a second language learner myself, I find that true learning happens beyond classroom instruction, it happens when we put our learning into practice through speaking, reading and writing and enjoy it!. For that reason, building our Spanish Library has two goals:
1. Teach Spanish through Literacy and differentiation. I want students to love learning Spanish. Providing books for structured reading time and free-reading at various levels is an amazing way to reach each student where they are.
2. Inclusivity through Literacy. To help Heritage Spanish speakers connect with their mother tongue and culture. This student population spends most of their school day speaking, listening, reading, and writing in English. Many of our students are fluent in speaking and listening, but cannot read or write very well. For that reason, it is so important that as a school, we strengthen their literacy skills in their mother tongue as it sets them up for success with their English literacy.
Literacy - 9-12
posted October 10, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
South Walton High School
To further students' understanding of real world analytical techniques and 'why' science matters. To help them realize the level of investigation they are capable of doing, given access to the right equipment.
STEM Education - 9-12
posted October 10, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freeport Elementary
My goal is to motivate my students to read, develop their reading skills, provide opportunities for STEM activities that support literacy, and have fun learning and teaching.
Literacy - 3
posted October 10, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
To increase literature interaction and comprehension through an in depth novel study of literary elements.
Literacy - 3
posted October 10, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Maude Saunders Elementary
At the beginning of the school year, my took the STAR Reading Assessment to measure ELA proficiency. Based on my students' performance, only 41% scored at/above grade level and 59% scored below grade level. To achieve 70% proficiency, we will be working during whole group and small group instruction.
Literacy - 1
posted October 10, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
Creating an Authentic Bound and Illustrated student created Book containing their final edit of a narrative story, expository essay, or how-to instructional piece.
Literacy - 3
posted October 10, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton High School
With this funding 125 Walton High School sophomores will have the basic tools they need to master the fundamentals of close reading and critical thinking. Last year, English departments throughout the district were challenged to find, vet, and implement texts and materials that better aligned with the rigor and complexity of the new B.E.S.T standards. As the Walton High School tenth grade ELA team develops and implements lessons from these resources, we must often create and copy pieces of texts for close reading and annotations, graphic organizers, and guided notes. For my students to learn and practice the skills needed to read a text closely and critically, they must physically engage with the pages, writing notes, marking for language, creating visuals, and identifying questions and areas for further exploration. Because the new text sets are not consumables the way the old textbooks were, materials must be copied for each student, and, as you know, paper is at premium for teachers. This grant will allow me to purchase additional paper as well as sticky notes, annotation tabs, index cards, and highlighters so my students can become active and engaged readers and learners.
Literacy - 9-12
posted October 10, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Maude Saunders Elementary
Our goal is to have every student in our classes reading on grade level. We believe in our students and know that with their hard work and dedication that this can happen. We are looking for every possible advantage, including the Word Work Magnetic Boards and Tiles.
Literacy - 1
posted October 10, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Seaside School
1. Enhance Scientific Knowledge: Incorporating Weather STEM into our curriculum will allow our students to develop a deeper understanding of meteorology and environmental science. They will learn about weather patterns, climate, and the impact of weather on plants, making our science and gardening classes more comprehensive and engaging.
2. Interdisciplinary Learning: Weather STEM provides an excellent opportunity for interdisciplinary learning, encouraging students to apply their math and technology skills to real-world situations. This approach fosters critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
3. Hands-On Experience: Weather STEM offers a hands-on experience for our students, enabling them to actively engage with weather data, sensors, and technology. This practical experience will make learning more tangible and memorable.
STEM Education - 6-8
posted October 10, 2023
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
The goal is to introduce my 2nd graders to STEM activities and engineering opportunities using Cubelet Robots. These autonomous robot-cubes will teach students basic robotics and programming that will better equip them to compete in the global society with the tools necessary to prepare them for the 21st Century. Providing students with STEM activities and engineering opportunities will benefit the students immediate and long term by exercising their thinking strategies and developing higher-order questioning and problem-solving techniques.
STEM Education - 2
posted September 21, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
This project seeks to introduce a series of 'Morning Bins' into my preschool classroom to provide structured, engaging activities that foster growth across key developmental areas, including math, science, social-emotional learning, and literacy. These morning bins will serve as a tool to enhance early childhood education by aligning with the Florida Early Learning Standards and supporting the developmental needs of our young learners.
Teaching Quality - Pre-K
posted September 21, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freeport Elementary
Research shows that students can only sit and pay attention for about 20 minutes. After that time, student's minds begin to wander, and they begin to not pay attention to what's being taught to them. I would like to be able to offer all of my students to opportunity to move at their seats while learning their multiplication facts.
Teaching Quality - 4
posted September 22, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
The goal of this grant is to enhance the learning environment of a first-grade classroom by implementing flexible seating options, sensory tools and manipulatives that promote focus, engagement, and self-regulation. By creating a dynamic, student-centered space, this initiative aims to support diverse learning styles, improve attention and behavior, and foster a positive, inclusive atmosphere where all students can thrive academically and socially. Through these adjustments, the classroom will encourage movement, sensory input, and comfort, leading to improved learning outcomes and overall student well-being.
Teaching Quality - 1
posted September 24, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
Our school is located a quarter mile from the beach, yet with as much waste as we accrue from people who reside here and people who visit here, we are not doing our part as a community in recycling. Landfills are where most of our waste goes due to there being a severe lack of recycling abilities in our county and landfills are not only unhealthy for the environment, but also for us to breathe in the air around us. Recycling is such a crucial contribution for everyone, and to be able to instill understanding into elementary students is a great place to start. Walton County does not provide recycling for its residents, unless they relocate the recycling on their own. Due to the lack of recycling capabilities, many of our students don’t truly know the impact recycling has on the planet. By bringing recycling to our school, we will provide education on why it is important and the impacts that it has. The goal for this grant, is to be able to bring light to the importance of recycling and teach our students not only how and what to recycle, but provide opportunities for them to see first-hand, how recycling impacts our community and local environment.
STEM Education - K-5
posted September 25, 2024
0% Funded
Only $1492.22 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
Currently 20% of my class is proficient on the beginning of year FAST ELA assessment. My long term goal is for 85% of my students to be proficient on the end of year FAST ELA assessment. Currently 10% of my students are on grade level on Lexia Core 5 reading program. My short term goal is for 100% of my students to be working on a fourth grade reading level on the Lexia Core 5 Reading program.
Literacy - 4
posted September 25, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton High School
The goal of this project is to provide students with a practical learning experience that fosters empathy, observation skills, and a deeper comprehension of developmental theories. By interacting with babydolls, students will engage in role-playing exercises that simulate caregiving scenarios, allowing them to explore various developmental stages and their psychological implications.
Teaching Quality - 11
posted September 25, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton High School
To replace camera equipment that is broken and beyond repair, which severely limits our ability to capture important school events and produce a high-quality yearbook.
STEM Education - 9-12
posted September 25, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton High School
Continue to reach our ELL (English Language Learners) through small groups in English and Reading classes. The materials below will ensure that students have the table space where they can meet in small groups - and are supported with materials where they can work together to solve problems.
Low Performing Students - 9-12
posted September 25, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freeport Elementary
Create a classroom environment and provide opportunity that will enhance the focus and attention of my students so that they may perform more successfully.
Low Performing Students - K-5
posted September 26, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Bay School
This school year, our overall school improvement goal in math is for our students to improve their score on a school based formative assessment by five or more questions or 100%. We have created a teacher formative assessment that consists of 25 questions that address each Florida standard to prepare out students for the next grade level. We believe that through hands on experiences, individualized instruction and one on one support that our students can improve and master the appropraite standards to score at or above expectations on the assessment. Currently, we only have about 5% who are at or exceeding expectations on our math assessment. Through this grant, we are striving to improve our school score and to provide resources to our students to improve their math knowledge and gain confidence in developing math skills as they continue on their academic journey.
Low Performing Students - Pre-K
posted September 26, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
Simply, our goal is to motivate our students to read more. Some kids aren't born with a love for books, and that's where we come in! We're going to spark some interest in reluctant readers by buying some of the newest releases and adding more incentives for reading. An increase in reading will lead to an increase in AR tests passed, which will lead to helping more children in our community who are food insecure.
Literacy - K-5
posted September 27, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
Improve Student Focus: Provide an alternative seating option during math and science centers that promotes better concentration during lessons.
Enhance Student Engagement through Active Learning: Increase student participation, engagement, and focus during lessons by providing movement through active seating options.
Support Diverse Learning Styles: Cater to kinesthetic learners and those with attention difficulties, creating a more inclusive environment.
Teaching Quality - 5
posted September 30, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton Middle School
The goal of this project is to provide a festive celebration for our ESE student population but also provide valuable learning experiences for our students. The Christmas dinner aims to provide students with a hands-on cooking experience, enhance social skills, and foster a sense of community. during the holiday season.
Teaching Quality - 6-8
posted September 30, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Maude Saunders Elementary
Our goal is to provide our school Lego Club the opportunity to experience success in researching, building, and coding Lego models according to the FIRST Lego League season challenge: “Submerged”.
STEM Education - K-5
posted October 1, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
South Walton High School
My goal is to make my AP Statistics and Dual Enrollment College Algebra available to all students regardless of financial ability by having TI-84 graphing calculators available in my classroom. Each year we have students that would like to take these courses, but cannot afford to buy a graphing calculator that is required for those classes. Removing the financial burden for students will allow them to be able to take the advanced math courses they need so they are prepared to solve the types of math problems they are going to face in life after high school.
STEM Education - 9-12
posted October 1, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
I am asking for a grant to cover the expense of snap circuits and solar powered cars for my fifth grade science students. The goal is to engage students in the fifth grade Energy standards, along with some third and fourth, to prepare them for the Science FAST in the spring. I hope to increase our score from last spring in science. We also plan on giving three benchmark tests throughout the year (beginning, middle, end) and hope to see a 10% improvement with each one. By engaging them in hands-on activities, this will allow them to apply Energy concepts to real world situations.
STEM Education - 5
posted October 1, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton Middle School
Low performing and struggling students tend to miss school more than any other student. Recorded lessons provide access to educational content for students who may have missed the class, allowing them to review material at their own pace. Students can revisit recorded lessons to reinforce their understanding of complex topics, aiding in exam preparation and long-term retention of information.
Low Performing Students - 6-8
posted October 1, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
My goal is to have my 5th graders reading grade level books for fun and to have them take AR tests at school in order to help the community. I also wish for my students to enjoy reading and to understand that sometimes we read for pleasure and not just for testing. I believe that if kids are enjoying what they're doing, they're learning as well.
Literacy - 5
posted October 1, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
In today’s diverse educational landscape, creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment is essential for fostering student engagement and academic growth. This proposal seeks funding to implement flexible seating options, such as stools, lap desks, and small group instructional materials to provide students with every opportunity for success in their academic endeavors. These resources will particularly benefit low-performing and struggling students in small group instruction, providing them with the tools they need to thrive.
Low Performing Students - 4
posted October 1, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
The goal is to provide hands-on projects to connect our Science, Math, and English Language Arts curriculums to real world applications.
STEM Education - 3
posted October 1, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
Help me support my students learning with new ten-frame magnetic answer boards, trace & write number boards, and Magnetic Wonder Tiles for hands on engagement.
Teaching Quality - K
posted October 1, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
Meeting our goals for team building: All equipment will be used to improve our student's 'team building' skills.
'Ollie the Octopus', 'Stella the Starfish', and 'Sid the Spider' sets will be used to promote our students 'team building' skills! Students work together to launch and catch these special creatures! Students work in teams to launch and catch- students will receive points when they are successful! Working together for a common goal will be our mission!
The 'Action! Bonkerzball Set' will promote 'team building' by students trying to work together as a team and be the first one to move their target across the throwing line! Showing good sportsmanship and learning how to target throw, and catch in a teamwork atmosphere will be our main goal!
Omnikin Ultra Balls will be used to increase and promote 'team building' by introducing a variety of games and activities in a team setting. Students learn problem-solving skills, cooperation skills, and the ability to collaborate with others!
Teaching Quality - K-5
posted October 2, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
The goal of my grant is to transform the way students engage with science, in turn making concepts relatable. I would like to purchase lab equipment and materials that would allow students to conduct their own experiments. My expected outcome with this grant is improved student engagement and achievement.
STEM Education - 4
posted October 2, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Maude Saunders Elementary
My goal is to expose all of my students to many kinds of paints and painting techniques so that they can make informed decisions when determining what/how they will use paint in works of art.
Teaching Quality - K-5
posted October 2, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
Children are meant to move but they are so restricted in their day to day. They are expected to just sit at a desk and focus on their work. However, children are busy so this can be a challenge for some! They begin to tap their pencils on their desks, lean back and rock in their chairs, or find excuses to get out of their seats. Students have little to no say in how their classroom is presented to them. There is assigned seating and desks situated in groups or rows. I want to give some control to my students in their classroom, to give them the ability to decide what is the best choice for helping them feel comfortable in their environment to promote their best learning. I would like to give my students flexible seating options in my classroom.
Teaching Quality - K
posted October 2, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freeport Elementary
My goal is to increase student engagement by offering flexible seating as an incentive for effort/good behavior.
Low Performing Students - 4
posted October 2, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
Our first goal is for 80% of our fourth grade students to be proficient on the FAST ELA PM3 Assessment.
Our second goal is to increase student engagement during the reading block.
Literacy - 4
posted October 3, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
South Walton High School
Digital Design students preparing for the Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop Professional Certification exam will have the opportunity to best prepare for the certification exam.
STEM Education - 9-12
posted October 4, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
The goal of this project is to enhance the learning environment for my second-grade students, particularly those who are low-performing, by incorporating hands-on, collaborative learning tools that address different learning modalities. The double-sided teaching easel and phonics kits will provide opportunities for students to engage in cooperative learning, allowing them to work through concepts with peers, while also supporting individual and small-group instruction. Ultimately, I aim to increase student engagement, improve phonics and literacy skills, and create a more inclusive learning environment where all students can thrive.
Low Performing Students - 2
posted October 5, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Bay School
I have noticed that in recent years, there is a lot of academic pressure placed on 3, 4 and 5 year olds. They are being asked to sit at a desk, use writing utensils and memorize the alphabet and spell words, not to mention memorize math facts and complete story problems. Research has shown that before students can sit at a desk and perform these activities, they need to develop fine and large motor skills.
My goal is to help my students understand that it is OK to make mistakes. In fact, Albert Einstein believed that making mistakes is an important part of the learning process. Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Creativity and Innovation concepts help to better prepare students to meet the demands of technology in the world around them. These concepts are more hands-on, which allow students to learn from their mistakes, making the learning so much more personal.
To quote Miss Frizzel from the The Magic School Bus 'Take Chances. Make Mistakes. Get Messy!'
STEM Education - Pre K - 5
posted October 6, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
The goal of this grant is to bring hands-on interaction and connection between young students and wildlife. Pre-k curriculum teaches students about animals, nature, habitats, and life cycles. What a great experience to be able to allow children to interact with and touch real-life animals in the student's environments where they feel most comfortable. Students will learn about the needs of animals like what they eat, where they live, how long they live and so much more. Each class will receive a butterfly kit with 5 caterpillar's. They will get to observe the life cycle and watch step by step what happens. Releasing the butterflies at the end of the project brings the understanding of the full cycle.
Teaching Quality - Pre-K
posted October 7, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freeport Elementary
Our goal is to teach 2nd grade students the basics and building blocks of financial literacy. Students will learn how to accurately count money while choosing to save or spend. Budgeting should be fun for eveyone!
STEM Education - 2
posted October 8, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freeport Elementary
My goal is to provide students with the tools to improve reading fluency and more opportunities for movement within the classroom setting to improve student engagement.
Literacy - 3
posted October 8, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
South Walton High School
The goal of virtual biology laboratory simulations is to provide engaging, interactive, and authentic laboratory investigations which will enhance and enrich students learning and take it beyond the classroom.
STEM Education - 9-12
posted October 9, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton High School
To purchase a new iMac computer for writing and arranging music to be played by the band.
Teaching Quality - 9-12
posted October 9, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
Provide each child with an approved BEST book to use during Novel Studies and read aloud times.
Literacy - 4
posted October 9, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Emerald Coast Middle School
To enhance Stem/Steam education at ECMS through the purchase of wildlife cameras to be used in and around the ECMS grounds.
STEM Education - 6-8
posted October 10, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Maude Saunders Elementary
My goal is to provide my students who do not communicate well or can't verbalize any response, but are able touch to respond, the opportunities in the classroom that will enable them to become successful communicators for the rest of their lives with a device that will enhance and ensure success in and out of the classroom. Also, the goal is to increase receptive and expressive language in the classroom when working on their classwork that requires the utilization of technology to answer or advocate for themselves. The iPads will be used on a daily basis and will have a great impact on ensuring increased communication of what they know, what they can learn and express needs as they will regularly use technology for the rest of their lives. iPad's will decrease frustration, anxiety, and other behaviors when it comes to the traditional pencil and paper tasks, allowing them more opportunities to reach IEP goals, as well personal goals.
The technology programs the school district has for their curriculum is available on newer versions of technology devices. Laptops increase frustration and confusion for student who can only respond by pointing or touching. The keyboard on a computer is a distraction for our non-verbal students and limits their attention to learning. Also, the device offers guided access to ensure students will not wander off from the programs or curriculum or touch buttons that are not part of the lesson. The programs on the devices that students will be using on a daily basis will be individualized to meet each student's needs and offer them to work at their individualized pace. For example, students who are considered to be below grade level will be assigned material based on the skills that they need to be successful, with opportunities to have repeated practice on a device that can provide automatic feedback and limit distractibility.
Low Performing Students - Pre K - 5
posted October 10, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freeport Elementary
The goal of differentiation instruction is to ensure that all students are engaged in the learning process by providing tasks that match each individual's needs.
Low Performing Students - 4
posted October 10, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freeport Elementary
The goal is creating a centralized location for student collaboration. How amazing to have a whiteboard table for students to easily access and work out math problems. This incredible table is low to the ground so students can work as a team. Knights of the round table unite!
STEM Education - 4
posted October 10, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
The goal of our grant is to promote STEM education by engaging students in science through a visit from the mobile planetarium. Our secondary goal is to improve science scores on the end of year science test.
STEM Education - 4
posted October 11, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
Students will fly their UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles aka Drones) over a scale-model town that has been struck with a disaster, surveying the damage via a camera on the UAV. Students will design and build the town using recyclable materials we have in the classroom along with 3D printed materials. Students will learn how remote sensing and aerial reconnaissance can be used to help people in disaster situations. Students will learn to plan an aerial survey mission to maximize the amount of useful data they can retrieve in a limited amount of time.
STEM Education - Pre K - 5
posted October 11, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
Living in Northwest Florida definitely has its advantages of outdoor lifetime fitness opportunities. One of the most prominent of these in our surrounding community is golf. Many of our parents are avid and regular golfers and my goal is to introduce the sport to our students in an attempt to provide them with basic skills to perhaps build on a lifetime of physical fitness, possible opportunities to play in high school or beyond, and to help connect and bond students to their parents who are actively engaged in playing golf on a regular basis.
Teaching Quality - Pre K - 5
posted October 11, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
Our goal is for 80% of our students to be proficient on the end of Quarter 4 District Writing Assessment. Currently only 25% of our two classes were proficient on the Quarter 1 District Writing Assessment.
Literacy - K-5
posted October 11, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
Pickleball has taken our community by storm. This sport is causing a lot of buzz from the students. Our students always hear and see the pickleball courts full across the street at the sports complex. The excitement coming from the courts has peaked the kids interest to say the least. Incorporating something new is a great way to energize a program and teach new skills. Parents who play pickleball would be thrilled to know their kids are learning the game they love!
Teaching Quality - K-5
posted October 11, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
This proposal requests funding to purchase essential technology devices for our classrooms. We aim to acquire headphones, Chromebook chargers, screen wipes, stylus pens, a photo printer, privacy screens, an iPad, and a color printer with ink to enhance our educational environment, foster digital literacy, and support personalized learning. By investing in these tools, we will improve student engagement, facilitate access to educational resources, and prepare our students for a technology-driven future.
STEM Education - 4
posted October 11, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
*Students will become more familiar with robotics.
*The use of drones encourages STEM learning.
*Drones can also be used to teach the importance of safety and responsibility within the aviation industry.
*Students can learn about drone technology and its diverse applications.
*The curriculum would give students the opportunity to become more technologically literate whilst having fun at the same time.
STEM Education - PreK-12
posted October 14, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
At the beginning of the school year, my students took the STAR reading assessment to measure their ELA proficiency. Based on my students' performance 57% of my students were performing below grade level with only 43% at or above benchmark. To achieve 75% proficiency we will be working during whole group and small group reading instruction.
Literacy - 1
posted October 14, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Mossy Head Elementary
The goal of this project is to provide students with hands-on experience in robotics, fostering their problem-solving skills, creativity, teamwork, and leadership. Through the use of the robotics set from the 'First' company, students will not only engage in STEM learning but also develop leadership abilities by taking initiative, guiding their peers in collaborative projects, and making key decisions during team challenges. This will equip students with both technical and interpersonal skills crucial for future success.
STEM Education - K-5
posted October 14, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Emerald Coast Middle School
I would like to purchase 7 standing whiteboards, 5 magnetic coordinate grids, and whiteboard supplies. My goal is for students to have opportunities to practice math, while discussing and collaborating with their peers. Purchasing these whiteboards will provide enough space for partners or small groups to work through challenging math tasks. I believe this project will support my ultimate goal of student growth in mathematics.
STEM Education - 6
posted October 14, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
The goal for these items is to elevate our morning announcements by providing the proper equipment needed. These items will help communicate to our entire school and unify us as we share with the school what amazing things the students are doing at Dune Lakes.
Teaching Quality - K-5
posted October 14, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freeport Elementary
PreK classroom is in need of items to make our work and crafts come alive with cardstock, colored printer, laminating machine, etc. Our many crafts become more exciting if they are not always black and white. Correspondence to be sent home is enhanced if we have a color printer. Requesting basic items to be used throughout the year and not for one project.
Teaching Quality - Pre-K
posted October 14, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freeport Elementary
Students entering the educational setting are desperate to learn how to interact socially and emotionally. My goal is to provide manipulatives to enhance social and emotional lessons with students in Kindergarten through 4th grade.
Teaching Quality - K-5
posted October 14, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
To connect students to a learning environment that aids in collaboration, problem-solving and building! Students will solve every day real world problems while applying Robotics and Coding skills. The robotics materials listed within my request will allow students to build together through the act of small group coding collaboration while fostering their computer science skills. Students will be able to bring their builds to life by coding their robot’s to perform specific tasks that correlate with a step by step lesson/problem or with a specific robotics mat for a specific age group or STEM Challenge.
STEM Education - K-5
posted October 14, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
The goal of this grant is to share real-life experiences with Pre-K age students. This grant will allow small children to explore their natural curiosity. They will learn what it is like to be police officers, firefighters, barbers/beauticians, donut shop and bakery owners, farmers market vendors, taco truck operators, veterinarians, doctors, ice cream parlor owners, and pizza shop owners. They will understand what it takes to be a community servant/helper.
Teaching Quality - Pre-K
posted October 14, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton Intensity School of Excellence
Reading well helps students break out of the generational poverty cycle. Being a successful reader significantly increases your chances of getting a well-paying job. Struggling readers at the WISE Center are our number 1 focus. Difficulty reading causes struggles in all subjects. We would like to enhance our students impression of reading. This will enable them to learn to love reading or at least to work harder at it. Students today are very distracted by technology; movement will help calm that down.
By the end of this school year, we would like to see a 15% increase in mastery of our students reading skills such as fluency, decoding, and comprehension of literature. This includes newspapers, magazines, poetry, dramas, and stories (fictional/non-fictional) as tested by the FAST ELA/Reading test.
Literacy - 9-12
posted October 14, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
To connect students to a learning environment that aids in collaboration, problem-solving and building. Students will solve everyday real world problems through the use of Lego Educations Spike Kits. These kits will allow students to build together through the act of playing with Lego's while fostering their computer science skills. Students will be able to bring their builds to life by coding their Lego creations to perform specific tasks that correlate with a step-by-step lesson/problem.
STEM Education - K-5
posted October 14, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freeport Elementary
My goal is to motivate my students to read, develop their reading comprehension skills, provide opportunities for STEAM, improve student behavior, support literacy, help students develop a love for reading and learning, and have fun learning and teaching.
Literacy - 3
posted October 14, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freeport Elementary
To encourage my low performing students to preform using a multisensory toolbox to engage them in classwork, to encourage the student to give verbal and written answers.
To enrich my high performing students with the opportunity to build on their existing responses to standard based questions.
Teaching Quality - 2
posted October 14, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freeport Elementary
Accommodate diverse learning needs with versatile and adaptable seating options. To offer our ELA, Math and intervention classes options to increase their ownership of their learning environment.
Low Performing Students - 2
posted October 14, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Seaside School
This grant proposal, 'Breaking Barriers: VR-Enhanced English Language Acquisition for 7th and 8th Graders,' seeks funding to integrate Virtual Reality (VR) technology into the English Language Acquisition (ELA) classroom for 7th and 8th grade students. The primary goal is to revolutionize language learning by providing immersive experiences that enhance vocabulary acquisition, cultural understanding, and communication skills for English language learners. By leveraging VR technology, we aim to improve English language proficiency through engaging, context-rich environments, while simultaneously enhancing cultural awareness and global perspectives. This innovative approach is designed to increase student motivation and engagement in language learning, ultimately leading to improved language skills and confidence. Additionally, the project will foster the development of crucial 21st-century digital literacy skills, preparing students for an increasingly technology-driven world. Through this grant, we seek to create a more dynamic, effective, and culturally rich language learning experience that bridges linguistic and cultural gaps, empowering our diverse student population to thrive in their academic and personal lives.
Literacy - 6-8
posted October 14, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freeport Learning Center
For each of my students to communicate through expression with various art materials. Using art materials properly, engaging with crafts, and showing their unquie personalities while mastering their IEP goals/benchmarks, across all learning domains with the use of the arts.
Low Performing Students - Pre-K
posted October 14, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
The goal in our classroom will be to help my students to become more efficient in technology and test taking abilities.
Teaching Quality - Pre-K
posted October 14, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freeport Middle School
EduProtocols are research-based instructional lesson frames that are designed to engage students in learning through critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity. Using EduProtocols in the classroom effectively raises interest, creativity, and understanding about our units of study, increasing test scores, and quality of work. Adapting this with my curriculum, all of the above with seamlessly enhance both teaching and learning styles, and students will RETAIN what they learn. It's about mastery, not memorization!
Literacy - 6
posted October 14, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Paxton School
The goal of implementing soft start in the classroom is to ease the students into the school day and help them feel part of the classroom community.
STEM Education - K-5
posted October 14, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton Academy
Our goal is to build a greenhouse that allows students to grow plants all year long. With this greenhouse, students can learn how to care for plants, grow food, and understand more about how nature works. The greenhouse will help students stay connected to the garden even during the colder months, teaching them about plants and how they grow.
STEM Education - 9-12
posted October 14, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Seacoast Collegiate High School
My goal is to transform my Spanish classroom into an inclusive and engaging learning environment where all students, particularly those with educational disabilities, can flourish. With our growing student population, we are seeing an increase in students with 504 plans, IEPs, and other accommodations. Building on last year’s successful grant for books, I aim to enhance our resources with interactive and personalized online learning tools. This funding will empower my students to confidently develop their language skills, cultivate a love for the Spanish language and culture, and enjoy the learning process.
Teaching Quality - 9-12
posted October 14, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Van R Butler Elementary
We aim to purchase new equipment for the WVRB News team to support and expand its capability. The additional equipment will allow students to produce higher-quality broadcasts, enhancing our ability to reach the school community of 950 students and the broader community through weekly YouTube episodes.
STEM Education - 5
posted October 14, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
Increase access for communication of non-speaking students within self-contained ESE classrooms with presentation of iPad with speech generating communication application.
Low Performing Students - K-5
posted October 14, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dune Lakes Elementary School
To use a variety of positive rewards to encourage low performing students to put in the extra work to reach grade level.
Low Performing Students - 3
posted October 14, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walton Intensity School of Excellence
Students that have Varying Exceptionalities, need to have the opportunity to use creative materials that are on their cognitive level that support them in meeting their mathematical, literacy, social studies, and science benchmarks/standards, but also build their fine motor, and social-emotional benchmarks/standards. Students must be able to access these materials in a way that is engaging for them. This grant goal will provide students with materials that are on their cognitive level. It is important so they can build upon their social skills and benchmarks/standards along with helping them to achieve their IEP goals.
Low Performing Students - Pre-K
posted October 14, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed