Suncoast Credit Union

Students will interact with residents of an extended-care facility to promote awareness of developing an understanding of how to be respectful, responsible, and kind to all generations. The students will learn and sing songs that will introduce them to an extended opportunity to appreciate different types of music and learn how to be involved in their community by reaching out to these senior citizens. Continued communication throughout the year will promote friendship. Students have been invited for the last 4 years and we hope we are able to continue this tradition using the skills learned from the Music Teacher.

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Bridge the Generation Gap

Laurel Oak Elementary 
Cheryl Coffey 
Tara Crowley 
Students Impacted:
August 29, 2019


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Lucie Jenny MacCarthy Music Fund of the Community Foundation of Collier County - $400.00


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 25

We are so grateful to Champions for Learning for giving us the opportunity to receive a Grant every year so we can reach out to our community and show them how much we care.  This trip to The Chateau at The Moorings is such an essential part of connecting juniors and seniors and enriching experiences by sharing life perspectives at different ages.

The seniors were absolutely thrilled to see our second graders and the smiles on their faces and whispered comments were priceless.  This made quite an impact on them.  My second graders were so excited to meet these people and forge a friendship they never have experienced before and maybe never would.  Sharing their love of  music provides an opening to do this.  It was very rewarding to watch the seniors join the second graders with some of the songs they were familiar with.  The students became very comfortable while they were there and were able to present some of their school work and also shared cards and little presents so they would be remember this special time together.

Unfortunately, we were unable to make our second trip in the Spring due to the Corona virus, but hopefully we will be able to resume these activities next year.  We did reach out to The Moorings about doing a virtual presentation, but have not heard a reply at this time.  Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.  My Dad was in assisted living and I think of him each year when we do this trip.

Cheryl Coffey

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Chateau performance

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Chateau performance


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Chateau Card

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Chateau Card 2


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Chateau Card 3

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Chateau performance 3


Original Grant Overview


Students will interact with residents of an extended-care facility to promote awareness of developing an understanding of how to be respectful, responsible, and kind to all generations. The students will learn and sing songs that will introduce them to an extended opportunity to appreciate different types of music and learn how to be involved in their community by reaching out to these senior citizens. Continued communication throughout the year will promote friendship. Students have been invited for the last 4 years and we hope we are able to continue this tradition using the skills learned from the Music Teacher. 


What will be done with my students

Students will learn and practice many different types of music along with learning how to use a few instruments to enhance their performance. They will also learn how to encourage these senior citizens to participate with them and invite them to sing along. The students will be making cards and little gifts for their 'buddies' to keep. They will meet a resident personally when the performance is done to share some of their classwork and chat with them. Some students find that despite the age difference, they have a lot in common. An additional trip will be planned later in the year featuring different types of music and activities.  


Benefits to my students

I feel this will benefit all students and residents by showing a different perspective of relationships among people of all ages. Most Florida students do not have much contact with older generations. The residents do not have much contact with the younger generation, and both groups can share some of their experiences. The students will have a better understanding of how they can become good citizens just by sharing and showing kindness to others. This particular aspect helps enhance their Social Studies Unit regarding good citizenship.
Collaboration with the Music Teacher from prior years will be shared with my co-teacher to develop this learning lesson and experience. Students really come up with some wonderful reflections on this experience. 


Budget Narrative

A bus will be needed for transportation to The Chateau and supplies needed to make small gifts for the residents. 



# Item Cost
1 Rental of a school bus-2 trips $200.00
2 Supplies for crafts or musical items $200.00
  Total: $400.00


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union