Suncoast Credit Union

To create a growing global citizenship picture book library for our community of learners that focuses on multicultural people and places around the world, as well as people creating positive change through their global community service initiatives. By purchasing these book subscriptions, our teachers and students will gain access to a variety of resources to foster multicultural awareness by developing a mindset of global citizenship.

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Fostering Global Perspectives- Growing Global Citizenship Library

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Seacrest Country Day School - Lower School 
Character Education 
Amyrose LoMele 
Angela Burchett 
Students Impacted:
September 12, 2020


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Suncoast Credit Union - $505.63


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 410

First and foremost, I would like to thank Champions for Learning for providing the platform and opportunity for schools to receive funding for exciting and essential curriculum materials, and Suncoast Credit Union for generously fulfilling this grant. These funds have already impacted our school and students in a positive way, and will continue to help our students think globally for years to come :)


With this grant, I was able to purchase two book box subscriptions: Momo's Book Club, and For Purpose Kids. So far, we have received 7/12 book boxes from Momo's Book Club, for a total of 28 titles, and 4/6 book boxes from For Purpose Kids, for a total of 4 books. Therefore, in just a few short months, we have grown our Global Citizenship Library from 0 to 32 titles!


The books received so far, as well as the books yet to be received, are shared with students of a variety of ages. Each time a box is delivered, we celebrate in the classrooms with a special unboxing. Multiage lessons based on these books and the thematic resources that come with them from the subscriptions are then carefully curated to share across our campus.  


Here are a few examples of books and lessons we have completed thus far:


We are Water Protectors: After reading the story, and in conjunction with Earth Day, students created upcycled art pieces to display with their writing pieces on why we should use our voices to protect the Earth everyday. Students also formed a Lower School Club focused on recycling plastics to help keep the ocean clean. They were given a bulletin board in the hallway where they post weekly newsletters, trivia, facts, etc. for other students to learn from. All students can post updates on how to better care for the environment and post examples of what they have done in and out of school to continue to protect the Earth.


Alma and How She Got Her Name: After reading the story, students explored where their own names came from. Students were encouraged to go home and discuss their name choices, heritage, and genealogy with their parents and other families members. Next year, this book will be used in conjunction with our Heritage Luncheon, during which the whole school comes together to learn about each other's heritage and share traditional dishes from around the world.


All Are Welcome: After reading the story, students worked together to create a Kindness Calendar of random acts of kindness. Each day, a student pulls a kindness, which is then carried out during the day. Kindnesses include completing a friend, sitting with someone new at lunch, holding the door, and painting kindness rocks to place around campus. By participating in daily acts of kindness, our students are showing that "all are welcome" on our school campus and in our community.


Malala's Magic Pencil: After reading the story and researching more about Malala Yousafzai, students created inspirational posters to place around the school advocating for equal access to education. These included quotes from the book about the power of education as a tool to create positive change in the world. 


On behalf of Seacrest Country Day School, we are extremely grateful for this grant and the experiences it has provided for our students and educators. Thank you again to Champions for Learning and Suncoast Credit Union for helping to enrich our school community, teaching practices, and student's lives. 

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A sampling of books from our Global Citizenship li

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We are the Water Protects, students working in nat


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Alma and How She Got Her Name and student work sam

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All Are Welcome, a Kindness Calendar, students mak


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Malala's Magic Pencil and a sample of a student po


Original Grant Overview


To create a growing global citizenship picture book library for our community of learners that focuses on multicultural people and places around the world, as well as people creating positive change through their global community service initiatives. By purchasing these book subscriptions, our teachers and students will gain access to a variety of resources to foster multicultural awareness by developing a mindset of global citizenship. 


What will be done with my students

These resources will arrive monthly and/or bi-monthly for our students. The excitement created by receiving new materials will keep students invested in their learning. When books arrive, we will host an opening book box celebration that honors the country and/or community service effort highlighted in that month's theme. By reading these books, engaging in multi-cultural activities, and fostering open dialogue around our differences, our students will be better able to have a global perspective. Additionally, by focusing on others global community service initiatives, our students will be inspired to engage in community service projects of their own both locally and globally. 


Benefits to my students

To give students access to global, diverse, and multi-cultural perspectives in order to fulfill our school's mission to inspire our students to lead lives of significance and cultivate quality of character. 


Budget Narrative

The budget for this grant includes the following:
-One 12 month bi-monthly subscription to For Purpose Kids Book Club
-Two, 6 month, 3 book subscriptions (to be used subsequently over 12 months) to Momo's Book Box

For Purpose Kids -- About Us: "We envision a future where children learn love and acceptance over hatred and fear, and it carries into their adulthood as they become global citizens. Where we not only embrace our differences, we celebrate them. Where we live in gratitude and focus on sharing with those who have less. Our Toolkits inspire children to learn about being kind and doing good for people, communities, animals & the environment through activities, books and events. Built upon a subscription model for ongoing, interactive learning, the Toolkits engage [students] in meaningful conversations using multicultural characters and stories. There’s no better way to foster kindness and compassion in the world than through education and storytelling focused on compassion, rather than noticeable differences." (quoted from About Us from

Momo's Book Club-- "Momo's Book Club gives [adults] and [children] the same language and context to learn and discuss our diverse world. Every month you'll receive books based on a theme for ex. Fierce Females or Diverse Characters. You'll receive carefully curated, colorfully wrapped books that make talking about the world fun and easy." (quoted from 



# Item Cost
1 6 month subscription to Momo's Book Box $179.84
2 6 month subscription to Momo's Book Box $179.84
3 For Purpose Kids Book Club 12 month subscription $145.95
  Total: $505.63


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union