Suncoast Credit Union

The goal of purchasing additional Remo drums for the classroom is to foster a more inclusive and engaging learning environment where every student has the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of rhythm and percussion.

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Remo Drums 5-8

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Highlands Elementary 
Alexander MacDonald 
Students Impacted:
August 7, 2023


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Lipman Family Farms - $1,988.70


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 0

The students were able to further expand their knowledge with rhythms with the Tubanos and the slide whistles allow the students to practice air control and pitch center. These new instruments completed the class set I needed in order for each student to have THEIR OWN instrument to use. Sharing isntruments is a good way to foster syngerization, but each student should have their own instrument to play on just like each student has their own computer to use. Having a full set of Tubanos allowed all of our grades to focus on the board instead of the person next to them. With the slide whistles, my goal this year was to have the students practice air control and pitch. As we continiue to use them, we will focus on tonguing and dynamic control. 

In addition, I was able to also get a keyboard for the students so they can start playing what I play on the piano. These students use the keyboard to play certain music that needs special sounds. 

Overall, the students were able to soak up more curriculum when we had the extra instruments so no one had to share. This allowed an equal and fair playing field for all of the students to learn and prosper. 

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Slide whistles


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Tubanos (5)


Original Grant Overview


The goal of purchasing additional Remo drums for the classroom is to foster a more inclusive and engaging learning environment where every student has the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of rhythm and percussion. 


What will be done with my students

The students will use the Tubano drums to participate in a myriad of musical activities. They can be used in all grades for all types of musical lessons and contexts. Younger students would use the drum as a learning tool for controlling behavior, while the older students will use the Tubanos: Directed towards performance standards and activities. The benefit is that all of my students will utilize these instruments. The Tubano drum is an all-around instrument that can and will be used during the school year.  


Benefits to my students

By eliminating the need for our Highlands students to share instruments, we aim to enhance their individual learning experiences and boost their confidence in exploring musical creativity. With dedicated drums for each student, we can create a more equitable setup that encourages active participation, collaborative ensemble playing, and personal expression. This initiative not only enhances the quality of music education but also promotes a sense of ownership and a stronger sense of community among students, inspiring them to embrace the joy of music in a way that resonates with their unique abilities and styles.

I chose Remo drums as the company because they offer top-end instruments that last a long time. Our students deserve the best quality to maximize their musical education.  


Budget Narrative

The allocated funds will be utilized solely (100%) for purchasing a variety of Remo Tubanos, known for their exceptional sound quality and durability. Tubanos are specifically chosen for their versatility, enabling students to engage in rhythmic exploration across different genres and styles. 



# Item Cost
1 Remo Tubano Drum $397.74
2 Remo Tubano Drum $397.74
3 Remo Tubano Drum $397.74
4 Remo Tubano Drum $397.74
5 Remo Tubano Drum $397.74
  Total: $1,988.70


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