Suncoast Credit Union

My students will discover new experiences through creative and real life play. Active play is very important for children. Discovering how things work, talking with others about what they think, working together to figure things out, and developing social skills is foundational to building a love of learning.

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Experiential Learning

Naples Christian Academy 
Samantha Shaffer 
Students Impacted:
August 22, 2023


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


A Champion For Learning - $328.97


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 30

We have been truly blessed by these donations to our classroom! The Science Viewer set has opened our eyes to all of the smaller creatures that God has made. Our "around the town" carpet has allowed us to have purposeful play by giving us roads and areas to make buildings using other materials that we already had. Our lava tiles are a fantastic sensory experience that has also doubled as a base for many games and gross motor activities in the classroom. Lastly, our veternarians have felt more capable of treating more stuffed animals with great care thanks to our new Vet Set! We are learning cooperation, creative exploration, and gross motor skills. The other classes around us love borrowing our new materials as well. Thank you donors!

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Original Grant Overview


My students will discover new experiences through creative and real life play. Active play is very important for children. Discovering how things work, talking with others about what they think, working together to figure things out, and developing social skills is foundational to building a love of learning. 


What will be done with my students

The students will have time to explore each of the activities that I have carefully chosen for their learning experiences. The Pet Vet Clinic will allow a group of my students to work together to solve problems that their pet may have. The liquid floor tiles will fascinate them as to how colorful liquids change and flow and what happens next. This activity will lead to my students applying what they learn and creating their own water filled mystery! Sequencing is always fun as the students learn what comes first and what comes next in the Create a Burger Stacker. Everyone loves moving vehicles around the town as they learn how to get from one place to the next. And the science viewers are a great way for the students to experience the wonder of animals, insects and sea life. Our whole school is studying sea life so this will be a wonderful opportunity for my Pre-K students to share with their older buddy classmates. The students will be able to learn the alphabet with a fun, engaging puppet every week. Students will be able to participate in puppet theater as a class and present it to other classes. Our Jesus puppet will be an integral part of our bible time. The easel will be used in our art center as a means of creative exploration. 


Benefits to my students

- Social skills – sharing and working together

- communicating about what they are doing

- developing language skills

- cooperating with others

- physical play

- creative exploration

- fine motor development

- discovering how things work

- relaying new information with family

- figuring out that learning is fun!

- learning the alphabet using play 


Budget Narrative

The Pet Vet Clinic, Liquid floor tiles, Around the Town Play Carpet, Science Viewers, sea life, insects and spiders, and animal. All of these items are quality items that will be used for years. 



# Item Cost
1 The Pet Vet Clinic $49.99
2 Liquid Floor Tiles $179.00
3 Science Viewers set of 3, Sea Life, Insects and Spiders, Animal $59.99
4 Around the Town Play Carpet $39.99
  Total: $328.97


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union