Suncoast Credit Union

Our goal is to fully fund the yearly subscription for our online newspaper with our provider SNO Sites.

(Written by an MIA Student)

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The MIA Wave - The Voice of the Student

grant photo
Marco Island Academy 
Language Arts 
Keith Scalia 
Students Impacted:
August 31, 2023


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


A Champion For Learning - $650.00


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 300

Thank you for funding the online edition of our student newspaper, The Wave. 


To date, the students have been awarded four awards for outstanding journalism and have been published nationally (and we await the results of more articles that have been sent out).  Because of this, many of out writers have taken on new challenges, and there are already plans for what the students will be covering next school year. 


The Wave is also among the leaders in SNO's Distinguished Sites Program, again receiving national attention and recognition.  


To date, one of our editors has received a large scholarship for their journalism portfolio.


Original Grant Overview


Our goal is to fully fund the yearly subscription for our online newspaper with our provider SNO Sites.

(Written by an MIA Student) 


What will be done with my students

The purpose of our publication is to amplify the voice of the student. Not only do we address matters within the school, our paper goes above and beyond. We discuss actions taken in our county, in our state, and world-wide, providing the perspective of our generation. We do things unlike any other school.

(Written by an MIA Student) 


Benefits to my students

The Wave has been recognized by SNO Sites on multiple occasions, and has been awarded numerous badges annually. These badges address aspects of outstanding journalism.

SNO Sites also offers curriculum and lessons that cover writing and reporting, multimedia, and principles of journalism.

(Written by an MIA Student)


Budget Narrative

Although MIA is located on destination island, many of the students that attend the school come from families with humble beginnings that work extremely hard to support one another.

We believe that every student at MIA deserves to experience the same opportunities as their peers and attempt to provide as many as we are able. Yet, there are roadblocks to funding them, as charter schools must fundraise to merely operate our buildings and support our budgets each year.

Grants such as these provide tremendous help in financially supporting students' passions and connecting us back to the true reason we are all invested in education. 



# Item Cost
1 SNO Sites Website Hosting $650.00
  Total: $650.00


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union