Suncoast Credit Union

My goal is to provide an engaging and motivating classroom environment. I want to encourage my students to be open and not afraid to speak and to answer questions. I want my students to think outside the box and to tackle life's challenges.

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Classroom Incentives - What's in the Box?

Oakridge Middle 
Language Arts 
Cindy St John 
Students Impacted:
September 10, 2023


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


A Champion For Learning - $871.00


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 77

  The outcomes from this grant have been phenomenal. With this grant, I was not only able to fund a classroom incentive program, but I was able to create an enrichment, out of the box, type area where my students who had finished all their work could work on projects still related to our learning.

     The incentive part of my grant consists of prize tickets. When students answer questions correctly or when they are working as instructed, I will give them a ticket. They will place their tickets into a box (one box per class) and on Friday I will draw four or five tickets. If a student’s ticket is drawn, they have their choice of eight different boxes. Inside the eight boxes are prizes (gadgets, pens, highlighters, gift cards, candy, etc...). They are so excited when their name is drawn. This helps not only with behavior, but it encourages classroom participation.

     The enrichment part of my grant consists of areas in the room where students can go and work on different projects if they finish their classwork early. I have an area where students can put literary puzzles together. I have a figurative language puzzle, a plot and literary elements puzzle and a Latin roots puzzle. I also have three or four escape room/ puzzle boxes. The students must solve clues and riddles in order to open the box and see what's inside. They love these activities.

     Finally, I have erasable cubes where students can write down a question they have, or they can place the cube on their desk with a certain color up indicating they need help with a specific item. I can also use the cubes for games and students can record their responses on the cube or they can even map out the plot of a story on the cube. It is a unique way for students to be expressive.

     Without the grant money from Champions for Learning I would never have been able to afford all of these "boxes" which have helped so many students this year. I am forever grateful!!

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Escape Boxes - Pharaoh's Secret

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Erasable Cubes


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Prizes and Tickets

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Tickets and Prizes


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Mrs. St. John and her Boxes

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Escape Boxes - Camelot


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Literary Puzzles and Girls

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Escape Boxes - Caesar's Riches


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Literary Puzzles and Boys

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What's In The Box??


Original Grant Overview


My goal is to provide an engaging and motivating classroom environment. I want to encourage my students to be open and not afraid to speak and to answer questions. I want my students to think outside the box and to tackle life's challenges.  


What will be done with my students

I want to create a classroom incentive program that rewards students for being on task and for answering questions and contributing to the conversation. I will hand out tickets to students who are on task, engaged and who answer questions. They will place their tickets in a box and on Friday I will draw 3-4 tickets and the winning students will have an opportunity to choose a box with a prize inside. I want a wide variety of prizes so that students know they can win some nice things and so they buy into the program. I also want an area where my students can work on different things when they finish their work early. 


Benefits to my students

This will benefit my students by encouraging them to stay on task and to engage with the lesson. It will also create a positive, upbeat environment and one that makes them want to complete their work. They can also win some pretty cool prizes. 


Budget Narrative

I tried to price out the items at different places so some prices are estimates. 



# Item Cost
1 Boxes $30.00
2 Misc. Prize Bags x 2 $50.00
3 Set of Bins x 2 $40.00
4 Large Floor Pillows Set of 4 $68.00
5 Candy Lifesavers $30.00
6 Supplies $100.00
7 Colored Printer Ink $50.00
8 Stress Balls $28.00
9 Magnetic Ring Sets x 3 $30.00
10 Mini Drawing Boards Set x 2 $40.00
11 Logic Puzzles, Mazes, Word Games $30.00
12 Wooden Puzzle Board $60.00
13 Plot and Literary Elements Puzzles $50.00
14 Escape Room Puzzle Boxes x 3 $225.00
15 Tickets x 4 Packages $40.00
  Total: $871.00


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Suncoast Credit Union