Suncoast Credit Union

Naples Classical Academy would love to create a garden space where scholars will be able to care for, grow, and learn about plants. Having a school garden would allow for hands-on learning and experimentation across the K-12 curriculum. Plants and insects are in multiple Science learning goals across various grade levels. Creating a garden will allow scholars of all grade levels (especially K-5) to gain interest in growing and caring for plants. The hope is to help foster a love for fresh fruits, vegetables, as well as promote physical activity.

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Nature Club

grant photo
Naples Classical Academy 
Michaela Thomas 
all staff K-12,, 
Students Impacted:
September 9, 2023
October 20, 2023


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


A Champion For Learning - $564.00


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 40

Naples Classical Academy has greatly enjoyed the new school garden, funded by the Champions for Learning Grant.  The grant allowed us to create a garden space which was utilized by a "Garden Club" both in the fall and now in the spring.  In addition to the garden club students (approx. 40), scholars from the entire school (K-12) and teachers have enjoyed using the space for learning.  We currently have 3 big, beautiful garden beds overflowing with tomatoes, lettuce, eggplant, corn, and herbs to name a few.  We have a shed that stores all the gardening supplies, including individual gloves and trowels for the garden club students.  As you enter the garden, scholars have painted stones with beautiful artwork.  Last week we added stepping stones and a wind chime to the garden.  We created a "butterfly garden" space with milkweed and flowering plants.  Today, my class visited the garden and the scholars saw a large caterpillar as well as a beautiful monarch butterfly.   This garden has not only provided educational support to our school, but has created a sense of wonder in the scholars and teachers.  I am excited to continue to watch this garden transform and flourish.  Thank you for this grant!

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Observing herbs

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Picking vegetables


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Butterfly Garden preparation

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garden bed prep


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fall garden club scholars

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working hard in the garden


Original Grant Overview


Naples Classical Academy would love to create a garden space where scholars will be able to care for, grow, and learn about plants. Having a school garden would allow for hands-on learning and experimentation across the K-12 curriculum. Plants and insects are in multiple Science learning goals across various grade levels. Creating a garden will allow scholars of all grade levels (especially K-5) to gain interest in growing and caring for plants. The hope is to help foster a love for fresh fruits, vegetables, as well as promote physical activity. 


What will be done with my students

Creating a garden club will help to jump start the school garden. The scholars will have an integral role in preparing, designing, and planting seeds to grow. Once the garden club sets up the garden, grade levels can help take care of the garden weekly by monitoring and watering the plants.
As an elementary teacher, integrating the garden into our lessons would be extremely valuable. Our Science book specifically talks about butterfly gardens and plants needed for insects and butterflies. NCA scholars would have the opportunity to apply the scientific method, observe habitats, learn about plant cycles, as well as the needs of plants. Students will be able to explore nature with magnifying glasses and could view plant parts under a microscope. Scholars from other grades will have access to inquire, observe, care, and learn from the garden as it ties into their curriculum lessons. 


Benefits to my students

Scholars in the garden club will gain a deeper understanding of how to plant certain foods depending on the season. They will learn life-long skills of gardening. They will also learn how to care for plants as they grow various fruits and vegetables.
Scholars ages K-12 at NCA will benefit from the ability to observe a physical garden vs. images in a book. Having a garden at NCA will help to make learning goals applicable.  


Budget Narrative

These funds would help Naples Classical Academy to get their first garden off to a great start! The school is providing the planter boxes and soil. 



# Item Cost
1 Permieter fencing $111.00
2 Plants/ Seeds $120.00
3 30 Gallon Storage Container $42.00
4 Hose $30.00
5 Small rocks (20lb) $64.00
6 Stepping stones $30.00
7 Watering cans (6) $28.00
8 Kid gardening gloves (50) $37.00
9 Hand trowels (10) $19.00
10 Garden shovel $18.00
11 50 gal Wheeled Plastic Trash Can $65.00
  Total: $564.00


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Suncoast Credit Union