Suncoast Credit Union

Our goal is to increase our student's motivation to learn and meet their sight word goal by the end of the year.

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Bragging Rights

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Village Oaks Elementary 
Language Arts 
Carolina Ortiz 
Students Impacted:
December 1, 2023


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


Lipman Family Farms - $410.00


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 108

This has been such a wonderful experience not just for the students but for us as teachers as well. It has been amazing to see students working hard to earn their brag tags and see those who have mastered a list, go on and help their peers who may be struggling. Each kindergarten class has between 6-8 students who have mastered all 10 lists (101 sight words) and have now moved on to their First Grade lists. We also have around 5 students in each class who are working towards their district set goal of 68 -84 sight words which equates to knowing 7- 9 lists. Each teacher has a graph outside of their door to keep track of how many sight word lists their class knows. This has proven to be very motivting to the students because they want to "beat" the other classes. At the end of the school year, we will be hosting a celebration for those students who mastered all of their sight word lists and a celebration for those who met their district goal. Thank you for your generosity and for granting us the opportunity to be able to do this for our kids.

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Original Grant Overview


Our goal is to increase our student's motivation to learn and meet their sight word goal by the end of the year. 


What will be done with my students

On the day our sight word initiative begins, our administration will go on the news to announce its start and what the brag tags mean. This way both teachers and students from other grade levels can compliment our kinder kiddos when they see their brag tags on their backpacks.

1. Students will be given a colored sight word list starting with the red list.

2. When a students masters that list, she/he will be given the brag tag that matches the list they have learned to put on their backpack.

3. In addition to their brag tag, they will be given the list that follows so they can begin working on new words.

4. As students continue to learn their sight words, we will have a couple of students from each class go on the news to "brag" about how many lists they've learned and the tags they've earned.

5. This will continue until May. The students who have mastered all 10 lists will have a glow party at the end of the year. 


Benefits to my students

This would benefit our kids by teaching them goal setting and having them feel a sense of accomplishment once they have mastered a list. In addition to goal setting, this would also teach students about perseverance. There are going to be times when there are challenging words, but if they keep practicing and working hard, our students will see that they can overcome these challenges.


Budget Narrative

The total includes tax and shipping fees. 



# Item Cost
1 red tags $33.00
2 orange tags $33.00
3 yellow tags $33.00
4 green tags $33.00
5 blue tags $33.00
6 purple tags $33.00
7 pink tags $33.00
8 silver tags $33.00
9 brown tags $33.00
10 gold tags $33.00
11 cable rings $55.00
12 Shipping $25.00
  Total: $410.00


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union