Teachers are foundational to student success. We support teachers by empowering them with the resources they need to be effective in the classroom.
Everyday, teachers and administrators go beyond the curriculum, looking for ways to enhance the learning environment for their students. By conducting creative, exciting projects and programs in and out of the classroom, it helps keep students motivated and engaged in lessons.
With your support, we invest in teachers’ and principals’ innovative ideas to create educational experiences that make an impact.
Ballast Point Elementary School
The goal of this project is to enhance the experiences of our elementary music students by providing high-quality barred instruments (xylophones) and equipment for the enrichment and musical development of students.
Music - K-5
posted August 7, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Bay Crest Elementary School
To increase social skills through participation in a musical ensemble for school wide performances. Our school is in need of a sound system that will allow us to have outside performances.
Music - K-5
posted September 12, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Bay Crest Elementary School
Prepare Bay Crest 3rd graders with the tools to compete and be successful in Hillsborough County's Science Olympics. Third graders will be creating Wind Racers by going through the engineering design process. The top finalists at Bay Crest will compete with other third graders. This is an amazing opportunity for students to develop their STEM skills and feel what it is like to be a professional in the field.
Science - 3
posted September 27, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Bellamy Elementary School
To give students hands-on experience and understanding of careers related to the arts, while simultaneously rewarding positive behavior and effort.
Art - K-5
posted July 27, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Bellamy Elementary School
The goal of my project is for the 5th graders at Bellamy Elementary to show mastery and growth on life science standard SC.5.L.14.1. This standard addresses the major organs in the human body and their functions. Mastery will be measured by looking at the data/ scores on a beginning of the school year test as compared to the end of year test focusing on this standard.
Science - 5
posted October 7, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Belmont Elementary School
My goal is to help my kindergarten students become proficient readers through the use of these Phonemic kits. This will be an additional resource that will be used along with UFLI lessons which are a part of our ELA block.
English Language Arts - K
posted July 15, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Belmont Elementary School
The goal of this project is to provide STEM supplies and tools to elementary students at our Title I school. I want to provide students with hands-on materials and equipment to enhance their understanding of STEM concepts and foster a love for exploration. My goal is to ensure all students, regardless of their socioeconomic background, have equal opportunities to explore and excel with STEM.
Stem - 4
posted July 15, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Belmont Elementary School
The goal of my project is to help my incoming kindergarten scholars to learn phonics and foundational literacy skills while having fun. I plan to accomplish this by continuing to use the UFLI Foundations lessons that our district implemented last year. The use of multisensory phonics kits will help my scholars learn while having fun and keeping all their materials organized. These kits will be an indispensable tool in my effort to make sure my kindergarteners leave me with strong decoding and encoding skills and help them to become great readers.
Phonemic Awareness and Phonics instruction are very important parts of the foundational skills taught and learned in kindergarten. Scholars are taught to identify letters and their corresponding sounds. Scholars are then able to manipulate the letters to build and read words. The ability to decode and encode words will help to build strong independent readers. The phonics kits will help my scholars to easily work with the letters and build words during whole group and small group instruction. The kits will also help my scholars to keep their manipulatives organized and they will have everything they need at hand. All scholars will have what they need for our phonics lessons and lessons will move smoothly.
English Language Arts - K
posted July 15, 2024
87% Funded
Only $150 Needed
Belmont Elementary School
By using bar, ring, and horseshoe magnets along with toy cars, iron fillings (encased), and compasses students will learn about magnets, magnetic poles, and the materials the are magnetic.
Science - 4
posted July 22, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Blake Senior High School
The goal of this project is to encourage students to participate in class and gain a feeling of pride in their work. Students do not always perceive their progress as we do, so giving them a chance to earn desirable prizes such as snacks and fidgets, will help students notice their own awesomeness and continue their forward momentum.
This year, I've created a small booklet that includes a page to breakdown their goals, then a tracker for each school day to track their aims, gains, and general academic standing. After the 6th week, students will complete a mid-quart reflection that will help them identify where their progress in reaching their academic goals are, including what their current grade is and their realistic goal grade for the end of quarter is. At the end of the quarter, students will reflect again to see what they feel they did well with, what they need to work on, and whether or not they achieved their goal. Students who reach their academic goals will be eligible for a prize. These students will be celebrated in front of the class in a Goal-getter Ceremony (if they wish) to truly make them feel pride in themselves and their goals.
One aspect I like about this system is that it meets students where they are and allows them to see that they can be successful when they give themselves realistic and obtainable goals.
English Language Arts - 12
posted August 8, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Blake Senior High School
The goal of this project is to empower students with the tools and skills necessary to photograph and present a professionally documented portfolio of their artworks.
The students create sophisticated artworks that dominate at local contests, but these artworks don’t consistently achieve national recognition in competitions such as Scholastics or as exemplars for AP Portfolio. What sets the successful artwork apart is not the quality of the work, but the quality of the images. Top portfolios often originate from more affluent schools with additional resources like photography set-ups or a budget for a photographer.
This project will not only improve their outcomes in competitions, scholarships, and college applications, it will also introduce them to a vital skill within the creative fields. Artists often rely on visual documentation of artwork for proposals, grants, portfolios, websites, and social media – and this is an ability they can learn and refine now. Product photography is a profession unto itself!
Art - 9-12
posted January 17, 2025
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Brandon EPIC3 Center
The students will create a mask, and a fictional world based on two specific stories they will read in class. They will draw, paint, and create papier-mâché masks and world (globe) based these stories and their analysis. Each story will cover theme, symbolism, and characterization.
- Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
- Analyze how an author’s choices concerning how to structure a text, order events within it, and manipulate time create effects such as mystery, tension, or surprise.
- Use innovative means and perceptual understanding to communicate through varied content, media, and art techniques.
English Language Arts - 9-12
posted December 17, 2024
0% Funded
Only $1983.31 Needed
Brandon EPIC3 Center
The students will work in groups to create a fitness challenge for their class. They will become familiar with different types of movements and equipment, participate regularly in physical activity, and analyze the benefits of physical activity.
Health/P.E. - 6-8
posted January 17, 2025
0% Funded
Only $1975.49 Needed
Brandon Senior High School
To assist in the start up the Floral design program at Brandon high school and allow students to learn hands on skills in floral design creating arrangements and learning tools and plant identification.
Career and Technical - 9-12
posted July 15, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Brandon Senior High School
The goal of this project is to acknowledge and reward students for showing academic growth and meeting behavior standards. Your funding will go towards providing young girls an opportunity to celebrate their successes and moments of growth. By doing this, I believe we can build a momentum for academic achievement all year! The funding will cover the transportation of 2 field trips. Please see below for field trip information.
Character Development - 9-12
posted August 4, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Brandon Senior High School
Over the course of the school year, we want to involve about 30-35 students every other week in making PB&J sandwiches for the homeless. Our goal is to make about 300 sandwiches at each sandwich making event for a total of 14 events.
Character Development - 9-12
posted August 20, 2024
0% Funded
Only $1999.32 Needed
Brandon Senior High School
Brandon High School has an Early Childhood Education program that teaches the high schoolers how to become Early Childhood Educational professionals through curriculum coursework and hands on learning in the laboratory preschool that services children three to five years of age.
The goal of this project is to show how learning can occur through field trips that pertain to the curriculum taught.
Other - 9-12
posted January 19, 2025
0% Funded
Only $1997 Needed
Broward Elementary School
To engage 150 elementary students in hands-on learning by providing soil and seeds for our hydroponics garden, with the objective of each student successfully growing and maintaining at least one plant over the course of the school year. The project aims to enhance students’ understanding of plant life cycles and biology, nutrition, and sustainable agriculture, as evidenced by a 20% increase in students’ knowledge of these topics, measured through pre- and post-participation assessments.
Stem - K-5
posted August 26, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Buchanan Middle School
Being at a title 1 school has a lot of challenges. One way student’s overcome those challenges is by joining a performance arts program to escape economic realities by having school instruments in their hands, learning a craft that may seem infeasible on their own, and showcasing what they have prepared in stage. One key element that is missing from our program is the feeling of pride when they step out on stage all dressed up in elegant attire, further enhancing the experience. Not only sounding as one, but looking as one. The same feeling an athlete receives when they put on their jersey for game day, musicians should feel the rush and pride of their efforts, showcasing their hard-work on performance day looking their absolute best.
Music - 6-8
posted January 31, 2025
0% Funded
Only $1997 Needed
Buckhorn Elementary School
The goal of this project is to provide our English Language Learners that are either monolingual or have basic knowledge of English with the best support when they are completing activities on the Imagine Language & Literacy computer program. Students are tested three times during the year to measure growth. In between assessments, teachers are able to monitor their students' progress on lessons and can offer feedback or assign intervention activities if students are struggling in a specific area. Students that complete their required minutes per week show a significant increase in literacy skills which reflect on their state tests as well.
English Language Arts - K-5
posted September 13, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Burnett Middle School
In the wake of dismal nationwide teacher attrition data, I aim to do everything in my power to prevent Literacy teacher turnover at Burnett Middle School this school year.
English Language Arts - 6-8
posted July 15, 2024
46% Funded
Only $296.77 Needed
Burns Middle School
Burns Middle School has started a Family and Consumer Science Culinary course. We have not had one in 15 years. We are starting from scratch! My students are involved in the FCCLA which is the ultimate Leadership Experience! We will participate in cooking competitions at the District level and hopefully state level if we qualify. Kids are learning to bake and cook but we do not have the proper tools. Students will take a pretest on baking using mixers. Throughout the year they will learn to bake several items and then take a post test at the end of the year to see how their skills have improved.
Career and Technical - 6-8
posted October 3, 2024 - deadline May 30, 2025
50% Funded
Only $996 Needed
Chamberlain Senior High School
The Choice Academy students (14 ESE Deferred students) will cut teddy bear patterns, stuff and sew bears for the feeder elementary students with disabilities to donate for the holidays.
Exceptional Child Ed - 12
posted September 10, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Chamberlain Senior High School
Our goal is to conduct a service-learning project that will provide a holiday gift for the pre-k students at Forrest Hills Elementary. Each of the pre-k students will receive a handmade blanket from our 12 Plus ESE students at Chamberlain High School.
Exceptional Child Ed - 12
posted November 5, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Chiaramonte Elementary School
The goal of this project is to initiate Beanstack Reading Challenges and provide rewards for students who accept the challenge, read, and meet or exceed expectations. Ultimately, we hope to increase the amount of time students spend reading independently and increase their reading proficiency.
Literacy - K-5
posted January 6, 2025
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Chiles Elementary School
To engage and motivate students through reading. Empower all students to take ownership of their learning and to make a positive impact in our community.
English Language Arts - Pre K - 5
posted August 3, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Clair Mel Elementary School
By introducing engaging and developmentally appropriate manipulatives, our goal is to enhance the mathematical learning experience for young learners. These hands-on materials will not only support the mastery of foundational math concepts but also foster a positive attitude towards learning, laying a solid foundation for future academic success.
How Project Benefits Students
By achieving this goal, we aspire to create an enriched learning environment where Kindergarten students develop a solid mathematical and science foundation, setting the stage for continued success in their academic journey. This goal is measurable through informative, state testing, and formative assessment
Mathematics - K
posted September 16, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Clark Elementary School
The goal of this project is to strengthen the reading proficiency and stamina of elementary students with learning disabilities. With the Simple Words Decodable Chapter Books, my special needs students will read texts that put the phonics skills they are learning in remedial small groups into practice in the general education classroom.
Exceptional Child Ed - K-5
posted July 16, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Clark Elementary School
The goal of this project is for 85% of our ELL families to actively and regularly communicate with our school by May, 2025.
Other - K-5
posted November 24, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Clark Elementary School
Students will be able to set up an experiment, collect data measurements and observations using analysis software from PASCO. Students will create data charts and analyze graphs using a controlled environment created by
students using the following materials listed below. The sensors will be used to explore the use of terrariums as a closed system for environmental studies, designing ways to explore structures in different ecosystems.
Science - 5
posted January 30, 2025
20% Funded
Only $778 Needed
Claywell Elementary School
The goal of this grant is for every student in Fourth Grade at out school to grow to their absolute potential regarding mathematics this year and years to come. Multiplication fluency is the key to success in Fourth Grade. When a student can multiply factors 0-12 fluently, they will succeed in demonstrating mastery in dozens of benchmarks (standards) set by the state. Their math confidence level soars!
Mathematics - 4
posted October 26, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Claywell Elementary School
Through the implementation of our new positive behavioral system, our goal is to reduce major disciplinary referrals by 20 % for the 2024-2025 school year in comparison to the 2023-2024 school year. In 2023-2024, 57 major behavioral referrals occurred. Thus, for 2024-2025, our hope is that we see a significant reduction, and no more than 46 incidents.
Character Development - K-5
posted October 21, 2024
51% Funded
Only $943.8 Needed
Claywell Elementary School
Increase learning gains 20% more than historic current annual gains in students attending morning math support groups. This means 100% of attending students will pass the state end-of-year math test. Increase access to collaborative problem solving and robotics enrichment to students typically not chosen for school teams. Our school is a free meals school with 69% minority students and 17% learning English so many don't easily have access to enrichment opportunities like more financially privileged peers do. Timeline for implementation is immediately upon receipt students will have access to the Wipeboards for collaborative problem solving and the robotics to use before class begins or at lunch time or during after school club. Test scores will be monitored on the district assessments and students' needs targeted in math support groups to make steady progress to the Level 3 scores students will earn in May on the state assessment, demonstrating at least acceptable mastery of the state grade level standards in Math. Wipeboards are widely used in middle school so using them will also ease the transition to middle school.
Mathematics - K-5
posted December 12, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Collins Elementary School
The STEM activity will create an exciting learning experience for our Kindergarten students. Coding mice will expose the students to their first STEM project! The materials will allow the teacher to create and deliver engaging, hands-on STEM lessons that the students will apply.
Stem - K
posted July 15, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Corr Elementary School
Corr Elementary School is striving to improve our school’s daily attendance from 89.4% to 94% this academic school year. In order to achieve this goal Corr Elementary School Attendance Team has created an Attendance Campaign that will address individual students, classroom and grade level incentives. The campaign will also include a variety of opportunities for parents to learn about the importance of attendance.
Character Development - Pre K - 5
posted July 31, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Crestwood Elementary School
Ms. Ware's Pages of Engagement is a project that will invest in a variety of new books for my classroom library, which will include titles that are engaging, diverse, and inclusive to all students.
Literacy - 5
posted July 15, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Crestwood Elementary School
English language learners will have the opportunity to learn STEM vocabulary (Math, Science, Engineering and Technology) through real life experiences when designing and tending to a grade level garden.
Stem - 3
posted July 24, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Crestwood Elementary School
My goal is to obtain supplies to refresh my established classroom garden. My class has an accessible garden, that we grow vegetables and flowers in. We need new supplies to keep our garden going! We also feed the birds and need bird seed for the upcoming school year!
Science - K-5
posted July 26, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Davidsen Middle School
Educational Enhancement: Utilize the garden as a living classroom to teach students about plant biology, ecology, and sustainable agriculture.
Skill Development: Enhance students’ critical thinking and math skills through practical applications in gardening.
Healthy Living: Promote healthy eating habits by growing fresh produce that can be used in culinary classes.
Community Building: Foster a sense of community and teamwork among students as they work together to maintain the garden.
Other - 6-8
posted July 25, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Davidsen Middle School
To replace my wiggle stools that were worn out and disposed of at the beginning of the school year. The goal is to have wiggle stools to increase attention in class and increase academic achievement on all state testing.
Other - 6-8
posted September 5, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Davis Elementary School
The goal for this project is to help students excel in math and science by increasing their FAST testing & Science Test scores throughout the year and showing growth while also having fun doing so with hands on investigations, experiments, and centers/group work. Proficiency on these tests are great, but I would love to just see each student show growth in some way. Overall, I would like 80% of students to show growth from the beginning of the year progress monitoring tests to the end of year tests.
Science - 4
posted August 1, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Deer Park Elementary School
My goal is to help promote positive ways for my students to connect with their emotions and to provide them with effective emotional learning tools and skills to guide them along the way. My goal is to enhance their connection to identify character traits, making personal connections between themselves and the characters. We all know that life is hard, and I believe when there is a chance for you to help someone, that is the opportunity to always take it - and I'd love for this to be mine!
Character Development - 2
posted September 6, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Deer Park Elementary School
The goal of my project is to give students hands-on opportunities to engage in STEAM activities. Participation in STEAM learning will help build math and science skills organically.
Stem - 2
posted September 15, 2024
0% Funded
Only $1598.99 Needed
Detention Center West
Students will plant flowers from seed while they are in the detention center (usually for 21 days) and tend a tiny garden with a small native citrus tree and existing flowers from previous students. Seeds can be grown in peat pots with each students' name so they can take ownership of care.
Character Development - K-12
posted August 12, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Doby Elementary School
To increase science state testing scores by 10% ending May 2025, by applying the Engineering process to build, design and code Spike Essential Robots using engaging lessons.
Science - K-5
posted August 21, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Doby Elementary School
Currently, our autistic classroom is under-resourced, lacking essential tools and materials that cater to the sensory, communication, and social-emotional needs of our students.
Exceptional Child Ed - K-5
posted August 28, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Doby Elementary School
The primary goal of this project is to improve the reading abilities of 2nd-grade students who are performing significantly below grade level. By providing engaging and research-backed literacy tools, we aim to strengthen foundational reading skills, enhance comprehension, and build student confidence in literacy.
This goal is measurable through the use of pre- and post-assessments that will evaluate progress in decoding, fluency, and comprehension skills over the school year. Specifically, we expect to see a 20% improvement in reading assessment scores and a noticeable increase in student engagement and participation during literacy activities.
English Language Arts - 2
posted December 10, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dorothy C. York Innovation Academy
Our math teachers plan and work very hard for our students and during planning, we have identified manipulatives and hands-on activities that would be beneficial for our students. These manipulatives and materials will not only support instruction but most importantly, support student learning.
Mathematics - 6-8
posted August 28, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dover Elementary School
The goal is the have all (100%) my students learn all of their letter names and sounds by the third nine weeks. At the moment we have 50% of students who scored an 80% or higher on the letters/sounds test.
An added bonus will be that it will increase vocabulary skills with my English Language Learners. At the moment, 17% of students are on grade level according to the I-ready diagnostic.
Literacy - K
posted December 13, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dr Carter G Woodson K-8 School
My goal this year is to take a deep dive into UFLI and boost student confidence and engagement in the program by providing them their own new set of resources to help them stay organized and engaged in their learning.
Literacy - K
posted September 20, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dunbar Elementary Magnet School
To promote positive behavior among students in the classroom, it is vital to prioritize social skills development. Fostering effective communication, active listening, and empathy, students can interact positively and inclusively with their peers.
Character Development - 2
posted July 15, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dunbar Elementary Magnet School
The goal of this project is to create a safe space for students within the classroom that provides them with resources, materials, and skills that help them to self-reflection on their emotions and actions.
Character Development - 2
posted October 3, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Dunbar Elementary Magnet School
I would like a pair of narrow book trucks to use for displaying SLAM or other highlighted books, as well as shelf letter signs to help organize the picture books.
Literacy - K-5
posted October 4, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
East Bay Senior High School
Waking up and immediately thinking, “ah, I don’t want to go to work” is a horrible feeling. Unfortunately, it’s a thought that has occurred to numerous teachers. Burnout is real and of course, it negatively affects student achievement.
As a high school Intensive Reading teacher at East Bay, I have seen many teachers come and go due to being burned out or becoming disillusioned with the profession. According to author Jessica Mayes, she states “Educator burnout is a prevalent global issue adversely affecting productivity and contributing to elevated turnover rates, depression, and diminished personal accomplishments.” (Mayes, 2024)
Our goal is to stop the burn out before it begins. East Bay aims to attract and keep phenomenal literacy teachers happy and burnout free. According to the article, The Relationship between Selected Faculty Characteristics and Teacher Burnout: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Faculty Teaching in Grades 9 to 12 at A Comprehensive Public High School in California, it states “the educational system can enhance its support for teachers in mitigating burnout by employing innovative practices, such as the implementation of strategies aimed at securing administrative support, attending to emotional well-being, and fostering a positive school culture.” (Mayes, 2024)
Everyone wants to feel appreciated so I'm requesting a donation of $458.91 to use for teacher incentives, such as note cards, luncheons, small gifts, raffles, and snacks to enjoy during bi-monthly PLC's, and weekly collaborative lesson planning sessions, etc.
Let's give the Literacy teachers at East Bay High School something to be excited about and a reason to smile! While East Bay’s Literacy department does receive a small sum of funds, the money is solely for student incentives. With this donation, we can focus on elevating teachers so they can in turn elevate their students to the highest potential. This project will impact 24 teachers in the literacy department.
Literacy - 9-12
posted July 17, 2024
54% Funded
Only $209.91 Needed
Eisenhower Middle School
The goal of the Invertebrate and Herpetology Lab project is to enhance 6th grade students' engagement and understanding of Florida's native ecosystems by providing a dynamic learning environment that facilitates hands-on observation and exploration of invertebrates and reptiles. Through this lab, students will develop a deeper appreciation for biodiversity and ecological interactions, fostering critical thinking and scientific inquiry. By integrating this experiential learning opportunity into the curriculum, we aim to inspire students to become stewards of their environment and cultivate a lifelong interest in the sciences. These outcomes will be assessed with a pre and post assessment prior to the lab being set up and at the conclusion of the year.
Science - 6
posted October 3, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Ferrell Middle Magnet School
The goal of this project is to expose middle school aged girls to a foundational understanding of coding and robotics that sparks excitement for STEM disciplines, while also achieving mastery of relevant content standards in a fun and engaging learning environment.
Stem - 6
posted July 22, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Florida Autism Center of Excellence PK-12
We would like to provide our class and future classes with technology to make them more familiar with technology and better accommodate their needs. Many students have difficulty with handwriting and would greatly benefit from this.
Stem - K-5
posted December 17, 2024
0% Funded
Only $1440 Needed
Florida Autism Center of Excellence PK-12
I teach high school science to 50 students with profound autism. 75% of my students are non-verbal. I would like to provide them with some hands on science activities so that they can demonstrate their learning in a different manner.
Science - 9-12
posted January 10, 2025
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Folsom Elementary School
My students have what it takes to become the best readers, mathematicians, and scientists with the tools that can build confidence, self esteem, and positive attitudes through the use of technology. Each student is in need of headphones to use during online independent work time for I-ready (reading and math) and Legends of Learning Science. Headphones are also very important during our testing time to help them focus and show mastery of learning goals during their STAR Literacy and Math assessments.
Other - K
posted December 1, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Folsom Elementary School
The goal of this project is to increase engagement in the library through competition-style reading bowls. This will be measured by the number of books checked out before and after the activities.
Literacy - K-5
posted January 10, 2025
0% Funded
Only $894.77 Needed
Folsom Elementary School
The verbal and nonverbal students will be able to use the materials independently after they work individually or in small groups for reading and math with the adults. These items will help in class instruction and encourage students to perform at their ability level.
Other - Pre-K
posted January 29, 2025
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Forest Hills Elementary School
I would like to acquire a new classroom rug to create a safe and productive learning environment for my students.
Exceptional Child Ed - Pre-K
posted July 17, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Forest Hills Elementary School
My goal with this sensory learning implementation is to have a 50% decrease in unwanted behaviors that I take data on daily for each student with a Functional Behavior Assessment plan. The majority of my students have disruptive, aggressive, and/or avoidance behaviors that I take a tally on daily to keep data on my interventions that I implement throughout the school year. This data helps me decide if an intervention and/or strategy is working or not.
Exceptional Child Ed - K-5
posted August 11, 2024
0% Funded
Only $1615.02 Needed
Franklin Middle Magnet School
Secure a donor to purchase the Securly Pass Digital Hall Pass System by May 30th, 2025 to enhance our PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) program by effectively monitoring student behavior and managing incentives.
Identify and approach potential donors to fund the Securly Pass, which will help track student behavior and reward positive actions within our PBIS framework.
The Securly Pass will be instrumental in our PBIS program, allowing us to effectively monitor student behavior and provide appropriate incentives, ultimately improving student engagement and performance. Students will earn currency by following rules and procedures in classrooms, the cafeteria, and the gym. This currency will allows students to 'purchase' a pass to come and enjoy the game room. Self-Regulation will be as needed to de-escalate students. Our school serves students that have behavioral needs beyond the scope of most middle schools. This room allows students a safe space to work out their feelings.
Stem - 6-8
posted August 27, 2024 - deadline May 30, 2025
0% Funded
Only $1800 Needed
Franklin Middle Magnet School
Establish a student arcade and social regulation room by November to provide a positive outlet for students to engage in recreational activities while practicing social skills and self-regulation. Convert an unused room into an arcade space equipped with socially interactive games and areas for reflection and self-regulation. Collaborate with school staff, local businesses, and donors to gather resources and support for the project. The room will enhance students' social skills, offer a positive behavioral incentive, and provide a space for self-regulation, aligning with our PBIS goals.
Students will gain PBIS currency to buy access to the game room and self-regulation area. Students are awarded BPA Bucks for positive behavior following classroom procedures and following school-wide procedures.
Our school has a Behavior unit, with students with trouble in regulating their behaviors. These students will have access to the room every Friday based on their point sheets.
Other - 6-8
posted August 27, 2024 - deadline May 30, 2025
0% Funded
Only $1625.96 Needed
Franklin Middle Magnet School
The goal of this project is to provide middle school students at Franklin Middle Magnet School with professional-grade camera equipment to foster a love for photography, enhance artistic skills, and preserve the school's history as we celebrate its 100th anniversary. By integrating photography into the curriculum, we aim to develop students' creative and technical abilities, encourage historical documentation, and promote a deeper connection to the school community.
This project is measurable through both qualitative and quantitative methods. We will conduct pre- and post-project assessments to evaluate students' knowledge of photography, historical understanding, and artistic expression. We will also measure the body of work in photographs taken, exhibited, and published to determine the project's impact on student engagement and participation.
Art - 6-8
posted September 12, 2024
0% Funded
Only $1299 Needed
Franklin Middle Magnet School
The goal of this project is to enhance school spirit and promote physical activity among students by providing 50 track suits in varying sizes, each featuring our school logo. This initiative aims to foster a sense of unity and pride, as well as to encourage participation in physical education and extracurricular activities.
Measurable Goals: The success of this project will be measured by pre- and post-implementation surveys assessing student participation in physical activities and overall school spirit. Data will be collected through a survey before the distribution of track suits and a follow-up survey three months after implementation. These surveys will gauge students' engagement in school activities and their sense of belonging.
Health/P.E. - 6-8
posted September 12, 2024
0% Funded
Only $1900 Needed
Franklin Middle Magnet School
At Franklin BPA (a Title-One All Boys Public Middle Magnet school) we are incentivizing students to come to school regularly, to have better peer relationships, to take accountability with their grades and their conduct. To do this, we would like to have Quarterly and sometimes weekly parties to celebrate. There will both inside parties (glow party) and outside field days. Many of the items will be able to be used multiple times for many years.
Other - 6-8
posted January 30, 2025
0% Funded
Only $1312.13 Needed
Freedom High School
Add more cameras to Freedom High's award winning yearbook program
Career and Technical - 9-12
posted August 12, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Freedom High School
The leadership team of the Freedom High School yearbook needs your help! Our team of experienced students will work with experienced yearbook professionals to develop their theme, design and scope of their yearbook. Students will attend an in person workshop in Orlando with some of the best yearbook representatives in the nation through our publisher Walsworth Yearbooks.
Students will come home with finished layout templates that have been vetted by award winning judges
Students will also learn how to utilize software such as Adobe Indesign, Photoshop and more.
Students will also learn valuable leadership and time management skills as well as key photography skills that they can use in the classroom.
The seven students are the editorial staff that were selected to leadership positions. There are 33 students in our yearbook program today. We also have about 80ish kids in the Freedom Journalism program overall.
Career and Technical - 9-12
posted August 12, 2024
0% Funded
Only $1400 Needed
Freedom High School
The students of Freedom High School Chorus have received a prestigious invitation to perform at Carnegie Hall in New York City this spring. This invitation is a result of consistently receiving high ratings at music assessments and festivals. This trip is intended to expose students to a high-quality performance experience in one of the most highly sought after performance venues in the country. With the help of this grant, students will also get to see a live Broadway show in New York City.
Music - 9-12
posted October 2, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Gaither Senior High School
Provide my amazing students with full-functioning equipment (i.e. oven/stove and refrigerator) for their school-based business and life skills training program.
Exceptional Child Ed - 12
posted July 23, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Gibsonton Elementary School
4th grade students will continue to expand their reading ability by reading high-quality books and classic literature.
English Language Arts - 4
posted July 28, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Gibsonton Elementary School
The goal of this project is to give our students who are not native English speakers the ability to participate in class. They can use the electronic translators to understand what the teacher and their classmates are saying. They can then use the translator to communicate with everyone. They will feel less isolated and more involved in class. I will conduct a survey for the students who will be using the electronic translators before usage to find out how much they feel like part of the class and an active participant in their classroom.
Stem - 5
posted September 19, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Gibsonton Elementary School
The project goal is to increase student engagement and prociency in literacy skills by providing high interest books.
Literacy - 3
posted September 27, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Graham Elementary School
Our Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program aims to reinforce positive behavior and reduce behavioral incidents across the school community. Using a structured reward system, students earn “Roadrunner Dollars” by demonstrating behaviors that align with our core values, such as respect, responsibility, and cooperation. Teachers distribute these dollars as they observe students consistently meeting these behavioral expectations in both academic and social settings. Students then have the flexibility to spend or save their earnings, allowing them to make choices that align with their personal goals.
Students are encouraged to make thoughtful choices with their Roadrunner Dollars. Twice a month, they can redeem these dollars the monthly event or at the School Store, where items such as toys, candy, games, and school supplies are available. This store operates on a “spend or save” principle, allowing students to make real-world budgeting decisions. Additionally, students are informed of upcoming PBIS events at least two weeks in advance, giving them time to consider saving their dollars to access larger rewards.
Special events such as Ice Cream Sundays and Popcorn & Movie Day are announced with two weeks’ notice, so students can work toward eligibility. For example, in August, students had the option to purchase snow cones for $15 Roadrunner Dollars or to save for a future event. Participation in these events is open to students who meet specific behavior goals, such as having no behavioral referrals during the month and meeting classroom behavioral expectations. This approach not only motivates students to maintain positive behaviors but also instills a sense of planning and decision-making.
Character Development - Pre K - 5
posted October 26, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Graham Elementary School
Students will connect learning through hands-on field trips available in the Tampa Bay area.
Other - K-5
posted September 3, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Graham Elementary School
The goal of this project is to alleviate the burden of lice treatment costs and materials for families, ensuring students can quickly return to the classroom. By providing essential lice treatment kits and support materials, we aim to reduce absences related to lice and enhance family support resources.
We will measure the project's success by tracking student attendance improvement and parent feedback on the support they received. A pre and post-survey for affected families will help assess the financial and emotional impact of the support received.
Health/P.E. - Pre K - 5
posted October 26, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Graham Elementary School
Students will learn about basic physics of standing waves on guitar strings.
Students will understand how the frequency (perceived as pitch) of the string vibration changes as the effective length of the string is changed by fretting it.
Students will learn about the impact of electricity and an amplifier on the guitars and sound waves and the immense pickup in volume.
Students will measure the frequency of the vibrations of a guitar string as the effective length of the string is changed by fretting it.
Students will understand how a guitar is constructed and how string tension raises and lowers the pitch.
Students will gain self-esteem performing for their peers and the community.
Students will have FUN!
By using electric guitars and amplifiers my students will extend learning about STEM through lessons in the music class that address electricity, electronics, technology, & design. They will also learn the mathematics of how frets are spaced on the guitars and the science behind electromagnetic pickups using the amplifiers. They will use these concepts in community and peer performances that will build their self-esteem while incorporating STEM knowledge into their songs. We'll be creating STEAM!
Stem - K-5
posted January 24, 2025
0% Funded
Only $1903.38 Needed
Graham Elementary School
Our goal is to increase the attendance rate at our elementary school from the current 79% to 90% for students in pre-kindergarten through fifth grade by May 2025. We plan to achieve this by creating a Glow Room Game Room as a compelling attendance incentive. This space will serve as a fun and engaging reward for students who meet attendance milestones. Success will be measured by tracking attendance rates monthly and analyzing year-over-year attendance improvements.
Character Development - Pre K - 5
posted January 30, 2025
25% Funded
Only $1500 Needed
Greco Middle School
Complete various science interactive simulations and watch informative interactive videos
Science - 6-8
posted December 18, 2024
0% Funded
Only $183.96 Needed
Heritage Elementary School
The goal of this program is to engage students at all grade levels in STEM activities by igniting their imagination with fun and age-appropriate books and cooperative, hands-on design challenges.
Stem - K-5
posted July 15, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Heritage Elementary School
The goal of this project is to give our 5th grade students the opportunity to engage in hands-on activities while exploring a variety of science concepts. The compilation of these two activities will give students common experiences allowing teachers to engage them in meaningful discussions on the concepts of habitats, ecosystems, interdependency, animal classification, biodiversity, and adaptations.
Science - 5
posted July 16, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Heritage Elementary School
The goal of this project is to provide students with hands-on science lab materials that will engage our young Heritage Scientists with the 3rd grade science standards.
Science - 3
posted July 22, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Heritage Elementary School
I would like a grant to replant our learning garden after the long, hot summer and add a shed for tool and garden supply storage.
Students will plan and map garden beds, using the growth information for each plant.
Stem - Pre K - 5
posted August 30, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Hillsborough Senior High School
To provide a stress-free environment throughout the workday for all staff, by offering coping strategies, access to research-based articles about health-related topics, exercise sessions, and usage of exercise equipment, and various tools for relaxation. To persuade staff to use the room and identify staff stress levels before and after their visit by completing a brief survey.
Other - 9-12
posted July 15, 2024
0% Funded
Only $548.62 Needed
Hillsborough Senior High School
Our goal is to improve the emotional well-being of the students at Hillsborough High by providing them with a safe, calming space to practice self-regulation strategies. We hope to see a decrease in referrals, improved classroom performance, and an increase in feelings of student safety and connection as measured by our climate survey.
Character Development - 9-12
posted July 16, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Hillsborough Senior High School
My goal for the art program at HHS is build a state of the art Glass fusing program. It is my passion to bring something new and interesting into the art classroom. This would be a program like no other in the district or even state! Glass fusing would be implemented in all classes offered at HHS; Creating 2D Art, Creating 3D Art, 2D/3D Studio art.
Art - 9-12
posted October 8, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Hillsborough Virtual School
Hillsborough Virtual School K-12 (HVK12) offers full-time students the opportunity to come together monthly for what is called STAR Lab days. STAR Lab stands for Student Teacher Academic Resource Lab. The goal of this project is to be able to purchase science-based lab equipment for students to participate in engaging experiments to further their understanding of and excitement for physical science, chemistry and physics.
To begin with more rigorous, rich lessons and lab activities, it would be a blessing to be able to purchase density kits for students and teachers to work with for lab activities related to physical science, chemistry and physics.
Stem - 6-8
posted January 31, 2025
0% Funded
Only $761.99 Needed
Hunter's Green Elementary School
My class sizes range from 11-24 students. There’s a lot of traffic and transitions since I teach 5 sessions. I’d like to run more efficient small groups. One of the stations for a group would be with a computer. Specifically, I'd like to utilize Legends of Learning, but some features require listening. Legends of Learning uses gamification, and it’s directly tied to our standards, so the student will be engaged purposefully.
Link for the website providing more information about Legends of Learning is posted below:
Along with Legends of Learning, students will work on HMH digital lessons infused in the Science curriculum available on Canvas. This provides opportunities to work on simulations that explore concepts in a safe way. For example, students may investigate how temperatures make chemical changes by exploring food decomposition without having to be in actual contact with spoiled milk or meat.
Running efficient small group stations also requires procedures to set students up for the most success. Some students haven't been able to use technology to complete the activity simply because another student didn't charge their device. A charging station will help students have a designated area to place their laptop and a charger in close proximity.
Science - K-5
posted November 15, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Ippolito Elementary School
Goal 1:
Track monthly attendance records and identify students with high absenteeism rates. Aim for at least a 2% decrease in chronic absenteeism each month, as evidenced by attendance data.
Goal 2:
By mid-year, achieve a cumulative 10% reduction in the number of students categorized as chronically absent, leading to improved student engagement and academic performance.
Goal 3:
Reduce the percentage of students falling into the chronic absenteeism category from 53% to 40% by the end of the academic year.
Other - Pre K - 5
posted August 5, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Ippolito Elementary School
The goal of this project is to increase the access to the SSYRA book for 2024- 2025. 2 more books of each book will increase the accessibility of the books for my students,
Literacy - Pre-K
posted September 11, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Ippolito Elementary School
Our goal is to increase of cardiovascular fitness in PE for this school year. We are using our fitnessgram PACER test as a pre and post test measure to see how much our students fitness improves throughout the year with the new equipment!
Health/P.E. - Pre K - 5
posted October 3, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Ippolito Elementary School
The goal of this project is to encourage students to participate in class and gain a feeling of pride in their work and improve test scores. Students do not always perceive their progress as we do, so giving them a chance to earn desirable prizes such as snacks and fidgets, will help students notice their own awesomeness and continue their forward momentum. Weekly students track their science mini assessments (a targeted standard) on a graph, students scoring 80 or 100 percents get small treat of their choosing. At the end of each quarter the students take a QMT assessment that monitors their overall progress of the standards that were on the mini assessments. Students have set overall goals for both the QMT’s and the mini assessments. The tracking graph is reflected on weekly to monitor students goals and how they participated within the science blocks that week.
Science - K-5
posted November 12, 2024 - deadline May 30, 2025
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Ippolito Elementary School
The goal of this project to provide a variety of sensory tools and equipment for students with various exceptionalities to utilize on a daily basis. Sensory tools that would benefit our students with sensory processing issues include sensory swings, light tables, sensory pods for calming pressure, play tubes for climbing.
Exceptional Child Ed - Pre K - 5
posted January 30, 2025
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
James Elementary School
My project goal is to allow small groups of students to read SLAM books together and discuss to aid with reading motivation and SLAM participation. Students will then create a project to enter into our school's SLAM Showcase and, hopefully, be chosen to participate in the District SLAM Showcase. This year, I would like to have at least 5 participating students per grade level. As the Media Specialist, I am always looking for ways to get books into my students' hands and I would like to give the extra copies away (after the SLAM Showcase) to help add to their home libraries.
English Language Arts - K-5
posted August 27, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Jennings Middle School
To provide dress shoes, dress pants, black socks, and a band polo for students to check out during concerts.
Music - 6-8
posted August 20, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Kenly Elementary School
Kenly Elementary School is continuing and extending our PBIS/ROAR system for rewarding students' appropriate behaviors throughout the 2024-25 school year. We have been successful with increasing students' motivation, learning, practicing of appropriate behaviors within a variety of settings throughout the school day. We are focusing on our 'ROAR' values: Respect; Own your actions; Always do your best; and Responsible Citizens. We have implemented a digital/hard copy point system which allows teachers to track points through Live School. The earned points will be added to each student's 'bank' which they can save or spend however they like at the ROAR store or scheduled School-wide Events throughout the school year! We are requesting financial assistance to purchase the items to be sold at our ROAR Store and/or utilized during planned events. We wish to have items/activities to incentivize our students to learn and implement social emotional skills that will increase student learning and provide long term life skills.
Character Development - Pre K - 5
posted August 22, 2024
0% Funded
Only $2000 Needed
Kenly Elementary School
The primary goal of this project is to enhance the effectiveness of mathematics instruction in grades 3-5 classrooms by providing the math coach with a rolling interactive touchscreen computer to help support small group rotations during the push-in support model. This innovative tool transforms the learning experience by making lessons more dynamic, engaging, and interactive, improving student understanding and enthusiasm for mathematics.
Mathematics - K-5
posted August 7, 2024
0% Funded
Only $1196.98 Needed
Knights Elementary School
This year I will be teaching Science and Writing, and I would like to have literature and hands on activities for the students to use and help them fully grasp how wonderfully Science and Writing can work together.
Stem - 4
posted July 15, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Knights Elementary School
The goal of this grant is to open new horizons for students at a rural Title 1 school by equipping them with essential coding skills using innovative tools like coding mice. By fostering their interest and proficiency in computer science, the project aims to expand students' career possibilities and prepare them for future success in an increasingly digital world.
Stem - 3
posted July 15, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Knights Elementary School
When you walk into a book store such as Barnes and Noble to pick a book many of them are forward facing to draw your attention to the cover. My goal is to change the shelving in our school library to be dynamic and engaging just like book stores. This makes them more engaging for the students. Looking at all the book spines makes it harder for a student to pick the books they would enjoy or that are interesting to them.
Other - Pre K - 5
posted October 26, 2024
0% Funded
Only $1999.79 Needed
Knights Elementary School
The goal of this project is to provide my special needs intellectually disabled students hands on concepts to reinforce the state science standards. The students take the FAA (Florida Alternate Assessment) based on the states Access Points Standards for 4th and 5th grade. These hands-on activities are meant to help them excel in life and the world by showing success on these concepts. Students will also be given a pre and post test to measure the amount of understanding for each science concept.
Stem - K-5
posted January 8, 2025
0% Funded
Only $777.49 Needed
Lamb Elementary School
Lamb Elementary is working hard to increase our student's average schoolwide attendance from last year's 70% to 90% this school year. Lamb Elementary School's Attendance Team developed a monthly attendance campaign consisting of 'pop' celebration for students with 90% or higher attendance.
In addition to student rewards, we are also having a drawings for two $15 gift cards per month for the parents of students with perfect attendance.
Character Development - K-5
posted November 19, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Lamb Elementary School
The goal is to provide every student with grade level literature so that they have the background knowledge to be successful both academically and in life.
The majority of this class has not been exposed to the timeless literature proposed belwo
English Language Arts - 5
posted December 17, 2024
0% Funded
Only $1996.79 Needed
LaVoy Exceptional Center
We have a dream to create an immersive sensory room at our school, designed to engage and delight students with significant cognitive, behavioral, and medical disabilities, enhancing their overall learning experience. The goal of the project is to teach students how to handle their emotions in an appropriate way. This project will help students learn how to self-calm when they are feeling too excited, angry, frustrated, sad, or any other big emotions. Students will know how to self-regulate as they navigate through different emotions, building their resilience skills and thriving in the process.
Exceptional Child Ed - K-12
posted September 23, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Lennard High School
This project is to help the Mu Alpha Theta National Honor Society at Lennard High School in Ruskin, FL. All funding will be used to help students become state and national members of the National Mu Alpha Theta Honor Society, allow students to compete in regional, state, and national competitions, and cover any expenses that may accrue during the 2024 - 2025 school year.
* National Mu Alpha Theta: https://mualphatheta.org/
* State Mu Alpha Theta: https://famat.org/
Mathematics - 9-12
posted August 6, 2024
52% Funded
Only $930 Needed
Leto Senior High School
The goal of this project is to obtain retractable line barriers to establish an organized lunch line routine at our school. By implementing these barriers, we aim to maintain order during lunchtime, prevent students from skipping the line, and ensure a fair and equitable lunch experience for all students. This initiative will promote a respectful and orderly environment, allowing every student to wait their turn and receive their lunch in a timely and organized manner.
See item: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0DDSCD7M2/ref=ox_sc_saved_image_4?smid=A982UWI5NXQUA&th=1
Other - 9-12
posted December 2, 2024
0% Funded
Only $839.94 Needed
Liberty Middle School
Our project goal is to provide all students with the ability to purchase school supplies and goods throughout the school year, along with improving behavior by reducing referral offences written by 5% and improve on time attendance by 15% in comparison from last year's Data. This goal is aligned with our school improvement plan and PBIS initiative this academic school year.
Character Development - 6-8
posted August 26, 2024
55% Funded
Only $821.93 Needed
Lincoln Elementary School
To allow our 2nd grade students to have hands on experience with animals to enhance their knowledge of life cycles. This will be shown with a 70% passing rate on our life cycle unit test.
Science - 2
posted December 12, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Lincoln Elementary School
Our goal is to strengthen our students' math fact fluency in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. We want our students to be proficient in their math skills to increase their performance in the math classroom and on math assessments.
Mathematics - K-5
posted August 30, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Lincoln Elementary School
Our goal is to help our students develop the skills they need to work with others and take ownership of their learning. We want students to understand the IB Approaches to Learning and how to use those skills (Social Skills, Self-Management Skills, Communication Skills, Thinking Skills, and Research Skills) to create positive relationships and be successful in the classroom and life.
Our goal is for our students to use these practical skills to increase their performance on state assessments such as FAST, STAR, and i-Ready.
Character Development - K-5
posted September 4, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Lithia Springs Elementary School
My goal is to provide a Wordly Wise workbook for each of my students. Wordly Wise is a research-based supplemental reading program that has been around for over 50 years! This program includes “direct instruction, robust activities, peer sharing, and differentiated instruction to meet the needs of today’s varying student populations.” You can find more information here https://www.epslearning.com/products/wordly-wise-overview This resource has been used on my campus for many years and we have seen great growth in vocabulary and in reading comprehension. We are not a Title 1 school and therefore we depend on grants for additional resources.
English Language Arts - 5
posted July 15, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Lithia Springs Elementary School
Generation Genius is an online program benefitting both math and science instruction. This program contains high interest videos and lesson supplements to help students understand content better. They also can 'see' how concepts work when the videos are playing.
This subscription would be for one calendar year.
Mathematics - 4
posted January 10, 2025
0% Funded
Only $299 Needed
Lithia Springs Elementary School
My goal is to provide each student a copy of the Storyworks magazine by Scholastic. The magazine is published 6 times a year. Storyworks increases student engagement and exposes students to high interest grade level articles about current events, presented in a variety of genres while aligning to the Florida B.E.S.T. standards. Click here to learn more about this amazing resource: https://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/products/storyworks.html
English Language Arts - 5
posted January 13, 2025
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Lopez Exceptional Center
Our proposal has a totally educational purpose. Our special education students will actively participate in every step of the hydroponic garden project and will foster a sense of ownership, responsibility and understanding of the importance of developing sustainable food production practices in addition to raising awareness about the importance of resource conservation.
Career and Technical - 9-12
posted August 28, 2024
50% Funded
Only $1000 Needed
Lopez Exceptional Center
The goal of this project is to create a real-life, hands-on learning lab for students who are in grades 6-12+ that participate in Family Consumer Science classes at Lopez Exceptional Center. Our school serves students with the most significant cognitive, behavioral and physical challenges. It is vital for their future to be exposed to instruction that promotes independence through instruction in life skills. This includes activities of daily living and personal care, communication and social skills, as well as job and employability skills. Students will then be assessed on their performance of these skills over the course of the school year
Exceptional Child Ed - 9-12
posted October 25, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Lutz Elementary School
The goal is for my First Graders to be excited to learn while reading fun engaging articles. The magazines will allow the teacher to create engaging Reading and Science lessons weekly.
English Language Arts - 1
posted July 19, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Lutz Elementary School
The goal of this project is to be able to have an umbrella at each of our outdoor learning stations around campus. The umbrellas will provide shade while classes are working or eating lunch at these new tables. There is a need for 15, 9 ft umbrellas where there is currently no shade.
Other - K-5
posted July 21, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Lutz Elementary School
The primary goal of this project is to create a calm down corner where students can press pause, take a deep breath, and chill out when school gets a little too intense. This corner will be a safe haven filled with comfy seats, sensory/stress relief toys, calming books, and posters with breathing exercises.
Character Development - Pre K - 5
posted August 13, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Lutz Elementary School
$950 to cover the cost of transportation by bus to and from Busch Gardens, Tampa Bay.
Science - 8
posted October 15, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Mabry Elementary School
I would like to start each day with a morning meaning; teaching vital social skills and how to manage our emotions. These books and activity books would be used whole group to help teach students critical skills to acknowledge, accept and manage their emotions and feelings. The books will also teach important life skills to students.
Character Development - K
posted July 15, 2024
0% Funded
Only $214.95 Needed
Mabry Elementary School
Currently kindergarten students do not receive art. I believe ALL students should be exposed to art education and want to provide it to my class. This project will fund art supplies for my kindergarten class to have art with myself this upcoming year.
Art - K
posted July 15, 2024
0% Funded
Only $219 Needed
Mabry Elementary School
Science will come alive to this and future groups of kindergarten students. By incorporating a hands on science center, students will rotate through in small groups, practicing what was taught in whole group. This grant will enable my class to take science from just hearing about it in books to doing it, both inside the classroom and allow us to explore and learn science outside as well.
Science - K
posted July 18, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Mango Elementary School
The goal of Macknificient Girls Inc. is to empower young girls 8-10 through faith-based guidance and a comprehensive social and emotional learning program, fostering a supporting community where they can grow, thrive, and support each other. The goal is measurable through several indicators like: participation rates, feedback, behavioral changes, academic and social outcomes, community involvement and retention & growth.
Character Development - K-5
posted July 20, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Maniscalco K-8 School
**Goal of the Project:**
The primary goal of the project is to enhance literacy skills and foster a lifelong love of reading among 5th-grade students by providing them with access to a diverse selection of high-quality books. This includes incorporating Sunshine State Young Readers Award (SSYRA) books and other titles that cater to various reading levels and interests. Through this initiative, we aim to:
1. Improve reading fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary.
2. Encourage critical thinking and analytical skills through exposure to diverse genres and themes.
3. Increase student engagement and motivation to read.
4. Provide educational enrichment by broadening students' understanding of different cultures, historical events, and scientific concepts.
5. Support the existing curriculum with additional literary resources that align with educational objectives.
By achieving these goals, we hope to create a rich literary environment that will benefit students academically and personally, promoting overall academic achievement and a deeper appreciation for literature.
Project goal for math: Increasing students automaticity of basic facts and building off of standards they have learned in class while working independently.
English Language Arts - 5
posted July 22, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Maniscalco K-8 School
I'm applying for a grant to secure additional math resources for my middle school math students. I'm looking to add two curriculum bundles from Beyond the Worksheets: Middle School Math Stations and Pre-Algebra Curriculum. With these new resources, we'll be able to accommodate students with varying needs by providing a multitude of engaging activities at various learning levels.
Mathematics - 6-8
posted August 27, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Maniscalco K-8 School
Engaging visuals to assist speech and language students reach their goals and have them articulating clearer in the classroom. The goal is for speech and language students to increase their percent accuracy in producing speech sounds or providing the meanings for various affixes.
Exceptional Child Ed - Pre K - 5
posted August 27, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Maniscalco K-8 School
Students in fifth grade still are young at heart. Through all the testing and getting ready for middle school, I would like them to still be able to bring out their creative side. Through a maker space I feel like students will be able to enjoy utilizing their creativity, STEM skills, and young minds to explore in a fun and engaging way.
Stem - 5
posted January 29, 2025
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Maniscalco K-8 School
The primary goal of this project is to expand opportunities for cross-curriculum learning through project and problem-based learning with gifted and talented students as well as support talent development of potentially gifted students in general education classrooms. The kits and supporting materials will enable students to engage in authentic hands-on learning that focuses on content specific grade-level standards in subjects such as math, science, and language arts as well as the Florida gifted standards. The integrated curriculum approach will have a positive impact on student achievement in related content areas and confidence in solving increasingly complex problems. In addition, these lessons will foster critical and creative thinking skills, develop collaboration skills, and advance technical proficiency in STEM.
Stem - K-5
posted November 21, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Marshall Middle School
Project Goal is to allow students to have access to resources needed to help them be successful beyond the school day.
Mathematics - 8
posted August 2, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
McDonald Elementary School
The goal of my project is to stock our PBIS Store with incentives that our students can earn throughout the school year for demonstrating positive behavior.
Character Development - Pre K - 5
posted January 21, 2025
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
McDonald Elementary School
My goal is for students to have the Math Thinker Learning System to provide a hands-on learning experience to help my students truly understand math concepts such as addition and subtraction.
Mathematics - 1
posted January 22, 2025
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Memorial Middle School
The goal of this project to be able to provide the basic needs for my students.
Other - 6-8
posted August 27, 2024
63% Funded
Only $596.2 Needed
Memorial Middle School
Join us in bringing the world into focus with SNAPSHOT, where every click captures not just an image but the untold stories of tomorrow. Empower young storytellers, one lens at a time! The goal of SNAPSHOT is to equip aspiring young photographers with DSLR cameras for our after-school journalism program, fostering a passion for storytelling. The impact will be measured through pre and post-program assessments, focusing on improved photography skills and a deeper understanding of journalistic principles. This straightforward initiative aligns seamlessly with our expected outcomes, aiming to empower the next generation of storytellers through accessible tools and hands-on experiences, fostering confidence and creativity in expressing their unique perspectives. Your support will play a pivotal role in turning this vision into a reality, opening doors for these budding photojournalists to capture and share meaningful stories.
Other - 6-8
posted August 28, 2024
0% Funded
Only $874 Needed
Memorial Middle School
Join us in funding this transformative initiative, providing essential board games, mind games, and group materials that not only captivate minds but also cultivate a sense of community and achievement among ESOL students. The goal of the ESCAPE Games project is to enhance the educational experience for ESOL students by providing diverse board games, mind games, and group game materials that foster team building, incentives, and enrichments. The project aims to create a dynamic and engaging learning environment that promotes creativity, critical thinking, and social interaction among ESOL students. Measurable outcomes will be assessed through pre and post-tests, tracking improvements in teamwork, problem-solving skills, and overall student engagement. This initiative aligns with the expected outcomes outlined, envisioning a positive impact on students' academic and social development through the incorporation of enjoyable and educational game-based activities.
English Language Arts - 6-8
posted September 27, 2024
74% Funded
Only $500 Needed
Memorial Middle School
Join us in stitching together a brighter future—your support will not only transform wardrobes but also the lives of these students. Your brand LOGO can bring representation to my ESOL students. We seek your support to weave a tapestry of inclusion for English Language Learners (ELL) and ESOL students. Picture a school where every ELL student proudly wears a complimentary school uniform, breaking down barriers and fostering a rich blend of cultures. By contributing to this initiative, you're not just providing clothing; you're boosting confidence, enhancing participation, and creating a community where every voice matters. Let's dress success, one GlobalTee at a time! Donate now and empower excellence for our ELL learners!
English Language Arts - 6-8
posted September 27, 2024
0% Funded
Only $1900 Needed
Memorial Middle School
Ignite the voices of ESOL students with 'PROJECT S.T.O.R.Y.,' where scripted tales become a stage for language mastery! Your sponsorship will not only fuel language acquisition but also empower these students to shine brightly on their journey to English proficiency. Join us in scripting success stories, one captivating tale at a time. Together, let's make every word spoken a step towards empowerment and inclusion! This initiative is a stepping stone for these students to be actively involved, heard, and appreciated within their community, creating an inclusive environment that values linguistic diversity. We seek sponsorship to support resources, workshops, and events that will make this transformative language learning experience accessible to a broader ESOL student audience, ultimately contributing to their academic success and cultural integration.
English Language Arts - 6-8
posted December 20, 2024
0% Funded
Only $1500 Needed
Mendenhall Elementary School
My goal is to grow my classroom library so that students have ongoing opportunities to engage with high-quality literature. I am new to the gifted position and Mendenhall, so I am working to set the stage for a literacy-rich learning environment for years to come.
Literacy - K-5
posted August 18, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Mendenhall Elementary School
The Mendenhall Tiger School Store Student Incentive Program represents an exciting opportunity to enhance our educational environment and motivate our students. It plays a vital role in promoting student attendance, financial literacy, and character building.
With the support of this grant, we can create a rewarding experience that recognizes and celebrates student achievement for a more engaged school community. It will provide us with prize incentives and supplies to open our Tiger Store. Thank you for considering our request to support this valuable initiative.
The expected outcome is a 5% increase in student attendance and a 5% reduction in daily tardies. This will be determined by comparing the average daily attendance and average daily tardy reports.
Character Development - Pre K - 5
posted October 18, 2024
73% Funded
Only $469.18 Needed
Middleton High School
The goal of this of this project is to purchase equipment for our school weight room to diversify the workouts we are able to accomplish. The goal will ultimately purchase new equipment to meet the needs of all students that currently use the weight room either for class or athletics.
Link to Amazon Wish List: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/7YX2E8TI7XQ2?ref_=wl_share
Health/P.E. - 9-12
posted September 6, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Miles Elementary School
This project aims to support our school store and events vital to our PBIS program. Miles is a transformation school that uses Our school store and school-wide events to help motivate the students to come to school and learn. Our school will focus on our student attendance this year, positive behavior, and academic motivation. We support our student's attendance with Mustang money. Students with excellent attendance can earn Mustang money and possibly a Golden ticket. Many of our students need more motivation to work on their academics. Negative behaviors can arise from students as they struggle with academics. Our school store and Mustang money help reinforce positive behaviors using a token economy. We use Miles Mustang money to support our student's attendance, positive behaviors, and academic achievements. Teachers and staff can give students Miles Mustang money when the students come to school on time and are ready to learn. Mustang money also helps to motivate students to stay on task. Teachers and staff love to hand our students money when showing positive behaviors. The main goal of this project is to help motivate our students to come to school! Attendance Matters!!!
Other - Pre K - 5
posted July 18, 2024
0% Funded
Only $2000 Needed
Miles Elementary School
Miles Elementary's goal is for all our students to feel safe and empowered to learn daily. Last year, Miles Elementary went from a D to a C school grade. Miles has goals for our students to
achieve academic and behavioral success.
Our Boys 2 Men program is a testament to our commitment to empowering our boys to achieve academic and behavioral success. We are confident that this program will have a positive impact, decreasing referrals, detentions, and suspensions while improving our boys' grades and academic achievements.
Character Development - Pre K - 5
posted July 25, 2024
0% Funded
Only $2000 Needed
Miles Elementary School
G.E.M.S. (Girls Empowered and Motivated in School) is a mentoring program for elementary girls in 5th grade. Our vision is to help girls learn how to use their voice to grow and develop in their leadership, learn tools and techniques to navigate their emotions and help them know they are not alone.
Character Development - 5
posted August 5, 2024
0% Funded
Only $1984.02 Needed
Miles Elementary School
To create a hands-on, sustainable learning environment by establishing multiple produce and butterfly gardens at Miles Elementary, so that students from low socioeconomic backgrounds can experience the full life cycle of nature from planting seeds to harvesting produce and exploring the wonder of nature through butterfly life cycles.
Science - Pre K - 5
posted January 4, 2025
0% Funded
Only $1057.29 Needed
Mintz Elementary School
First, my goal this year is to roll out what we call “Socratic Seminars” to kindergarten through 5th Grade. This is a teaching strategy through AVID that provides students with enriching text to have conversations and build reasoning skills to help them become successful in the coming years. The lessons I’m building have to do with students understanding the most important tool they own, Their brain and the different brain states. In the first weeks of school, we will investigate the importance of “how we create various connections”. We will explore activities that show how we need to take in information by seeing, saying and doing tasks that are going to build neuroplasticity and axion connectivity (these are adult terms, depending on grade-level different terms will be used). This includes collaborative discussions, team activities to develop listening, analyzation and reasoning skills.
This is when the splitters come more into play. The splitters will allow the students to listen to one device between the students. One computer muted the other they are listening on together. However, they both have the text in front of them. During these activities the teacher will have an essential question or lesson goal that the students must be accomplishing- As we are an AVID elementary school this could include the use of graphic organizers, question stems or project creations using the WICOR structures (Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading) skills obtainment structure. During this time teachers can be monitoring students and providing targeted supports and feedback to assist the learning groups. The two port slitters allow for scaffolding, ELL support opportunities and putting the dialogue onto the students while allowing the teacher to monitor engagement, output and needs. The five port splitters can be used in rotational groups while the teacher is pulling targeted learning small groups addressing standards weakness.
These little tech helpers will increase vocabulary, building student connections, increase teamwork/ conversational skills and overall increase of student ownership and engagement.
Jessica A. Wilhelmsen
Reading Coach Mintz Elementary School
Literacy - K-5
posted July 16, 2024
50% Funded
Only $990 Needed
Mort Elementary School
I would like to acquire a classroom rug to create a positive and collaborative learning environment for my students.
English Language Arts - 2
posted September 16, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Muller Elementary School
To assist our Title 1 community of students to work through their feelings and problems using the positive outlet of art.
Art - K-5
posted July 30, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Muller Elementary School
Hands-on ROCK exploration will create excitement about Earth Science and provide lasting memories. The goal of this project is to allow students who join Rock Club to actively explore the physical properties of different rocks and minerals which supports our 4th grade Earth Science standard. Rock Club will take place for many years, not just this year.
Science - 4
posted January 26, 2025
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Mulrennan Middle School
The goal of this project is to develop the makerspace in the media center where students have an opportunity to engage in hands-on, creative, and cooperative activities that merge Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM) as well as build literacy and social skills. I began building the makerspace in January 2023 and would like to expand it. The supplies purchased would provide two new activities along with restock a very popular one.
Stem - 6-8
posted September 27, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Nelson Elementary School
“When you think about the purposes of education, there are three,' Tom Horne, educational superintendent in Arizona says. 'We're preparing kids for jobs. We're preparing them to be citizens. And we're teaching them to be human beings who can enjoy the deeper forms of beauty. The third is as important as the other two.'
The art program at Nelson Elementary School in Dover Florida is requesting $323.41 to create a public art piece on campus.
The artwork has been planned by compiling the thoughts and input from the students themselves. The piece, a set of painted Eagle wings, will be an artwork that children, parents, staff and community members can interact with my standing in front of the piece to make it appear as if the individual has wings. During the second phase of this project, students will be measuring, drawing, painting and helping to install this one-of-a-kind artwork that will be a source of pride and connection to their school and community for years to come. This artwork will be created and installed this school year.
Nelson Elementary School was built in 2003 and at that time, murals were created in the media center and cafeteria. Student made tiles were attached to the building. Small stained-glass windows were created for the small media center windows. Since then, no permanent art installments have been added to enrich the campus. In a reflection activity at the end of last school year, students stated the desire to create their own artwork to add to the goal of school beautification. Student quotes included that they wanted to make these projects “so that it can be a fun/cool school to go to”. They added thoughts like “ Around the school we could write quotes to make people feel better with different types of art (like graffiti) and the elements of art”, “we could make a mural that inspires kids to learn”, and many students mentioned their eagerness to see more color and Eagle art around the campus.
Art - Pre K - 5
posted September 30, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Nelson Elementary School
Students this year have been challenged to make sculptures out of discarded cardboard. Cardboard is a difficult material to work with without the proper equipment. We are requesting $295.90 for a kid safe carboard cutter and a class set of trauma shears to cut the cardboard by hand with ease.
Art - 5
posted September 30, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
New Springs School K-8
Students will design and construct a compact model of a sustainable city using recycled materials. This hands-on project aims to enhance their understanding of sustainability, urban planning, and teamwork within a STEM framework.
Stem - 6-8
posted October 21, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Oak Park Elementary School
Oak Park currently serves over 350 students. This year we are looking to go on more field trips to bring new experiences to our students. We currently have 3 coolers that are falling apart and unable to fit the packed lunches for our students. We would like to replace these old coolers with new ones.
Other - K-5
posted September 29, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Pepin Academy - Riverview
The goal is to get students to follow simple recipes and be able to gain independence by learning to cook simple meals on their own. As well as learn to clean up by doing the dishes and they will expand their skills as they go on as this will be integrated all year long.
Exceptional Child Ed - Adult Ed.
posted September 16, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Pepin Academy - Tampa
To maximize independent functioning skills by learning how to prepare simple meals in order to carry over into the home and community for increased independence.
Exceptional Child Ed - 12
posted August 13, 2024
71% Funded
Only $500 Needed
Pierce Middle School
I teach STEM (robotics) in a Title I middle school where 25% of our students are monolingual in Spanish and labeled English Language Learner (ELL). With 1 of every 4 students struggling with language acquisition and retaining science vocabulary, it can be challenging to master robotics. The goal of this grant is to introduce vocabulary through easy to digest graphic novels that promote STEM vocabulary and encourage reading for pleasure. An example is The Robo-battle of Mega Tortoise vs. Hazard Hare which retells Aesop's fable using robots. This grant would buy two of each book, one for the media center and one for the classroom library. If students finish their work early, they can grab a book in the classroom to read, but if they want to take it home, they can check out a copy at the media center.
Literacy - 6-8
posted August 14, 2024
0% Funded
Only $987 Needed
Pierce Middle School
80% of my students in Robotics are of Hispanic heritage. According to Catalyst, few science and engineering employees in the United States were women of color (11.6%) of which only 2.4% are Latina women.*1 The goal of this project is to encourage Latina women in STEM by focusing on entrepreneurship and how designing and 3D printing jewelry and keychains can lead to innovations and home business. Students will learn to design and create an original 3D model using TinkerCAD software.
*1: https://www.catalyst.org/research/women-in-science-technology-engineering-and-mathematics-stem/
Career and Technical - 6-8
posted September 2, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Pierce Middle School
Robotics has broad applications across many fields of engineering, including mechanical engineering. It involves the design, construction, and maintenance of various mechanical systems based on the principles of simple machines. My students explore concepts of motion and forces and how they influence the behavior of objects. The goal of this grant is to provide hands-on activities that enable students to observe and understand motion, forces, and both simple and complex machines in action. The K’NEX kits provide the framework for learning through play. Since they are to be used for years to come, LEGO Technic kits are built by the students and displayed in the classroom as a visual reminder of the lessons they learned in class.
Stem - 6-8
posted October 11, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Pinecrest Elementary School
The goal of this project is to develop and implement an innovative enrichment program for gifted and talented students that extends learning beyond the core curriculum. This program will foster critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving through interdisciplinary projects, advanced research opportunities, and hands-on experiences. By providing access to specialized resources and collaborative learning environments, the project aims to challenge students to reach their full potential, deepen their knowledge, and prepare them for leadership roles in a rapidly evolving, global society.
Stem - K-5
posted October 3, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Pizzo K-8 School
Students will be engaged in hands-on learning on topics expanding from energy to robotics all while having fun! This will increase their retention and therefore improve end of the year performance on the science baseline test.
Stem - 2
posted September 30, 2024 - deadline May 23, 2025
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Progress Village Middle Magnet School
Our project goal is to host a memorable awards ceremony for our 8th-grade students to celebrate their achievements before they enter high school. The school's theater is currently undergoing renovations and will not be available for this event. However, we see this as an opportunity to hold this celebration off-site and in the evening, allowing more parents and staff to attend and acknowledge the achievements of our students. The success of our project can be measured through increased attendance and participation of parents and family members at the evening awards ceremony compared to previous daytime events.
Other - 8
posted March 15, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Progress Village Middle Magnet School
The goal Building Community Through Art is to train 6-8 graders to create art that can be shared with all our stakeholders at school events such as open houses, field days, parent community nights, winter extravaganza, etc.
Art - 6-8
posted July 26, 2024 - deadline April 30, 2025
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Progress Village Middle Magnet School
Students in technical theatre and fashion courses can learn and practice makeup skills on a three dimensional face.
Other - 6-8
posted August 10, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
RCMA Wimauma Community Academy K-8
The goal for this project is to help 4th grade multilingual students manifest a love for reading and marine environments while increasing their reading levels by starting a bilingual (Spanish/English) ocean-themed classroom library and facilitating a field trip to The Florida Aquarium in Tampa.
Science - 4
posted July 27, 2024 - deadline March 14, 2025
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Reddick Elementary School
The goal of this project is to enhance the literacy and organizational skills of 40 first-grade students at Reddick Elementary School by providing essential classroom materials such as paper, staples, card stock, mesh bags, and decodable books. These materials will be used to create phonics-based activities, literacy centers, and independent reading resources that support student learning in reading fluency and comprehension.
The goal is measurable through pre- and post-assessments that will track improvements in student reading fluency, phonics mastery, and comprehension. The project aligns with our curriculum by reinforcing essential literacy skills in a hands-on and organized manner.
Literacy - 1
posted September 6, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Riverview Elementary School
The goal of this project is to deepen students' understanding of mathematical concepts and foster a love for math by purchasing Math by the Book sets for grades K-5 and its corresponding book titles. The Math by the Book series is dedicated to teaching mathematics strategically through literature.
Mathematics - K-5
posted July 15, 2024
0% Funded
Only $2000 Needed
Riverview Elementary School
The goal of this project is to purchase supplemental math curriculum and learning tools to meet the needs of our most struggling students by teaching targeted concepts in NEW and EXCITING ways. We hope that with a different approach, we can set up ALL of our students for mathematical success!
Mathematics - K-5
posted July 17, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Riverview Elementary School
The goal of this project is to enhance students' reading comprehension and creative expression by engaging them in the creation of book trailers for Sunshine State Young Readers Award books. By the end of the project, 100% of participating students will have completed at least one book trailer that demonstrates their understanding of key literary elements, including theme, character development, and plot, while also developing their skills in digital storytelling and multimedia production.
Literacy - K-5
posted August 14, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Riverview Elementary School
The goal of this project is to provide our English Language Learners that speak another language than English with the best support when they are expected to complete assignments on their own. Students that have tools that support their language acquisition show a significant increase in literacy skills and build their self-confidence.
English Language Arts - K-5
posted December 3, 2024
20% Funded
Only $1199.8 Needed
Riverview Senior High School
This funding would allow me to provide my AP Biology students with more resources. This would let them be exposed to lab activities to benefit their understanding of AP Biology. These resources would give them a more concrete understanding of the subject matter. The lab activities would provide them with a deeper understanding of all of the components of Biology that we cover in this course.
Science - 9-12
posted July 31, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Robinson Senior High School
This grant application is for the rights to a play and a musical. I am a new theatre teacher and I do not have much funding to work with. My students will be fundraising for their competition fees, club dues, and International Thespian Society induction, as well as props, sets, costumes, etc. However, the rights are the biggest financial hurdle and I would like to remove that hurdle for my students so we can begin the year on somewhat level footing.
NOTE: I have the PDFs of the quotes if needed, but I am unable to attach them here. Though the total costs of our rights exceed the grant limit, we would still be very grateful for any amount we can be awarded.
Art - 9-12
posted August 9, 2024
0% Funded
Only $2000 Needed
Robles Elementary School
To provide incentives for students when they meet their reading goals. To provide incentives to encourage students to read and help teachers promote reading in their classrooms. Last year students read a combined 280,000 minutes on myOn. This year we have a goal of 500,000 minutes read. This year we will be adding Beanstalk as another reading tracking program so we want to bump up our reading minutes goal to include both myOn (ebook) and physical book reading.
Literacy - K-5
posted July 15, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Robles Elementary School
To increase student attendance and lower behavior calls so students can successfully learn.
Character Development - Pre K - 5
posted September 11, 2024
89% Funded
Only $150 Needed
Robles Elementary School
The goal of this initiative is to provide students with an incentive for their on-time attendance at school in the effort to improve our overall school attendance numbers. Beat the Bell is a program in which we want to help instill in our students, from a young age, the importance of showing up to school every day and on time. We measure this by using our previous year's data on attendance and tardies as our base level and monitor those numbers each week throughout the school year. Last year, our average daily attendance was 87.8% which is one percent higher than the year prior. The goal is to raise that number to at least 95% by the end of the school year.
Other - K-5
posted December 13, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Rodgers Middle School
The goal of the 'Interactive Library' project is to make the media center as engaging and multifaceted as possible for users. The effectiveness of the project can be measured by the increase in stakeholder use of the library as well as the increased engagement with class materials/subject matter along with the teacher buy-in for library use.
Other - 6-8
posted January 10, 2025
6% Funded
Only $750 Needed
Roland Park K-8 Magnet School
The goal of this project is to provide students at Roland Park Middle School the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of robotics, engineering, and solar energy in a practical and competitive environment through participation in the Junior Solar Sprint competition sponsored by Army Education Outreach Program (AEOP). This STEM-based project aligns perfectly with the principles of the IB curriculum, as it encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and innovation while fostering a deeper understanding of the environmental impact of technology. By engaging in hands-on learning, students will develop skills essential for addressing real-world challenges, inspiring them to explore sustainable solutions for the future. Junior Solar Sprint Website and information https://www.usaeop.com/program/jss/
Stem - 6-8
posted December 30, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Ruskin Elementary School
With this grant, I would like to increase the selection of books in my classroom library, but also be able to provide students with books for their birthdays and special accomplishments.
English Language Arts - 3
posted July 18, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Seffner Elementary School
The goal of this project is to allow 5th graders to actively explore the physical properties of different rocks and minerals which supports the 4th grade Earth Science standards they will be tested on this year.
In 5th grade, students are tested on all Science standards from 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. The Diamond Del bus gives students a fun way to bring the rock and mineral standards to the front of their brains and review the materials they will be tested on during the FAST Science at the end of the year.
Science - 5
posted August 27, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Seminole Heights Elementary School
To enhance student attendance and foster a positive school culture by implementing the Attendance Prize Cart, which incentivizes consistent attendance through rewards and reinforces the value of punctuality. This initiative aims to increase overall attendance rates from 93% to 95% by the end of the 2024-2025 school year, improve academic performance, and promote healthy habits while building a supportive and engaging school community.
Character Development - Pre K - 5
posted July 26, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Seminole Heights Elementary School
The goal of this project is to create a calm and relaxed corner in the School Counselor's office so that students can calm down from their big feelings and when appropriate, return to their classrooms to continue learning. The calm down corner will have an array of tools that students can use to calm down and self-regulate when they feel intense emotions during the school day. Using self-regulation tools will help students be able to refocus and get back to learning and other school-related activities.
Character Development - Pre K - 5
posted August 14, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Sessums Elementary School
For my students to fall in love with reading.
Literacy - 5
posted July 15, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Sessums Elementary School
My goal will be to provide my 2nd grade students the opportunity to receive books for completing their weekly reading logs. The books will be used as an incentive for students to read more at home. Currently, I teach 2 ELA classes and 59% of those students are reading at least 1 year to 3 years below level. Only 20% of those students complete weekly reading logs. I would like to be able to give students more books to take home to help increase their love for books, which could help increase their reading levels.
English Language Arts - 2
posted August 25, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Sessums Elementary School
Increase student’s knowledge of light and electrical energy by engineering circuits that light up. Increase student’s knowledge of the solar system and space exploration through the creation of three-dimensional models of the solar system that actually rotate and revolve. Students will utilize Kiwi Kits to connect Florida State Standards in their STEM projects.
Stem - 5
posted September 3, 2024
60% Funded
Only $798 Needed
Sessums Elementary School
For Third Grade students to increase their love of literature through reading popular books and competing in a grade level book battle.
Literacy - 3
posted September 11, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Shaw Elementary School
The goal of this project is to create and promote a safer, kinder, and more positive school environment.
Character Development - K-5
posted August 26, 2024
5% Funded
Only $1878.2 Needed
Shaw Elementary School
To ensure that our students have proper equipment to learn the fundamentals of physical education from an early age.
Health/P.E. - Pre K - 5
posted November 12, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Sheehy Elementary School
The purpose of Sheehy's Student Principal Advisory Committee is to empower our 3rd - 5th grade scholars to have a voice to influence better attendance, behavior, and academic outcome school wide for over 400 scholars. Sheehy's Principal Advisory Committee will be a mentoring, leadership program, and empowerment opportunity for scholars. Our Student Principal Advisory Committee will also foster a sense of belonging for our school community and state holders. The primary goal is to influence change and action steps to move our school group from a 37% D rated school to a 54% B rated school. The percents are based on the state's school rating system. Moving our school grade will ensure our students have acquired the academic knowledge and discipline to be strong contributors in our community and empower them to achieve their lifelong goals.
Character Development - Pre K - 5
posted July 15, 2024
50% Funded
Only $1000 Needed
Sheehy Elementary School
My goal is to put the Sunshine State junior reader picture books into the hands of my first grade students so that they can be prepared to enter the Hillsborough Media Services SLAM Showcase.
Literacy - 1
posted July 22, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Sheehy Elementary School
The goal of this project is to increase academic success and ownership school wide. Last year Sheehy Elementary was rated a school grade of a D, 294 points with only 25% of our scholars being proficient in reading, 25% proficient in math, and 35% proficient Science. This year we have set ambitious goals of moving our school grade to a school grade of a B, 432 points. While this will take a lot of hard work and dedication, we believe that everything is possible for our scholars if we all work extremely hard. The goal of this project will be to celebrate report card grades and growth, Principal Honor Roll, Honor Roll, Perfect Attendance, and Achievement on assessments in all core subjects. Research shows when students own their data and celebrate growth, they are likely to perform at high levels on assessments and overall school performance.
Character Development - Pre K - 5
posted August 4, 2024
0% Funded
Only $1858 Needed
Sheehy Elementary School
To implement a resilience program to help kindergarten students develop resilience through hard work, assertiveness etc. I plan to use read aloud strategy with reflection questions to check students' understanding of different skills from the book.
Character Development - K
posted August 8, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Sheehy Elementary School
Imagine a world where children are encouraged to think deeply, question everything, and use their imaginations to solve problems. This project aims to do just that by introducing gifted and advanced students in grades 4 and 5 to the power of stories. By exploring the hidden patterns or 'archetypes' found in books, movies, and even real life, we can help these bright young minds develop critical thinking, creativity, and a love of learning.
Literacy - 4
posted January 29, 2025
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Shields Middle School
The goal is to acquire a set of electric guitars, amplifiers and a bass for my guitar class to perform with. This will transform guitar class from an ensemble that can hardly be heard, to one that can keep pace at a pep-rally performance, in the cafeteria as part of a cultural celebration, or on stage performing a variety of musical genres.
Music - 6-8
posted July 15, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Shields Middle School
The goal of this project is to invest in a colored printer for the art department at Shields Middle School. We currently do not have a colored printer to use at our site and all of our copies are printed in black and white. Since we teach visual arts with our main concepts being our elements of art and principles of designs, it can be difficult or unclear to identify these elements/ principles with printed material. Having use of a colored printer will help facilitate instruction in visual art classes as it will provide students with a clear hard copy of material that is otherwise only presented virtually.
Art - 6-8
posted August 9, 2024
0% Funded
Only $614.56 Needed
Shields Middle School
By providing money to buy supplies for many students who are economically disadvantaged to create probability games, students will learn probability in a real-life application. In doing so, will be highly motivated to create project that meets the high expectations of state benchmarks on probability. This will also be open to the community to enjoy and support student learning in a positive environment.
Mathematics - 7
posted September 1, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Shields Middle School
This year we are continuing to offer art as a class for the ACCESS Students at our school. Art can be a very therapeutic and fun experience for children as they explore their own creativity. As educators, it is important to remember that the arts can help students with disabilities in many ways, including: Building fine-motor and problem-solving skills. Enhancing communication and expression. Promoting self-esteem and motivation to succeed.
Art - 6-8
posted September 4, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Shields Middle School
The goal of this project is to acknowledge and reward students for following our schoolwide expectations and showing safety, accountability, investment, and leadership in our school community. Funding will go towards incentives to improve attendance, behaviors, and ultimately academics schoolwide on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis.
Character Development - 6-8
posted January 10, 2025
0% Funded
Only $2000 Needed
Springhead Elementary School
The goal of this project is to increase access to students in grades K-5 to the books that are on the 2024-2025 Sunshine State Young Reader's Associate (SSYRA) book list so that they can participate in the school and district SLAM (Student Literacy and Media) showcase.
Goal 1: The students at Springhead Elementary will have increased access to the SSYRA books.
Goal 2: The students at Springhead Elementary will have increased opportunity to participate in the Springhead School SLAM Showcase.
Goal 3: Students will participate in the HCPS SLAM Showcase per HCPS Media Guidelines.
Literacy - Pre K - 5
posted July 31, 2024
0% Funded
Only $1100 Needed
Steinbrenner High School
1. Foster Creativity and Talent Development: Provide an opportunity for high school students to share their creative writing and artistic talents with a broader audience by publishing their work in a professional-quality literary magazine.
2. Promote Writing and Artistic Skills: Encourage students across the district to practice their writing and artistic skills by submitting their work to the magazine, offering them valuable experience in preparing and submitting creative pieces for publication.
3. Build a Community of Young Creatives: Inspire collaboration and connection among young writers and artists by distributing the magazine and corresponding lesson plans to creative writing and English classes, as well as high school libraries throughout the district.
4. Equip Student Staff with Real-World Skills: Provide the student staff with hands-on experience in project management, publication design, and editorial processes using tools like Adobe InDesign and Canva, preparing them for future careers in publishing and related fields.
5. Develop Leadership and Time Management Abilities: Help student staff build essential leadership and organizational skills by managing submission deadlines, coordinating the editorial workflow, and overseeing the production of the magazine.
6. Expand Participation in Creative Activities: Encourage more students to engage with creative outlets by showcasing high-quality examples of their peers’ work, sparking interest and participation in creative writing and other arts programs.
English Language Arts - 9-12
posted January 27, 2025
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Sulphur Springs K-8 School
My project aims to bring literacy to life for my kindergarteners through interactive, hands-on manipulatives. these learning aids will create a vibrant learning experience, especially for students from neighborhoods like Sulphur Springs, where access to educational materials can be limited. By using these aids, students will have fun and engaging way to learn foundational literacy skills like letter recognition, phonics, and even building simple words, helping them feel excited for reading.
Literacy - Pre K - 5
posted November 5, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Sulphur Springs K-8 School
Currently, 57% of my class recognizes numbers 0-20. With the implementation of tactile learning tools, such as counting cubes, sorting manipulatives, and interactive math games, I expect that 85% of my students will confidently recognize and identify numbers 0-20 by the end of the school year. This aligns with Florida's B.E.S.T. Standards for Mathematics, specifically MA.K.NSO.1.1 and MA.K.NSO.1.2, which focus on number recognition and counting objects.
To achieve these outcomes, I will use lesson plans that integrate these materials into daily math centers. For example:
Lesson Plan:
Objective: Students will use counting cubes to identify and count numbers 1-20.
Materials: Counting cubes, number cards, and sorting trays.
Activity: Students will work in pairs to draw a number card and build a tower of cubes matching the number. They will then count their cubes aloud to their partner for verification.
Assessment: I will observe and record each students' accuracy using a checklist.
Progress will also be tracked through bi-weekly assessments and observation checklists. Although I am not held to meeting the exact expected outcomes, these tools and strategies ensure students achieve measurable growth in number recognition while fostering engagement, confidence, and a love of learning.
Exceptional Child Ed - K
posted January 11, 2025
0% Funded
Only $218.45 Needed
Summerfield Crossing Elementary School
My goal is to be able to provide my students with a variety of art supplies to aid in their development and expression.
Art - K
posted August 4, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Summerfield Crossing Elementary School
My goal is to be able to provide a comfortable learning space on the floor for my students.
Character Development - K
posted September 3, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Summerfield Crossing Elementary School
My goal is to increase literacy and comprehension in my kindergarten students by providing them ELA center activities.
Literacy - K
posted September 3, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Summerfield Crossing Elementary School
My goal is to improve the literacy of my students using parent involvement. This will not only help students who are struggling with reading proficiency, phonics, and other reading skills by finding a way to get parents involved. These kits will help bring families back into the classroom in a different way.
Literacy - 1
posted September 30, 2024
0% Funded
Only $1223.6 Needed
Summerfield Crossing Elementary School
The goal of this project is to increase student interest in reading in order to improve their reading competency levels. The project will focus on 28 first and second grade special education students. Many of the selected reading materials have an accompanying CD so the struggling readers can utilize the auditory and visual benefits of text. The books were selected within the students' Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). The ZPD 'identifies books at the right level to provide the optimal reading challenge without frustration.'
Exceptional Child Ed - K-5
posted January 23, 2025
0% Funded
Only $381.29 Needed
Symmes Elementary School
I would like to host a family engagement night for our school. Students and families will visit our school for food and literacy at night.
Literacy - Pre K - 5
posted August 13, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Symmes Elementary School
The goal of this project is to create a vegetable garden that integrates science education and promotes inclusion by pairing students with disabilities with peer buddies. This garden will serve as a hands-on learning environment where students can explore scientific concepts such as plant biology, ecosystems, and the water cycle, while also developing practical life skills and fostering meaningful social interactions. Through collaborative activities, such as planting, observing growth patterns, and measuring plant development, students will gain foundational knowledge in science and build connections with their peers in a supportive and inclusive setting tailored to their diverse needs.
Science - Pre K - 5
posted December 12, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Tampa Heights Elementary School
I am a media specialist, and HCPS required that I take 6 master's level classes to keep this job. I would like to apply for assistance. Each class is 1600$ each and I would love to continue impacting literacy at my school and through the county.
Literacy - PreK-12
posted September 4, 2024 - deadline March 15, 2025
0% Funded
Only $1600 Needed
Tampa Heights Elementary School
Students will be provided with a comfortable space to complete their work in, resulting in 100% of my students scoring proficient or higher on PM3 in May 2024.
Stem - K-5
posted October 26, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Tampa Palms Elementary School
The goal of my project is to use math and logic-style games during my gifted classes' STEM time to enhance critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and creativity while promoting collaboration among peers.
Stem - K-5
posted October 26, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Temple Terrace Elementary School
My goal is to give every student the opportunity to break down math concepts visually with their kit of manipulatives.
Mathematics - 5
posted August 5, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Thompson Elementary School
To secure funding for establishing a comprehensive Early Childhood Special Education (ESE) inclusion classroom in our kindergarten, dedicated to building strong educational foundations for all learners.
Exceptional Child Ed - K
posted July 15, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Thompson Elementary School
Our goal is to ensure that every kindergartner in our inclusion class has access to the essential learning aids and supplies needed for success. By providing a well-equipped classroom, we aim to foster an inclusive environment where all students can thrive, regardless of their individual needs. We will utilize these resources to enhance learning, encourage creativity, and support the diverse developmental milestones of each child. With these tools, we can better tailor our teaching strategies to meet the unique needs of our students, ensuring no one is left behind. Ultimately, we strive to create a nurturing and dynamic classroom where every child feels valued and empowered to reach their full potential.
Exceptional Child Ed - K
posted July 15, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Thompson Elementary School
The goal of this project is to increase the attendance of 3rd graders at Thompson Elementary School. Attendance is one of the factors affecting student’s performance. This project aims to motivate the students to come to school by getting a reward.
Other - 3
posted July 15, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Thompson Elementary School
To increase engagement, reading comprehension, and vocabulary.
English Language Arts - 1
posted July 19, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Thompson Elementary School
As a Math and Science teacher this year, my goal is to allow the students to experience science in a fun way, along with hands on experiences outside of the classroom.
Science - K
posted July 24, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Thompson Elementary School
To teach our students the importance of learning about American Black History. Students will get a chance to experience the rich cultures of Black History directly at our school. We will have morning show presentations, our annual living museum, and our grand finale of our Black History program. Students will not only be entertained but will have an opportunity to learn about Black History in a fun and kid friendly way.
History - Pre K - 5
posted September 20, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Thompson Elementary School
I am a Varying Exceptionalities (V.E.) ESE (Exceptional Student Education) teacher. The goal is to increase positive student behavior with my 5th and 4th grade ESE students by rewarding students with being able to shop at a 'classroom store' and quarterly incentive celebrations. Students will earn points for positive behavior. They will be able to redeem their points for snacks, prizes, and incentives (like a pizza party). Last year, my students had a total of 51 behavior incidents recorded in Behavior Tracker on Edconnect. These behavior incidents are severe behaviors that are documented. I would like to increase positive student behavior with my students with disabilities so that students learn appropriate positive replacement behaviors. These replacement behaviors will decrease the minor behaviors that lead to severe behaviors. Less minor negative behaviors will reduce the more serious behavior incidents that are entered into Behavior Tracker.
Exceptional Child Ed - 5
posted September 16, 2024
25% Funded
Only $754 Needed
Thompson Elementary School
My ESE PRE-K students need a variety of art supplies to create beautiful, engaging, and educational projects.
Exceptional Child Ed - Pre-K
posted September 17, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Thompson Elementary School
I would like to offer effective instruction in language development by teaching English vocabulary, while allowing opportunities for the students to hear and speak the language throughout the day. My goal for this project is to leverage a student's native language skills as a foundation for learning the new language.
English Language Arts - K
posted November 15, 2024
25% Funded
Only $1030.05 Needed
Thompson Elementary School
The goal is to set the foundation and love for learning amongst my 3,4-, and 5-year-olds.
Literacy - Pre-K
posted December 20, 2024
0% Funded
Only $188.29 Needed
Thompson Elementary School
Thompson wants to Make Lasting Memories for its current 5th grade class while incorporating STEM and Social Studies by visiting EPCOT. This grant will support providing a meal for the students as they embark on a STEM and social studies learning experience. We raised enough funds to support the cost of the trip but not enough to cover the food. By the end of this field trip, students will:
1. Identify key scientific principles demonstrated at Epcot (e.g., innovation, energy, ecosystems).
2. Explore cultural diversity through the World Showcase pavilions.
3. Collaborate in teams to complete an educational scavenger hunt.
4. Reflect on how technology and culture influence our daily lives.
Students will take a pretest using cultural worksheets. They will describe how technology has changed over time and effects our daily lives. What effects ecosystems have on the world.
Other - 5
posted January 12, 2025
0% Funded
Only $1921.7 Needed
Thompson Elementary School
The goal of this project is to celebrate the accomplishments of completing kindergarten. Giving the students a sense of pride.
Other - K
posted January 13, 2025
0% Funded
Only $1799.09 Needed
Thompson Elementary School
As a teacher, I always look forward for my students to have first-hand experience learning. Going outside the four corners of the classroom gives them opportunity to learn more at the same time looking forward on a one-of-a-kind experience.
Science - 3
posted January 14, 2025
0% Funded
Only $1420 Needed
Thompson Elementary School
Students in grades K- 5 will create a work of Art that shows Formal Balance (Symmetry in Math) using geometric shapes and stickers that show Balance, for example hearts, circles, and ovals.
Art - K-5
posted January 27, 2025
0% Funded
Only $1860.83 Needed
Thompson Elementary School
As a science teacher I am always elated to watch my students beam with excitement as they learn about the world.
Science - 3
posted January 31, 2025
0% Funded
Only $550 Needed
Thonotosassa Elementary School
The project goal is to provide additional visuals and resources to help students who receive speech and language services. We want to see these students improve their speech, language, and overall communication skills.
Exceptional Child Ed - K-5
posted January 14, 2025
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Thonotosassa Elementary School
The goal is to have kids increase their performance during speech and language therapy, while also promoting positive behavior throughout the school.
Exceptional Child Ed - K-5
posted January 27, 2025
0% Funded
Only $166.07 Needed
Tinker K-8 School
Students will be encouraged to be nice, respectful students towards each other, adults, and their classroom. Students will develop and master one to one counting/sorting/addition/subtraction skills through tracking their tickets. Students will be responsible for completing homework and communicating with their parents about their school day. Students will also be introduced to the concepts of saving versus immediate spending.
Character Development - 1
posted July 15, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Tomlin Middle School
I am learning my students have a different learning styles. The old fashion way of passive learning is archaic and doesn't work for this generation. They are active learners. In a recent team building activity, I saw my students really benefit from moving around the classroom. Their hands on nature would really benefit from adding one or two rotating white boards to our classroom. We only have one white board in our room, which is covered by a Newline Board. The Newline Board is a great resource but a very expensive one. I want something that is accessible for them to gravitate towards. These two white boards would give the students and I more opportunity to discuss, question, answer and think in class instead of the old passive way. So, I feel having these two boards would really help in the interaction between themselves and myself with guided instruction.
For example, the results from the recent team building activity with the accessibility to move around and use the present materials, I saw 20-30% jump on a recent test. My students are hands on learners from what I am seeing again. I feel they can increase this another 10-20% with dedicated time using these whiteboards under planned lessons throughout the rest of the year and on the EOC Civics Exam.
Social Studies - 8
posted December 17, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Town & Country Elementary School
The goal of the IGNITE project is to enhance STEM education for gifted and Advanced students in grades k-5. To Provide them with hands-on/ Minds-on Experiences to help them grow as innovators, scientists and learners.
Stem - K-5
posted September 30, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Town & Country Elementary School
The Blast Off to Learning project will provide our students with the necessary materials to construct and launch bottle rockets. Through this process, students will explore concepts such as air pressure, force, motion, and gravity. The project will incorporate language development by providing students with vocabulary and sentence frames to describe their observations and findings. By combining hands-on experimentation with language support, we aim to create a dynamic learning environment that fosters both scientific understanding and English proficiency.
Science - 4
posted January 29, 2025
0% Funded
Only $676 Needed
Town & Country Elementary School
Help students in EBD classroom (grades 3, 4, 5) develop proficiency in science, gain a love of science, and improve student science test scores and grades by making them feel like scientists in lab coats.
Science - 3
posted August 15, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Town & Country Elementary School
My goal is for our students in the intermediate behavior support class to utilize a “reset” spot outside our classroom as a safe place to go to take a break. Mindful breaks allow students to take a much-needed break from stress and anxiety in the classroom. The outdoor area will allow students to focus on thoughts and feelings to calm down. Mindfulness breaks can help improve your concentration, creativity, and stress management skills; and become a good habit when practiced. The funding of this grant will provide a metal picnic table to be installed outside our classroom.
Character Development - K-5
posted August 26, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Trapnell Elementary School
The goal of the project is to provide students with more hands-on experiences during math/STEM instruction.
Stem - 4
posted July 15, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Trapnell Elementary School
My goal for this project is to expose gifted students to the power of programming using Sphero BOLT, an advanced round coding robotic ball. This will increase their skills in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM), as well as allow them to express their creative thinking and curiosity.
Stem - K-5
posted July 15, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Turner Bartels K-8 School
To expand student learning in 5th grade STEM. As students will connect to our state standard of comparing and contrasting adaptations displayed by animals and plants that enable them to survive in different environments such as life cycles variations, animal behaviors and physical characteristics.
Science - 5
posted July 15, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Turner Bartels K-8 School
To increase the awareness of college admission requirements and available academic programs. This visit will provide students with an immersive experience of college life, including classroom visits, dorm tours, and hopefully interact with current college students and faculty. This will hopefully eliminate barriers for our students to obtaining college exposure by covering transportation and related costs.
Other - 8
posted January 5, 2025
0% Funded
Only $2000 Needed
Twin Lakes Elementary School
The goal of this project will be to create a safe, multi-sensory space for students to decompress and have an outlet. With the sensory room, the goal is to help reduces the duration of emotional and physical outbursts by 75%. We have roughly 90 students attending our school with sensory and social/emotional needs. These students often will have outbursts and will then struggle to cope with these feelings. Outbursts like this can often take 15 - 30 minutes or upward of 45 minutes. With the sensory room, we hope to reduce this to 5-10 minutes to prevent loss of instruction and disruption of learning.
Exceptional Child Ed - K-5
posted October 25, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Twin Lakes Elementary School
The goal of this project is to engage students in problem solving and design challenges that foster critical thinking skills throughs hands on learning. This project will also reinforce STEM concepts in a creative and engaging fashion.
Stem - 3
posted October 3, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Valrico Elementary School
The goal is to provide students with the opportunity to engage in texts that supplement district provided resources. Storyworks will provide students the chance to rekindle their spark for reading and become better readers by using this student friendly, engaging text centered on topics that are exciting for students.
Literacy - 4
posted July 18, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Valrico Elementary School
The goal of this project is to to engage, enhance, and enrich literacy instruction in my classroom by incorporating a monthly magazine subscription to Scholastic Storyworks. By engaging readers at all levels, I expect to see in increase in reading interest which will result in measurable growth in student reading data.
English Language Arts - 4
posted July 18, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Valrico Elementary School
The goal of this project is to expose young readers to literature that is engaging, culturally responsive, and rigorous. Qualitatively, I'm looking for an increase in the want and love for reading. Quantitatively, I'm looking for an increase in number of minutes spent on reading per student, an increase in student reading data as monitored through statewide assessment, and an increase in genres read this school year.
English Language Arts - 4
posted August 11, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Valrico Elementary School
My project goal is for my students to improve their speech, language, and overall communication skills. By improving these skills, my students with speech and language impairments will increase their articulation, vocabulary, comprehension, and receptive/expressive language skills in order to be effective communicators in the school setting. I work with students with speech and language impairments through weekly therapy services. My students' difficulty with these important areas impact their ability to effectively communicate with peers and adults as well as access their curriculum.
Exceptional Child Ed - Pre K - 5
posted September 16, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Valrico Elementary School
The goal of this project is to help support special education students in the general education inclusion classroom.
Exceptional Child Ed - Pre K - 5
posted September 17, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Valrico Elementary School
This project's goal is for each student to receive a copy of Story Works magazine from Scholastic every other month (6 times a year). The magazine will increase engagement and expose students to high interest grade level articles with current events while aligning to the Florida B.E.S.T. ELA standards. Each issue addresses all areas of the ELA state standards with engaging discussions, activities and digital access to enhance the home and school connection. The goal is to improve students overall reading and writing end of the year mastery of grade level ELA standards.
English Language Arts - 3
posted September 3, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Valrico Elementary School
Our students have been working so hard with their reading. I know that stamina and fluency is a challenge for them. I would like to motivate them ALL by hosting engaging 'Silent Disco' dance party celebrations for students that improvement.
Literacy - Pre K - 5
posted September 6, 2024
0% Funded
Only $1247 Needed
Valrico Elementary School
The goal of this project is to provide a hands-on gemstone mining experience for our fourth graders, following our Science unit on Rocks and Minerals in February 2025.
Science - 4
posted September 11, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Valrico Elementary School
My project goal is to help my speech and language impaired students, grades prekindergarten through fifth, to improve their speech, language and overall communication skills through hands-on, imaginative, and creative play therapy. By improving their communication skills during their weekly speech and language therapy sessions, my students will increase their articulation skills and their receptive and expressive language skills to become better communicators throughout their school day. My students' ability to effectively communicate with peers and adults during speaking situations as well as accessing their general education curriculum is affected by their communication delays.
Exceptional Child Ed - Pre K - 5
posted November 18, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walden Lake Elementary School
To engage students as engineers using the design process while stimulating their creativity.
Stem - 2
posted July 23, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walden Lake Elementary School
My goal is to provide a place in our 3rd grade classroom for students to gather to have in depth discussions while learning objectives and also provide a safe place to share ideas.
Other - 3
posted August 11, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walden Lake Elementary School
My goal is to have a variety of engaging and accessible learning activities aimed at enhancing fundamental reading skills for students with learning disabilities. The learning games focus on improving phonemic awareness and decoding skills through a multi-sensory activities. By focusing on these areas, my project aims to create a fun learning environment where my students can build essential reading skills and achieve greater academic success. I hope to increase engagement and motivation for students in their reading activities.
Exceptional Child Ed - K-5
posted August 30, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Walden Lake Elementary School
The students will have the opportunity to sit together when reading in whole group but also have enough space to spread out.
English Language Arts - 3
posted October 1, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Washington B.T. Elementary School
My project goal is to provide a quality fine arts rich program despite being a split unit. Recently I was split between two schools, and I am trying to mirror some of the supplies that I have at my home school (BT Washington) to make my new split school’s art program just as rich. My split school (Lanier) has been a split unit for several years with the exclusion of last year, so it has many supply gaps (lots of rancid paint and gummed up paint brushes). For my home school, I wrote grants to create an enriched experience for my students that gives them opportunities to explore all different types of art. Also, it has increased their fine arts abilities. Previously, they mostly just drew, now they are skilled at painting, print making, sculpting, clay making, advanced drawing, paper mache, collaging and art journaling. With the extra supplies, I hope to increase my student population’s ability to participate in district and state competitions, just as my home school has gone on to do since I got them additional supplies. My goal is to submit to the HCPS Fine Arts Festival in January, the Florida State Fair Display in January, Nature's Classroom Competition in the spring, and others as well once the details are set for the new school year. I would like to give my split school that same higher arts education, we just need some additional supplies to get this program off the ground.
Art - K-5
posted August 26, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
Washington B.T. Elementary School
The goal of this project is to foster a sense of belonging, self-worth, and inclusivity by ensuring that every student at our school, regardless of their socioeconomic background, has the opportunity to celebrate their birthday in a meaningful way. By creating a culture of celebration, we aim to boost students' emotional well-being, encourage positive social interactions, and enhance the overall school climate.
Character Development - Pre K - 5
posted August 29, 2024
0% Funded
Only $1990.75 Needed
Washington B.T. Elementary School
The goal of this project is to allow my students to practice what they know using alternative tools besides paper and pencil. Currently my class is measuring at less than 50% proficient in reading and math readiness skills. It is my goal that through permanent integration of these activities 80% of my class will reach proficiency. I teach Access points meaning many of my students have developmental delays or fall on the spectrum somewhere. Giving my students the opportunity to learn through games, puzzles, and alternative methods allows them to learn through the avenue of things they love! This will allow my students learning, and independence when practicing their academic skills!
Exceptional Child Ed - K-5
posted October 3, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
West Tampa Elementary School
• The goal of the project is to provide a classroom library for my students. I have been a primary teacher for 18 years of my educational career and I currently looped up with my students to 3rd grade and need a new library.
English Language Arts - 3
posted August 26, 2024
100% Funded
Only $0 Needed
West Tampa Elementary School
Project Goal: Objective for Grant Proposal
We seek to secure $1,400 to acquire charms and rings as incentives to reward students for their Attendance, Behavior, and Academic growth. Our goal is to enhance average daily attendance by 5%, improve academic outcomes on Quarterly Mastery Test scores by 5%, and reduce behavioral incidents by 5% through the implementation of a structured reward system. This initiative will not only recognize student achievements publicly throughout the school year but also foster a culture of continuous growth and improvement. By celebrating successes, we aim to create a supportive and motivating school environment.
Other - K-5
posted September 11, 2024
93% Funded
Only $89.61 Needed
West Tampa Elementary School
We would like to take our second graders to Cracker Country for a field trip in the Spring. The goal of our project is to enrich the academic lives of our students and help to cultivate their learning by immersing them in a historical experience about the state of Florida and helping them to understand economics.
History - 2
posted September 21, 2024
0% Funded
Only $1416 Needed
Williams Middle School
The main goal of this project is to enhance school spirit and promote interactions among students. This initiative aims to facilitate a sense of unity and pride by providing backpacks and 100 T-shirts in varying sizes, each featuring our club’s logo encourage speaking French and Spanish on campus as well as participating in extracurricular activities.
In addition, a field trip to St, Augustine (students contribution) will help our students develop their interpretative and interpersonal skills. We seek to empower foreign language students by providing them opportunity to research and discover by themselves not only the importance of speaking French and Spanish but also the impact these languages have on American culture. We will be able to conduct classroom discussions so they will never be anxious to read and speak anymore. With your support, we aim to create a transformative learning environment, unlock the potential of multilingual learners and foster a brighter future where language barriers no longer limit academic and professional success.
Character Development - 6-8
posted December 11, 2024 - deadline April 11, 2025
0% Funded
Only $1911.5 Needed
Williams Middle School
My goal is to increase student thinking, collaboration and problem-solving skills.
Using a series of teaching strategies outlined in the Building Thinking Classrooms research, I will increase student engagement, collaboration and thinking/problem-solving skills by 20% by the end of the school year. This will be measured using pre and post assessments of on task behaviors and content, as well as comparing the increase in cognitive difficulty of the tasks students are able to achieve.
Science - 6
posted January 30, 2025
0% Funded
Only $231.13 Needed
Yates Elementary School
My goal is to provide my teachers with resources, supplies, treats and gifts so that they can be motivated and feel confident and secure in their ability to improve student literacy rates.
English Language Arts - K-5
posted October 25, 2024
0% Funded
Only $606.18 Needed