Suncoast Credit Union

To provide students the necessary resources and tools to be prepared for college or career applications.

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Preparing Migrant Students to be College and Career Ready

Administrative Center - Collier County Public Schools 
Marlene Dimas 
Wendy Gallegos 
Students Impacted:
August 7, 2023
September 4, 2023


Thank you to the following investor for funding this grant.


A Champion For Learning - $845.00


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Impact to My Classroom

# of Students Impacted: 10

The Senior Migrant Spring Retreat’s goal was to inform and prepare college bound migrant seniors for their college journey. We wanted to prepare students to be successful and not only graduate high school, but also graduate college. There are instances where parents inform the migrant program, or we hear that the students have dropped out of college after their first year. The first year of college can be challenging and students need to know that they have to adjust and persevere to be successful. With that in mind, three guest speakers came to talk to the migrant students that have been accepted or committed to a college. The speakers talked about some of the hardships they may encounter, but no matter what persevere and find a way to graduate. One specifically discussed how it impacted family and how she felt different from others in college due to her upbringing and background experiences. Another speaker was able to discuss the available resources at college and how to seek help. He emphasized that seeking help is not a bad thing. Another speaker discussed how you may not be successful at first, but that doesn’t mean you give up. Always seek resources and your family to meet your goal and graduate. Despite being discouraged with grades and professors, this individual became a doctor. It was a little different than he envisioned, but he found his purpose and achieved his goal. Many students were surprised when a doctor said he failed multiple times and was told he would never be a doctor. The students started creating their action plan and asked questions, some difficult, like how do you tell your family that you want to attend a college further away from home or that you may want to join a club while at college. Students were also grateful for the lunch and snacks that were provided, especially since it was a half day of school. They also like the notebook, book of sticky notes and bag to help them take notes during the retreat and for future use. Many of the students commented that they were glad they attended especially since they almost did not since it was a half day. 

We did have 25 migrant students register, but only 10 attended. After asking the students and calling home, found out that some went to work or had to watch siblings since it was a half day. 

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Goal setting

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Perseverance pays of: True story from a profession


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Asking panel experts questions

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Resources to help start transitioning to post-seco


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College is a whole new world that leads to success

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Reach out to post-secondary school resources


Original Grant Overview


To provide students the necessary resources and tools to be prepared for college or career applications.  


What will be done with my students

Students will be taught on how to construct a resume and helpful strategies/resources. Students will be given strategies on how to write an essay for an application and scholarship. Students are given strategies on how to ask for a letter of recommendation and it's importance. Financial aid options are discussed with students. Strategies on how to manage stress during the senior year and questions on what to ask college recruiters are also discussed during the full day retreat.  


Benefits to my students

Migrant students will leave with a resume and prospective college admission ideas. Migrant students will also have an insight on what is needed to be college ready.  


Budget Narrative

50 students will take need a notebook, pen, and highlighter to take notes. Students will use the post- it notes for questions and think, pair, share activities. Students will be at Migrant College and Career Readiness Retreat all day so lunch will be provided for the students. Water and snacks will be provided for the students throughout the day.  



# Item Cost
1 50 sub meals @ $10.50 $525.00
2 50 composition notebooks $50.00
3 72 G2 Pilot blue pens $92.00
4 48 highlighters $22.00
5 Post-it® Super Sticky Notes, 3 in x 3 in, Energy Boost Collection, Pack Of 24 Pads x 2 $44.00
6 water and snacks $112.00
  Total: $845.00


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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners

Suncoast Credit Union